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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    glassgowkiss said:

    RuMR said:

    Hey bob...


    Body fat ratio not an issue w/ TLG...





    I meant that as in "not a problem", not fat...


    although, in skating terminology, she might consider herself "phat" rolleyes.gif...hahahahahaha...






    damn...can't ever get around that...shoot, even tripped in my elevator shoes on the way to work this morning!!!!!!!

  2. glassgowkiss said:

    RuMR said:

    Hey bob...


    Body fat ratio not an issue w/ TLG...





    I meant that as in "not a problem", not fat...


    although, in skating terminology, she might consider herself "phat" rolleyes.gif...hahahahahaha...

  3. Winter said:

    Anna, go climb.


    Goran's death was tragic, but that incident only relates to you only as a result of your own understandle introspection. You've learned your lessons, now put them to work and enjoy yourself.


    AMEN! thumbs_up.gif

  4. I may be up in squamish fightin' the crowds that weekend...if so, i can pick you up on the way home...you haven't seen my kids yet anyway...nor chris in awhile (don't get any "MILF" ideas... evils3d.gif)...


    Say, you wanna hook up for that weekend?? Watcha got going on over the fourth???



  5. glassgowkiss said:

    i think i am moving to vegas to hunt for some milf. this town sucks.....


    Bob, you idiot!! Aren't you supposed to be hunting euro-chicks by now????? When the fuck you heading to the dolomites anyway???

  6. Cpt.Caveman said:

    There are so many if's and maybe's in everything. You can spin the subject in 360 degrees easily.


    In both mentioned cases I think the victims were doing things they should not have. You can disect it into 500 pieces or just look at the real big picture which is- They should not have been leading those climbs. It's the truth.


    Hauling a body out doesn't make you good at placing pro. So that comment has no value concerning gear climbing. You can fall on a bolt line, down a snow slope, off a knife edge snow ridge - whatever and die.


    Captain...couldn't agree more w/ the fact that both A and G had no business on those routes and, had their belayers said something (assuming they knew, if they don't, its a moot point) G would still be here and Anna wouldn't have freaked herself out...


    You are also right that you or your partner can get whacked on any route out there...why compound the risks...the comment about hauling a body out wasn't meant to imply gear placing skills...quite the contrary, hauling a body out was the result of POOR gear skills...both of those occasions caused me to seriously reconsider climbing...enough to take a break from it...

  7. erik said:

    tho if you dont know what you are doing it matters little what your level of risk is.


    you must know the mechanics of climbing to so it safely wheter you are in excellent physical shape or not....


    sometimes things happen out of your control......



    bingo! Erik gets the prize for the day...if you don't know what you're doing, how can you expect to be able to "assess risk"??? I hope someone who does know would say something...

  8. sorry, but it is that easy, if i think somebody is about to do something and is not conscious of the danger that they are about to engage, i will say something...for my own peace of mind...


    Its a different animal if its a conscious decision where factors have been weighed...i keep my mouth shut and hold the rope...but that is only with someone whose climbing/judgement I KNOW...so that goes w/o saying that they will have considered what they are about to do...


    Death on this planet and in this life is final...




    " dont think that is the belayer's job... if it is... i'm quitting climbing... i am there for my safety... i expect my partners to be honest as per their limitations... me and paco had a good oconvo about this... usually when you get to the bottom of a route... the truth comes out... if you have to sorry about your partner's limitations, you need a new partner... "


    You ever haul someone out?


    That is the most selfish thing i can think of! You'd actually let someone do something when you had knowledge of an impending disaster?????? WTF!


    I hope that if i'm doing something outside my abilities, where my life is in danger, that my partner had the goddammed ballz to say something to me, despite my pride...Then, if i choose to proceed, fine...but to not say something...


    How the fuck would you feel explaining to the family of that person that "Gee, i thought it was a bit beyond him/her, and he/she wasn't all that solid, but THEY wanted the challenge, so i didn't say anything!!"


    That is the stupidest thing that i can comprehend...

  10. my two cents...


    PUT IN GEAR THAT IS GOOD BEFORE YOU PUSH YOURSELF WITH THE CLIMBING...if you do not KNOW that your gear placing is adequate, you'd better stay on TR...and leave the leading for someone who knows whats up...


    I'm not talking about the psycological aspect...i'm talking about physics and engineering...plain and simple....


    and for pete's sake, don't run it out...that is what got Goran killed, shit, some of the gear held so well he broke it...put in more than you need when you are starting, and tons of it right off the belay...you can think of it as stamina training or something to rationalize not being a wuss...I think Retro hit this in another thread...


    And Fence...if you think/know your partner is not up to it...you'd better tell them...


    Ever haul a broken person out? It sucks major ass...I've hauled two people out in 18 years of climbing, not partners, and they weren't killed just injured severely...both times, i had to quit for awhile...its no fun...

  11. Two words + Two More:


    Flaring Offwidth = Spank Fest HAHAHAHAHAHA (i've got some serious respect for Frank Sacher, man that guy was freaking stud)


    No, it was amazing...i soo want to go back there...


    It was crowded as all get out and pretty damn hot, but we didn't wait for one route save Central Pillar Frenzy...It was the best...I can't believe all these years i've been climbing and this is the first time i've made a dedicated trip to yosemite, what a waste...it was a m a z i n g...


    Oh...and i could go on and on about the sportbras...wow...


    and the hand cracks, and the hikes, and the fist cracks...oh, and Nabisco Wall...the shit!!!!


    I'm going back as soon as i can...

  12. iain said:

    wasn't he just talking about climbing that crack on monkeyface. Took a look at that this weekend, looks sick!


    That IS sport climbing...you run up the .12a corner and "fix" the route w/ a bunch of TCU's...they work the same as bolts and you can put them in at chicken spacing!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (just kidding, i'd bring my rack up...you'd plug all of your finger locks if you preplaced the gear(


    So, what did you think of that line, though?? Truly stupendous, isn't it?? And what a position!!!!!!!!! WOW


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