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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. erik said:

    Szyjakowski said:

    bigdrink.gifcongrats.. whos the lucky hussy? bigdrink.gif


    cliche i know!!!!!





    Yeah, i bet you know her...ol' girlfriend....



  2. erik said:

    i get ya shorty!!!


    put i attempt to make a good clean effort, but when the going gets tough i pull through!!! on aid!!


    are you saying that wimmin are the things that help us get through the tough sections, even thou sometimes they seem akward and contrived??? hmmm...............



    Yeah...Like a4 or a5...From what i understand, that shit's supposed to be scary and life altering...that's what chix are in my book, so they must rate out at a4 or harder...


    I have to check w/ my good faustian buddy 666 ( madgo_ron.gifthe_finger.gif) and check, cuz i really don't know jack about aid...


    one of these days i'll learn sumpin about it...time is hard to find though...

  3. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    NO...WOMEN are aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i thought aid was supposed to make things easier!!!


    Yo Erik...so, when was the last time a woman was FREE? NEVER...its always gonna cost sumpin', right? Either, your soul, your ballz, your time, your energy, your money, etc.


    Now, given that argument, they can't be free---> means they are AID! Understand????? wave.gif

  4. snoboy said:

    2 things -


    1) Ask dru.


    2) Get a copy of Central BC Rock.


    3, actually, have fun. smile.gif


    So snoboy...I think you really want to say

    2 things -


    1) Ask dru.


    2) Get a copy of Central BC Rock.


    3, actually, have fun. smile.gif

  5. madgo_ron.gifI'm really gonna beat your hairy goat-toed ass hard, bitch!!!!!!!!!!


    And its 32 hours a week, fuck bag!!!!!!!!! wazzup.gif


    Yeah, i know...pretty soon all i will be able to do is aid climb...and i'm not talking about chicks


    Mini midgets will grow up to kick goat ass soon enuff...

  6. Man...i'd be pissed as all f-ing get out! Especially since she was checking up on it continually and made the purchase w/ the understanding of a specific date that she was leaving...


    And, I'd be spewing to everyone that would listen...Bullshit if you ask me...

  7. marylou said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    Bush in corner on Toxic at Index.


    grabbed that one yesterday grin.gif but really, if you aren't gonna damage the tree, its in... especially in alpine... usually it is in the way and getting around it without touching it makes it harder and contrived... like saying certain holds are 'out' on a sport climb... but if possible i try not to, but if it is there, the temptation can be great especially if you are gripped.


    I think by this logic, pulling on gear would also be considered "in."


    Trees are definitely aid. tongue.gif


    NO...WOMEN are aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Alex said:

    snoboy said:

    Greg_W said:

    Good for you, TLG. Any lead is a good lead when you haven't been on gear for awhile. Hopefully, you are breaking free from the cult of gym-climbing and boltclipping. wink.gif Climb on, girlie.


    She onsighted 5.9 slab above gear a few weeks ago here in Squamish cool.gif, so I'm not too sure what she is worried about. tongue.gif


    So lets see, that would be <calculate> <calculate> ..yup, about 65 cents on the dollar <calculate> <calculate> throw in a little WA state sales tax because Index IS in Washington <calculate> <add> <add> <subtotal>


    ...your Squamish 5.9 is about Index 5.5c.



    Dude...your "exchange" rate is waaaay off...come on!! its at least 5.7 b/c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh...always trying to sandbag at index... yelrotflmao.gif

  9. Yeah...that's him...


    So...you gonna drive down here and park your car at my house or what for that trip to eurogayland???


    I think i might be heading over to ceuse w/ Erik and Marazek in september...

  10. Greg_W said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    i'm going to tell you but you have to promise not to laugh, okay? i led both pitches of ULTRABRUTAL. i know, i know; it's only 5.7 ... and i've led much harder stuff than that, but it's been hard for me to get over the stigma of index. and it was so good for me because the baby steps are really helping me win back the headgame i was losing to at the end of last season!


    ps - i think a better name for that climb would be ULTRADIRTY. winkgrin.gif


    Good for you, TLG. Any lead is a good lead when you haven't been on gear for awhile. Hopefully, you are breaking free from the cult of gym-climbing and boltclipping. wink.gif Climb on, girlie.




    Satan has her soul already...she dreams about the new Pusher hold series!!

  11. jdog said:

    yeah i got another rope gun besides rumr. if he decides not to go for some reason you can be partner. either way hopefully i will still be out there. too nice to be working.


    YOU WENT CLIMBING W/O ME, ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKERRRRRRRRRRRSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prolly used my rack too, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


    I hate being a touron!!!! (NYC is cool for ONE day, but the gunks was good)

  12. Hey Bob...


    Met another Polish climber that knows you while climbing w/ Erik/Cinead and my brother...Les? Funny guy...same sense of humor as you...


    Gunks was fun, but mega hot and sticky (in that east coast slimey, not climbing, way)...Remember why i left virginia now...


    And all of you other F*&^kers, I want you to know that I showed immense hahaha.gifrestraint in not responding to GregW's thread on sport climbing...HAHAHAHAHA

  13. Peter_Puget said:

    Just remember most but not all cool things involve rock climbing.


    PP bigdrink.gif


    Really??? Oh shit, there goes my whole theory of the world... crazy.gif

  14. Matt_Anderson said:

    So I'm building a garage that will be almost totally dedicated to a climbing wall. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty and I'm looking for opinions:


    General background - It'll be about 20 feet deep by about 21 or 22 feet wide with 12 foot ceilings. That’s as big as zoning will allow. Presently I'm planning to have climbing on the left wall (30 degrees past vertical), rear wall (20 degrees past vertical) and right wall 45 degrees past vertical). The 20-degree wall will have the least climbing space because the 30 and 45 degree walls will cut into it. The 30 and 45-degree walls will be the primary walls.


    1) Room between the walls: I’m second guessing the angles on the primary walls because the 30 and 45 degree walls will come together only about two feet apart. This is a problem for two reasons – First, I don’t want to worry about hitting the 30-degree wall if I miss a lunge to the top of the 45-degree wall (and vice versa). Second, the 20-degree wall will not be much fun except for traversing because the top will be so small.


    Anybody have any experience with walls that come together at the top like this? I’d be interested in what their angles were, what their how far apart the tops were and whether worry about hitting the opposing wall was a concern when climbing.


    2) Kick boards – At what angle do you think that a kickboard becomes a good use of space – I presently intend to intent to put a 1 ½ foot kickboard on the 45-degree wall, but probably not on the 30 degree and definitely not on the 20. I’ll have old mattresses with a carpet cover for padding, starting a little bit back from the start of the wall. Since the wall angles may change I’m not just interested in the 3 angles I listed only, but also the cut off for degree that means you start putting a kickboard in. I may wind up having the walls be 40, 15, and 25 from left to right.

    3) Anybody know what the exact angle is on the bouldering wall on the left as you enter the bouldering area at the Vertical World near fisherman’s terminal? It looks about 30, but I’m curious if you think/know if it is a bit more or less).





    Hey Matt...my suggestion would be to NOT put walls on both sides of the gym, but to put one continuous side w/ breaks in the angle and finish it into a roof...Straight angles don't build as much power as an angle break where you have to turn the break...ie. 30 degree to a 45 degree break...causes a lot of body tension to hold on...

  15. carolyn said: Rumr...that potion has to just dry the shit outta your hands in the long run!


    If'n you're worried about the appearance of your hands, try some other sport...god, my hands look gross...like they got in between a meat grinder and a belt sander...COOL!


    Or, you could rub some lotion in at the end of the day...

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