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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:



    I'll actually be up at the upper town tomorrow w/ Ropegun and the venezualan crankster...


    Walk to the edge, man, Jim will be there to guide you. rockband.gif

    break on threw to the otherside evils3d.gif


    But i kinda like this side!

  2. JGowans said:

    RuMR said:Are you Scottish by birth? If so, why are you here?


    Now, your simple answer to my criticisms might be, "Fuck off home to wherever you came from." or some such xenophobic reply, but I do love this country, and just wish that there were some things that we could change. It may be that we'll never be able to change, and indeed, the answer may well be to leave, but that's a shame because it's that very attitude that's causing such global alienation. "Fuck you all cos we're the sole hyperpower and can do whatever the fuck we want. If you don't like it, prepare to meet your maker blah blah blah." I think the educated and globally minded folks of this nation deserve much better than that.


    Hmmm....don't think i EVER said we were perfect...more that we have the best system going so far...but, lets face facts, its made by humans and will be flawed...you have every right to feel the way you do and vote the way you wish...I personally will not be voting for bush...


    I was in manhattan last week and stared into a very large hole in the ground...one caused by rage against this country...My first inclination was that we should have melted that whole goddammed tora bora range into a pile of glowing glass...but guess what, we didn't, and i think we showed quite a bit of restraint...should we have? I don't know...I have mixed feelings over this...obviously, we have pissed off a lot of people...


    Going to war with Iraq i was against...afghanistan i was for...


    I have 2 questions for you: "What exactly would you change about the US system (of course recognizing that there will always be the inherent problems w/ large beaurocracies) and why?" And my second question is this: "Who else on this entire planet is doing a better job of it?"

  3. erik said:

    kiwi it is not americanization....


    it is the anglo xhristain ethic being taught to people....you know the one, where you tell on people, hate others you do not understand and attempt to force your weakass on them so that you can stand above them with a smirk of dominance....


    its really simple!


    Yeah right...that's it, damn, and all this time i thought it was stuff like the Marshall Plan and what not... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  4. JGowans said:

    RuMR said:

    Personally, i think its sour ass grapes...


    We have THE best system on the planet, period. Yeah, we got a lot of problems, but who doesn't? Its still the best and EVERY other system out there is substandard...We are the STANDARD that others measure against...


    Have you read the book?

    No...i haven't...and i'm not saying that we don't have problems...We do...and we also step on a lot of toes...BUT, very few people leave this country for other countries and the corollary to that is a LOT of people immigrate here for a better life...why is that?


    Are you Scottish by birth? If so, why are you here?

  5. Personally, i think its sour ass grapes...


    We have THE best system on the planet, period. Yeah, we got a lot of problems, but who doesn't? Its still the best and EVERY other system out there is substandard...We are the STANDARD that others measure against...

  6. I find screaming my head off does wonders for my concentration! HAHAHAHA


    My very hardest redpoints have been when i've given up and have to climb the route to pull gear down to leave and never return...pressures off and i just climb...

  7. Hey Caveman...


    Maybe you need to switch to your alter-ego personality?


    Just kidding...that sux to get bouted mentally rather than capability...shit like that happens to me all the time, f-ing sux...


    ChrisT said:

    RuMR said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    erik started it! poor excuse for a moderator! hellno3d.gifyellaf.gif


    Both of you! GO TO YOUR ROOMS AND DON'T COME OUT! NO SUPPER EITHER...little brats...


    spray away in the SPRAY section!

    Hey! No backtalking!


    Fence_Sitter said:

    erik started it! poor excuse for a moderator! hellno3d.gifyellaf.gif


    Both of you! GO TO YOUR ROOMS AND DON'T COME OUT! NO SUPPER EITHER...little brats...

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