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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. thelawgoddess said:

    minx said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    "domestic chores" or domestic chores... cause baby... i can break out the feather duster... wink.gif


    you might be able to break it out but do you actually know what to do w/it? evils3d.gif




    SToopid sex toys...still can't figger 'em out...duh



  2. Fence_Sitter said:

    its fence sitter... jeesh... you guys are slow... hellno3d.gifyellaf.gif


    Sorry...i'm too simple to spell korrectly...i just go w/ the phonetic spelling, and that's what keeps popping out everytime i say "fence shitter", damn, meant fence sitter...



  3. minx said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    minx said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    but i guess there are pills for that...


    sweetheart you have much to learn. only men need pills when they get older. women get better with age. biggrin.gif


    that was what i was saying... women want money when men are younger and dont have it... and sex when they are older and get give it... HCL.gif


    what's all this talk about $$$, why can't it just be about sex at any age? evils3d.gif


    want to get married? rockband.gif


    sure why not? but you've got to handle the domestic chores!


    There you go...complicating poor fenceshitter's life...

  4. minx said:

    trask said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    women get better with age. biggrin.gif

    don't you mean, drier?


    trask- only b/c you've become less "interesting" w/age evils3d.gif


    Gawdamn that's funny!!!!



  5. trask said:

    seems to me that when wimmin hit their 30's they're not so much about wanting money spent on them. the one's i hang with just like me for my pleasing personality. yellaf.gif


    So...the sheep flock digs ya??

  6. Szyjakowski said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    Off_White said:

    Sextoys are Aid!


    so are men! yellaf.gif

    women are not aid... hahaha.gif


    So...does that make them "free"??? They most definitely are not free?!?!?!?!

  7. Off_White said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    Off_White said:

    Stefan said:Once again, women in general have to have a relationship to have sex.

    Nope, they've got hands (well, fingers) too, same as Trask.

    among other things ... yellaf.gif


    Sextoys are Aid!


    Plus, they are too complicated for me...i can't figure them out!!

  8. Gotta disagree w/ you...I'm pretty damn simple about what i like, what i believe, what i want and how i think people should interact...


    It should be simple and it can be simple...you are a chick, i'm having a conversation w/ you therefore, it'll get complicated (just kidding there)..



  9. thelawgoddess said:

    RuMR said:


    umm. because life *is* complicated? nervous.gif


    But it really isn't, is it??


    I'm Hungry - I eat

    I'm pissed - leave me alone, i'll get over it

    I'm Horny - Let's get busy

    I need to pay some bills - go to work

    I'm sick of work or [insert whatever]- go climb

    Kids need attention - play w/ them, do what they need

    Wife is acting screwy- Ok, this one is complicated, got me on that one, but it proves my point that the only thing complicated in my life is females...


    Not really complicated, is it????

  10. Off_White said:

    thelawgoddess said:most guys prefer not to say a damned thing. probably because they have no idea what they're thinking. that, or they're just not thinking! evils3d.gif


    Hey, just because the thought range may be narrow, it doesn't mean it's not deep.


    Her: "Are you upset about something?"

    Him: "No, I was just thinking about how to add Eldorado into the Torment-Forbidden traverse. I'm not upset, that's just my alpine climbing face."

    Her: ".....uh,.....okay."


    Yeah...no shit...not everything in my life revolves around her...can't i just blank out????????


    IT'S DAYDREAMING!!!!!!! One of these days, i swear i'll say something like "Oh nothing, just fantazing about Liz Hurley" or something like that...just to get my point across, mind you...

  11. thelawgoddess said:

    RuMR said:

    Why can't chicks be like guys and just say it in black and white???????????????????????????????????????


    you've got to be kiddin' me. most guys prefer not to say a damned thing. probably because they have no idea what they're thinking. that, or they're just not thinking! evils3d.gif


    Oh...don't get me started about that whole thing about "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?"


    If'n i want to tell you i will...duh!!!!

  12. thelawgoddess said:

    RuMR said:

    Why can't chicks be like guys and just say it in black and white???????????????????????????????????????


    you've got to be kiddin' me. most guys prefer not to say a damned thing. probably because they have no idea what they're thinking. that, or they're just not thinking! evils3d.gif


    Well...that's simple isn't it? Maybe simpleminded of guys, but still SIMPLE!!!!



  13. No...I mean when sumpin's buggin' them...or they want something special or whatever...


    I mean guys, they got a problem, they get in your face, let you know and its over, problem solved...

  14. yeah...i agree w/ you...that mind reading crap is just that, crap!!!!!! I mean wtf!!


    Why can't chicks be like guys and just say it in black and white???????????????????????????????????????

  15. Erik...


    you have never seen something so funny as Bob doing Beavis and Butthead imitations w/ a very heavy polish accent...


    I split a gut laughing so hard!!!!

  16. glassgowkiss said:

    RuMR said:

    she's not fat enough for your "polish" lovin'!!!



    high boots on full moon again? where are my velcro gloves? confused.gif


    You've been watchin' beavis and butthead too much again, haven't ya, bob??????????

  17. Off_White said:

    RuMR said:

    I am under absolutely no delusions about thinking I know what my wife thinks or wants...I can not for the life of me figure chicks out...gave up trying a long time ago


    That's the cool thing about this language stuff, you don't have to know what she wants, you just have to learn to ask what she wants. Goes both ways too, its not as if women are automatically better at this relationship stuff. Me, I like it, but what do I know, I've only been married the one time.



    Married once (and still) also...we've had our rows, but its gettin' better...been w/ her for 12 years now...


    Tried that "asking" business once...That was NOT a button to push...Seems she thinks/thought i should know!! So, i have to go about it James-Bond style now, all undercover and what-not...

  18. well that does me a fat lot of good, huh?


    So, not only do you have to know what buttons to push, you need to know when...


    Next you'll probably say that there's some stupid sequence that you have to follow or the whole thing goes kablooey??? Just like the bond movies...


    I give up...

  19. ehmmic said:

    Men think they know what women are looking for... WTF is up with that?



    I am under absolutely no delusions about thinking I know what my wife thinks or wants...I can not for the life of me figure chicks out...gave up trying a long time ago and work on the "button" theory...



    you push this red button --> Bad...Why?...I haven't a fucking clue, just don't push the fricken' button...


    but you push the green button --> Good


    My three and a half year old is currently learning what buttons to push or not push...he's smarter than i am...i'm still figuring those buttons out...(Plus, i'm under the impression that the wife is moving the buttons on the keyboard, just to fuck w/ my head)


  20. erik said:








    John Dunne ALL the way!


    Fat, pasty-white and powerful...


    fp^2 !!!! Man, i'm a freaking chunker right now...this sux...i gotta quit eating!!!!!

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