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Everything posted by ivan

  1. sure have but no, ain't heard of anybody other than me messing w/ it after you (though that don't mean shit) - might help if the guide mentioned the pro was all bathooks
  2. that's the ticket
  3. race is a fantasy of the human imagination, a product of the perfectly natural tendency to perceive the world in terms of "us vs them" - race, like the equally frivolous concept of the soul, exists in our heads, not in our dna is it then possible to lie about something that's not real in the first place?
  4. what an awesome vid he looked pretty happy up until the end
  5. ivan

    faggoty book read'n

    seems like it should, but if you've thrown angelina jolie's (pre-surgery) tatas at the problem w/o result i guess not (kinda like "the hitch-hikers guide" in that respect)
  6. would you, conservative professor, care to give us a careful treatise on the true definition of white?
  7. powerful n' not powerful? something vaguely comic about a race-definition debate w/, at the center, an organization using "colored" in its title, no? i'm happy to just go by "human," and have done w/ the whole thing, though even there, there be dragons
  8. ivan

    faggoty book read'n

    the movie they made out of "eaters" just wasn't up to snuff, but then, no attempt to adapt beowulf to silver screen ever has been...
  9. mr smiff's my parting message every year to my seniors, though yes, by then their attentions are 10-ways to sunday - they'll get it someday - in the meantime, graduation's in 2 hours a fine test-piece for all our gutter-snipping here, really - ole jimmy stewart was a die-hard conservative, yet shone most brilliantly in films that sung w/ liberalism...
  10. i'm just waiting for a street-car
  11. sent you an email ole'boy - would be nice to do soemthign w/ you down south this summer, something to make men faint and shy person's pass on
  12. ain't we all from Africa ultimately?
  13. fire you say?!? [video:youtube]
  14. politics 101: "politics is war w/o bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed"
  15. 6/11 - day 14 - seniors on the wing, graduation goes off tomorrow - an easy day of dispensing w/ the care-taker tasks before summer - practice walking w/ a pack of restless fools out to beacon for the big what-have-you - pulled in for some soloing-aiding on the soup aforehand - salvaged me some russki steel on the first pin - nastia says she's american, but her 'biner color-scheme is still solidly russki sudden politicking w/ suds out in godfirsaken stevenson - a good bit of the brethern assembled - lords know what will lay as a result, but let's not worry about that on the cusp of summer - a long orbit back, w/ a big semi-wreck sending my addled self of a disastrous detour ah, the simple time of summer is soon
  16. they're not doing it right
  17. did I see a tramp stamp?
  18. clean up in aisle 3
  19. any route w/ a continuous crack (n' no crowds to be pissed at you) is good, the steeper the better reckon the regular route on colchuck balanced would be a servicable back-country option, if'n you felt real ready for it...
  20. don't know nothing'bout no removable bolts, if'n that's what you mean da google tells me the things are fuck-all expensive though - i'm just looking for a hunka cheap, old fashioned iron
  21. I gotta pair of talons actually, and put'em to good use last weekend linking multiple holes between bolts, just wanted to find something even more confidence inspiring
  22. I've done it as a pure clean climb (C1) - 1st pitch is a free climb, 2nd n' 3rd pitch was some gear and some cheat-sticking I recall. I did manage a nice fall when my original cheat-stick cross-loaded the biner n' broke it w/ my body-weight a rare tr for me, it appears I actually put some useful beta in it for abraxas: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1040853
  23. a climb w/ wine can only be fine
  24. phine photo-graphy
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