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Everything posted by sk

  1. sk


    that is exactly the thought process that is making me fat. I am a hard man at heart and a soft body on the outside damn it all
  2. sk

    Made in China

    that was funny
  3. I think you have the REAL PNWers confused with all the people who have moved here over the past 30 years. the people from here 2nd or 3rd generation shoot straight. but most the people i know who are from here are red necks.
  4. easier than moderate but totally fun was the pioneer route on monkey face. the exposure was great and the intro do jugging lines and a huge free rap made it thrilling beyond all measure. single pitch my fave has to be cruel sister. I still have not climbed that clean but it's awsome. i have the scars to prove it. goal for the far future is Kunza Corner. maybe some day and if not i will keep walking by and thinking it lovely.
  5. sk


    thats too bad. Eating disorders are a real concern for some of us who struggle. i am still working on it.
  6. I can assure you iam just as much a cocky bitch in person as I am on line. i yam what i yam can be damaging to the career though. I have been told that i would be able to move ahead if i lived in a larger city or in the north east. but i just dont fit in here.
  7. sk


    it is not that i dont like to eat. I LOVE TO EAT. too much. it is a drug for me as much as booz is for others. but i can't just walk away from food. when people use AA to quit drinking they learn to avoid temptation. I can't avoid so i have to learn some other way to moderate my food intake. My momma was bulimic and dieted constently and my dad didn't really eat. i learned bad bad food habits. I am at 152lbs right now. at 5'5" that is more than i want to weigh. I miss being able to work out all the time and i miss my muscles.
  8. YAY i totaly need some schwag
  9. sk


    I am heading back in to therapy myself(this very evening). not for bulimia but i have struggled with eating disorders in the past. with all of the upheaval in my life due to other health issues, the food thing has become an issue again. i think for some people food is the drug of choice. if i could just not eat and not die, i think i would be okay.
  10. i just threw up a little in my mouth. you are mean
  11. why i do believe i have an admirer
  12. sk


    I hope this questiong was in jest. If you have to ask for reals, your thought processes are already messed up enough you may want to consider seeking therapy. eating disorders are no joke.
  13. sk

    little league

    I know *snif* thats why my life is over at 35. it doesn't look like i will ever be able to climb again. (yes i am whining)
  14. maybe they were just at the gym?
  15. sk

    little league

    Thing 1 played soccer in kinder 1st and 2nd grade. it wasn't as bad, but he was a totaly a daisy picker and parents and the coach mentioned on several occasions that maybe he shouldn't play. I think it may be the area we live in.
  16. sk

    little league

    so true. one of the things that we learned, by not being the best and not ONLY having the best players on our teams was that it is okay to fail sometimes, and that you will servivie not being the BEST and perfect at everything. that you can have fun and not be great at something and that there is room for everyone on a team. no one loves to lose. but i would rather lose and play fair and be inclusive than win and be a dick.
  17. sk

    little league

    you are so lucky!!! our season started bad last year when Thing 2 had to Try Out to play ball and then while trying out he was playing catch with a kid who's parent called him over and told the kid to go outside and come back in so he could get somone else to play catch with cus my kid was making him look bad. it is a good thing i was not there. I thought my kid played great. he started to understand the game, he was motivated, followed the coaches instructions, hustled all season and even hit a few balls. I was really proud of him. I could have killed that coach. now Thing 2 has NO interest in playing sports at all and he is actualy fairly athletic.
  18. sk

    little league

    we did base ball with Thing 2 last season. I hated it. I have never spent so much time so angry and frustrated with adults that i don't know in my whole life. the parents were creeps and the coach said that we need not apply this year becuase my kid wasn't good enough to play Babe Ruth baseball. and if he wanted to continue he might want to consider a lesser leauge... that was the end of our involvement in organized sports
  19. It's on the calendar. I am so there and bringing Thing 1 and Thing 2. I will be there early to claim a chair... xoxoxoxo muffin p.s. I think i have the right day this time so i don't miss it!!
  20. Funny, I paid taxes which educated "other people's" kids before I had kids in school, and will be paying for "other people's" kids in just a few years. Ditto for medical care of others. And I'm sure I've kicked in more than my fair share over the years, since I've always paid income and payroll deduction taxes. And I'm coughing up at least $1000 a month for insurance, but hey, keep pretending that YOU pay for MY kids. I assure you that I pay significantly more taxes than you do. But that is beside the point. Why would it seem like I am "pretending" that I pay for your kids, but you feel justified in saying that they will support me when I am old? Can you see the problem there? wont it be the children of today who pay your social security, medicare and medicade? we are certinly paying for our parents generation now. the problem being, their generation out numbers ours drasticly. because they had fewer children it will be a significant strain on the economy when all the boomers hit retirement. Muffy, have you looked at what SSI pays? My answer to your question (the same I answered to K3) is no, I do not expect to rely on SSI. I save more than 20% of my income every year in preparation for retirement and have done so for a long time. I have no plans to ensure my care to the hands of strangers with a system that may not be there when I am old. I was raised to believe that I must take care of myself. I have done so since I was 16 and I plan on doing everything in my power to be able to continue to do so until I am 116. my parents have done well for themselves and have retired. they will still need to use medicade and medicare despite the fact that they are both vets. becuase the cost of medical insurance is astronomical. i hear what you are saying and i am working hard to follow in your footsteps. I am saving now as i don't believe SSI will even exist when we retire. however, i firmly beleive that we have an obligation as members of this society to pay taxes to fund our government. Part of that money goes to public education at this time. If you don't think that is a good idea I would hope that you run for office and work at making that change. out of curiosity, did you go to public school?
  21. Funny, I paid taxes which educated "other people's" kids before I had kids in school, and will be paying for "other people's" kids in just a few years. Ditto for medical care of others. And I'm sure I've kicked in more than my fair share over the years, since I've always paid income and payroll deduction taxes. And I'm coughing up at least $1000 a month for insurance, but hey, keep pretending that YOU pay for MY kids. I assure you that I pay significantly more taxes than you do. But that is beside the point. Why would it seem like I am "pretending" that I pay for your kids, but you feel justified in saying that they will support me when I am old? Can you see the problem there? wont it be the children of today who pay your social security, medicare and medicade? we are certinly paying for our parents generation now. the problem being, their generation out numbers ours drasticly. because they had fewer children it will be a significant strain on the economy when all the boomers hit retirement.
  22. i'm in a teacher's union and it isn't anathema to me to see higher pay for jobs that are actually harder to fill - that seems like straight market economics to me - if you wanna reduce my pay so you can pay a math teacher more though that will be pissing me off, as well as insinuating that what i teach (social studies) is less valuable that math/science in the grand scheme of things. Seems like that's what would have to happen eventually if supply and demand ever factored into teacher salaries. Maybe not straight off the bat, but when you are taking the funds out of the same pot - eventually someone with a BA in English is going to top out at a lower comp level, or get a smaller merit increase - and that money will be landing in the hands of the folks with the more valuable (in the strict economic sense) qualifications. Knowing what I do about the respective difficulties associated with securing a degree in the hard sciences, versus securing a degree in the humanities (did both), I think I'd be pissed off if the guy with the degree in English was making the same amount of money that I was. Is there even such a thing as a "weed-out" course in English programs? Seems like taking the money out of administrator pay, or cutting the number of administrator's would be a politically acceptable way to get beyond the "fairness" impasse.... All this "English Major" bashing is starting to piss me off...so of course you know now what I studied! There were PLENTY of "weed-out" courses...ever taken a course in Post-Modern American Poetry? A little Ezra Pound? Read much Thomas Pynchon or DeLillo? Writing critical theory abstracts?! Puh-lease! Though I will grant you that most of those were electives, not required, so I guess one could get an English degree without going taking courses like "Chaos Theory in Literature" like I did. My only point is, please stop bashing the English Majors! Some of them (like me) are really good at math/physics too!! I would agree with your point about administrators however... No bashing intended. However, the reality is that it'll take the average person far more time and effort to get a degree in the hard sciences or engineering than it will for them to get a degree in either the social sciences or the humanities. perhaps it is that the social sciences and humanities are more intuitive for most people. I didn't stay in college long enough to declare a major. I am planning to go back though. I think i know what i want to do with my degree once i get it. however sometimes when i read about what is going on in schools, it makes me want to suck it up and get a degree in geology or biology so i can teach. p.s. Rumr if it makes you feel any better I had a majorly shitty day at work today.even the best job can stink to high heaven some days.
  23. Little Wing... the Concrete Blonde cover of the song.
  24. there is this place in the working world where you get a decent wage and are not too responsible. I am living there right now. once you get past that point you are past it and your life is work.
  25. I sorta fell into my job and i totaly love what i do. it isn't rock star type work but i feel satisfied when i have helped someone or corrected a situation.
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