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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. TimL said:

    Lame. I've left webbing on Iron Horse and have come back latter only to find it missing. Totally pisses me off. It really helps when your fee climbing the thing. My opinion is leave the friggin webbing in place.


    Double lame to the idiot who pulled the pins. I know they are super bomber cause I've whipped on them plenty of times. Don't be surpised if you find a couple new ones, but I have yet to look at the gear on the upper part. If you were going to pull any pins I would pull the lower ones. They are not as good.


    I hate Mundaze.


    What about equalizing it w/ cables and a fast link and then kink the thread???

  2. Ropegun2002 said:

    Security is mostly superstition. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.


    -Helen Keller


    How's 'bout "I'm gonna kill that 85lb shit, even if he can crank?" fruit.gif

  3. Greg_W said:

    Fence_Sitter said:

    eat me mrs. ballard ballard ballard... rolleyes.gifHCL.gif


    Uh, that's Ms.



    Knowing how well you and Ms. Ballard get along...i was shocked you didn't say Mr. Ballard!! You're gettin' soft!


  4. thelawgoddess said:

    iain, shouldn't you get to know a girl a little better before doing something like that? wink.gif


    Don't worry...we are talking about IaXX as in not ever gettin "in"...hahahahaha

  5. 666 said:

    Listen pud. U wussed out one some good aid climbing last time. I bet the gunks was all hip and cool lycra infested fun. Puke yuck!


    Jump up to the plate next time. I heard you're getting fatter with that 30 hours a week engineering doo. pitty.gif


    At that pace maybe you'll be doing some A3 before you know it. Ooh of trade some of your vacation time for a lyposuction bonus hahaha.gif


    How are the mini midgets? cool.gif


    Hey "666" or your other avatars...you have just given your identity away...hahahaha...HAVEaNICEtimeTHISweekend????????????????????????????????????????????




    Oh...and i have to say that yes, there was lots of lycra at the gunks...sport bras as far as the eyes could see...plus it was 95 degrees, so a lot of skin...but, since you don't bat that way, i could see why it bugs you....hahahahahaha

  6. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    CrazyFlattlander said:

    trask said:


    that's right...and a Red Rider if ya can find one.


    You'll shoot your eye out kid!!!



    OHMIGOD that is my all time favorite x-mas movie thumbs_up.gif


    Have to say that movie is up there!!!!!

  7. Fence_Sitter said:

    erik's just pissy cause he has the only g-string that is comprised of an entire 60 meter blue water 10.2 mil... the_finger.gif


    He uses goldline, duh!!!!!!!!!

  8. MisterE said:

    RuMR said:

    wirlwind said:

    for wimmen and aid,some times you need lots of pro, mental and physical,


    A M E N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or is that A W O M E N???


    Rudy, you bein' PC cuz the wife is watching, or was that a pun? boxing_smiley.gif



    Wifey's in bed...depressed...job's got her down...bringin' me down too...so i'm here talkin' to all my loser online buds...so that would be a pun then...

  9. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    Dru said:

    Is heffalump like snuffleupagus? I cannot remember.

    Snuffy is on sesame st. Heffalumps= pooh grin.gif


    Go to bed, muff...you're dreaming now... tongue.gif

  10. MisterE said:

    RuMR said:

    glassgowkiss said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    a beaver ...


    umm. i'm curious -- what kind of sound does a beaver make?

    seattle blows chunks, b-ham rules! just walked back from a pub club. some heavy spray by locals with guest tlg. rudy- you have to blow off the self endorsing, clown punching crowd of seattle and you'll have to move down here. fun, fun fun bigdrink.gif


    There ain't shit in b'ham but hairy armpit chix and moss...i'm staying here...so PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!


    Yeah, that's why Whatcom is the fastest growing county in the state, and Bellingham has been voted #1 best place to move in the country for outdoor types... rolleyes.gif


    ummm sarcasm, rolleyes.gif


    You go where the work is...

  11. catbirdseat said:

    Springboard, at Snag Buttress, Mount Erie. If you use the snag it's 5.7, but way harder without. How much harder I can't say. I was afraid to use the dead tree limb, because I thought it might break!


    Really? Let's forget about this tree shitola and get back to wimmen as aid...much more interesting, if'n you ask me...

  12. glassgowkiss said:

    thelawgoddess said:

    a beaver ...


    umm. i'm curious -- what kind of sound does a beaver make?

    seattle blows chunks, b-ham rules! just walked back from a pub club. some heavy spray by locals with guest tlg. rudy- you have to blow off the self endorsing, clown punching crowd of seattle and you'll have to move down here. fun, fun fun bigdrink.gif


    There ain't shit in b'ham but hairy armpit chix and moss...i'm staying here...so PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

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