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Everything posted by sk

  1. click muffy's new commuter
  2. AWSOME!!! I am looking forward to it!!!
  3. WTF?!?!? Are you just an asshole, or what? i am, but perhaps you missed the context? - poster before said its common for folks who engage in a dangerous occupation to discuss the details of another's disaster in such a way as to reassure themselves that similiar things couldn't happen to them - i was agreeing. i prefer to think of myself as immortal and incapable of error, though i fear in the back of my mind i'm just as susceptible as the unfortunate folks in this disaster. you are and thats one of the reasons we love you here I hate when i come to visit cc.com and find a story like this. it is a reminder of how precious and fleeting this all is. brings thoughts of Jim Anglin to mind. Funny I know that Jim did not invent the quote, he never claimed to, but in my mind it is him and when it was used in KungFu panda i wept like the little girl i am at heart. "The past is history, the future a mystery and today is a gift. thats why we call it the present." peace to all involved, those who remain and those who have gone.
  4. sk

    salsa or guacamole?

    You serious? You got the tomato bug? Might want to mosey to the clinic for a little IV H2O. I am not sure if it was the tomato thing or not but i was sick as all hell for 2 days. me and my hunny both. we had romas in our salad but who knows...
  5. sk

    salsa or guacamole?

    totally... been curled up with the porcelain goddess for the past 2 days. if i have to be miserable it better be for a damn good reason.
  6. thanks for clearing up the difference in the rock.
  7. you are always welcome here my dear!!!
  8. sk


    why is that? becuase he saved 4 lives? jeez last i knew saving people was something to be revered. i thought that kid did just about the most giving thing he could do.
  9. I second the mom advice C. better safe than sorry, especially with knees.
  10. 8D :kisss: yes that would indeed be love.
  11. Russian... Also, WTF... German OR Russian? Those languages sound totally different. yep they are. but there is something similar in the intonation. I couldn't hear well enough to pull out any words. I knew for sure it wasn't a romance language.
  12. :kisss: thanks Off
  13. And it isn't much cheaper than driving. I attempted knitting this winter and nearly dropped my needles at the yarn-store cash register when I saw that it would costly me nearly twice as much to BUY the yarn to KNIT the damn hat as it would if I just bought a hat that WAS ALREADY MADE. WTH? To top it off, the hat came out bigger than the actual size of a human being's head. Guess that takes care of this year's white elephant gift at the Solstice party. some people like their hats big and floppy!I sware it!! :kisss: knitting for me is all about the artistic process. I am already trying to figure out how to make sweaters i design in my head. I feel really lucky to have an awsome knitting guru. i would not say i am good, but i love it. and yes it is another expensive hobby 8D i made a baby blanket in the fall that cost me 70 dollars and 2 months to make. in the store it would have been way way way cheaper.
  14. http://www.mspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=petowners_Living_with_Pets_Home_Insur acording to this labs are often on that list as well. go figure
  15. sounds german or russian. i can relate to what would bring someone to that point of frustration and anger.
  16. I would like to think that the expensive gas prices will make me think twice about driving anywhere. but so far it hasn't. i have even been to smith in the past month or so. it was AWSOME. and i didn't even climb cus i still suck too bad to get near a rope. but it was so fun to hike around with my old climbing partner (who was here visiting) it was totally worth the money to sniff sage. oh and Raindog, knitting is way more punk rock than scrap booking. so far this winter i have made 2 hats 2 scarves and i am truing the heal on my first pair of socks.
  17. sk


    okay that just made my whole day. Hey RedMonk... take is easy buddy, keep your head down and your ass out of (too much) trouble.
  18. sk

    Wow, The Obama Speech

    now you're kidding right...ya know, the whole 22nd amendment thing and all? uhhhh ....22nd....uhhh, which one.....hmmmm...ahhh... "thou shall not covet thy neighbors ass"??? uhhhh Help a bro out here. yep thats the one
  19. from what i hear State Farm makes a point of not discriminating against any breed. Even American Staffordshire terriers.
  20. or you do the appropriate thing and put the dog down. period. half the problem is that people ARE too emotionally attached to their animal or not attached at all. I do love dogs more than people, however if i do find myself with an aggressive dog who bites any one, i will be completely wrecked but i will have the dog put down. Just like you have to kill a farm dog once they start killing sheep or chickens. just like if my child killed someone i would see them go to jail. (i would have my dog put in jail if i thought it would understand what it meant, but i think that it is more humane to put the dog down than to chain it in the back yard) the problem with dogs and children is people who run around with the "my___________ would never do such a thing" swirlfoot is exactly right in that dogs need to understand their place in the pack. with out pecking order the animals and children are lost and out of control. this is one of those arguments that can never be won becuase there is no "right" only a collection of personal opinions and experiences. back to the original point about folks who take their dogs or cats or monkeys (i have seen all of the above) to the crag... your rights and your animals rights only extend so far as they are not interfering with someone else's rights. so if you dog is barking at night or at the crag or shitting in someone else's yard or biting or doing anything that is crossing that line, then you need to change your behavior and your dogs behavior.
  21. I was going to mention that. I have read that it has to do with what dog is a populare breed at the time. in the 70's it was Dobies who were the killers. What i have heard is that it is the massive inbreeding and over breeding that can happen when certin breeds are populare. thats why mix breeds don't seem to have the same issues.... After reading that link this is what it is clear that the paper was writen with an agenda. I do believe that Bully breeds require breed specific training. They are not just like labs or other dogs. but then labs require differnet training than poodles.
  22. wow just on the first page chows have more bites than every one of the bully breeds add husky great dane and german sheperds to the list of dogs hwo bite more than bully breeds the pit bull terrior is far and away the worst of the bunch. however i still think it is more the pepople than the dog. if you look at the pitbull boxer mix it is so low it doesn't even show up on my raidar. and that was the dog i was looking at over the weekend.
  23. I am not arguing the statistics. I do realize that there are more attacks by the dogs you metiond. I believe the reason to be that those dogs are bred and kept by people who train them inappropriately not that there is something inharrantly wrong with the breed.
  24. Is a lion more dangerous than a tabby? that goes back to your toy poodle. I gave an example of comperable size.
  25. I get really tired of this BS. Bully breeds are more dangerous. Glad someone called BS on this BS. Pit bulls are definitely more dangerous -- statistically. Google it. Think about it, Muff -- they are a more powerful dog, so, assuming that ALL dogs have the same propensity for violence (an unfair claim, but let's assume it), then a more powerful dog is by definition more dangerous. Duh. What is more dangerous? A pitbull, or a toy poodle? You're saying a pit bull isn't more risky than a toy poodle -- not even a little bit? Sorry muff, but you know it's true. what i am saying is that a pit bull has no more propensity for attackign and killing anything than any other dog of comperable size. A toy poodle could not likely hunt and kill meat and provide for it's self. a boxer or mastif or pit bull or husky or malmute or lab could. you all are stuck on pit bulls. pit bulls have a horible reputation BECAUSE of what people have trained them to do. I don't think i will be training any dog i have to fight, nor will i be beating the shit out of my dog on a regualre basis. the dogs you read about are killers becuase they were trained to be killers. it is not often that any dog pit bull or other attacks and kills with out provocation. I don't have to google it, I already have. I have read both sides of the issue. have you?
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