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Everything posted by Off_White

  1. It must not be true then, Google would never lie.
  2. (Insert nasal voice) But Snooowwwwboyyyyy, that's the basis of this whooooole threaaaaad.
  3. j_b, yes I saw those, excellent eye candy. You took those on a flight? I'm so jealous, thanks for sharing.
  4. Dude, Donkeypunch is so flatlined that it doesn't even show up in the user list anymore. Just pull another one out of your quiver of Avatars and move on.
  5. Is this tenacity the source of your alpine successes Dru? You're not the only person to have posts deleted around here, so you really shouldn't feel singled out for oppression. Time to let go of the precious and move on, this constant petting of your peevish disgruntlement can't be good for your health, and its becoming a wee bit tedious out here in the peanut gallery. Do you honestly feel that you had important input to the Rainier (disputed) Speed Record thread that was removed, or are you just upset that your quips were yanked? I doubt the initial action was at all personally motivated, but as you and Mattp continue to thumbwrestle it becomes much more about dominance, and Mattp has a certain degree of license to run his route report forums as he sees fit. I think he's doing a pretty good job, and most folks acknowledge that different standards pertain to different forums, its not that big a deal. Time to move on. Yes, the guidelines are a little arbitrary, and dependent on the mood of a given moderator on any day. Its like that cop that pulls you over for a minor infraction: maybe he'll just ask you to slowdown, and maybe you'll have to stand outside with your hands on the car while he calls for backup. Seeing as how you're not given to making serious violent threats, posting pornography, or advocating pedophilia, its unlikely you'll feel too restricted here in Spray, or even in Climbers Board, where I confess I prefer things to be more polite than in Spray. Out of your almost 10,000 posts, how many have been removed? As many as 10? Anyway, I enjoy most of what you post, and I hope you get over this brouhaha pretty soon.
  6. Perhaps you two would prefer to take your little hobby to some file sharing chatroom...
  7. AK, you crack me up
  8. You're just like Mike Strassman who once put out a guidebook to an area on Mt Lemmon that included names and grades for routes that hadn't even been tried yet.
  9. "Put it on a plate son, you'll enjoy it more."
  10. Matt: I believe the son is now 20, and did a route in India with Roskelley when he was 16. That said, it would indeed make me anxious. I experienced some of that taking 18 year old son up N Ridge Stuart for his first alpine climb. Roskelley was also on the Nanda Devi expedition when Willi Unsoeld's daughter died up high. I sincerely wish him better luck. Pindude's spelling correction enacted
  11. Sell tickets and split the take, then the two of you could go on one hell of a bender.
  12. Off_White


    You mean "sexual chocolate is a pretty big man weighing in at a hefty 352 pounds" isn't true? Damn, I was already to do the write up for Hot Flashes: Leviathan climbs 5.13!
  13. Off_White


    I dunno, Caveman has more entries, but they both have some real winners. I love the almost random astrological aspect of this thing. I mean, sexual chocolate is always on the prowl underneath a disco ball? You almost can't write shit that good on purpose. I do think that "Dru" won for most off the wall. I'd never have guessed that you have more links to pornography than "Sexual Chocolate."
  14. Everybody spraying about aid climbing in the rain made it sound like a good idea, huh? Glad to read about it as a first person report, hope the anesthesia helps.
  15. Of course, now he's removed them and inquiring minds want to know! Well, maybe not...
  16. In a new strategy announced today in the effort to sway the UN Security Council to support war in Iraq, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer announced that John Ashcroft would sing to the UN Security Council until they agreed to the new resolution supported by the US and Britan. John Ashcroft Sings!
  17. Off_White


    My, this is a great timewaster. Thanks Dru. off white is the most thermally efficient colour in the colorbond® steel range off white is almost totally concerned with persona off white is hard to define off white is creamy to almost egg shell colour off white is 15 points off white is natural color of egg approximate size 6x41/2 $10 off white is a set of funky off white is only available with off white satin and off white trim off white is what i can't wait to buy them in off white is active as a cardigan off white is ineligible off white is the best choice off white is a highly valuable contribution to the debate off white is etching primer and the white is regular primer off white is high off white is the hot rod engine originally from trusty rusty that was intended to last off white is ambiguous you know off white is allowable on the chin off white is brown off white is the fragrance of golden delicious off white is the fragrance of cinnamon latte off white is white paint off white is usualy best off white is fitted with a flower pot that sits inside the opening off white is showing near the off white is hand made in high quality off white is an editor of a major metropolitan newspaper off white is standard off white is 3108 off white is worn well by almost everyone
  18. Off_White


    Power poles, they're already dead. Palm trees were nice for it in San Diego too
  19. Off_White

    name that peak

    What's up Iain, too pi-ous for a little punning?
  20. Off_White


    Is that the backstory on your gallery pic with the shiner? Did you manage to stay on the climb after doing that? Ouch.
  21. What, from Trask's spawning grounds??!!!
  22. Off_White

    name that peak

    Are you suggesting I should shut my pi hole?
  23. Off_White

    name that peak

    Oooh, clever clever Pope, he said "near the Canadian border" to fool us into thinking it was on the US side of that border. But no, the Pillar of Pi is not ours to claim. Nice looking bit of stone though.
  24. Right, and they made their forgeries inept so that when they got caught they could claim it was too lame to be perpetrated by them, so the administration (adminshtrashun in Bushspeak) could have plausible deniability built into the whole deal. Wheels within wheels my friend, trust no one.
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