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Everything posted by ivan

  1. congrats n' condolences "wise sir do not grieve for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark"
  2. hoping to be out there in the very early a.m. wensday w/ the hund, steve - come on out and bring the climbing bong
  3. so long as it's replaced w/ a bolt ladder i'm happy
  4. da'lright, i'm shoving off - see you damn sissies on the other side
  5. 'least bill maher don't lie 'bout being a druggie, nor does his prefered solution for any possible situation involve promoting a greater level of human misery how many dystopian scenarios involve a bill maher character? how's rush not straight out of 1984?
  6. plus he's...like...a GIGANTIC asshole pretty much just like this guy...
  7. if you can concur rush is a clown, i'll reckon that conclusion enough...
  8. practical example of the silliness of trying to suss out race? http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/06/18/us-dna-remains-kennewick-idINKBN0OY2CL20150618
  9. limbaugh, span of satan, is conservative n' you 2 fellers are pretty clearly in the conservative camp, so where's the offense? while i'm no jimmy carter, i can't complain that much if'n i get compared to him
  10. ole-allpy-k got so sweet after his near-death event its curious to see him as anything other than blue-bird kind these days...
  11. besides, oly's pretty much everybody's buddy, so him sticking up for them is mostly like sticking up for the whole human race
  12. ummm...like...isn't that human nature? explains why no one round here's that hepped-up about them gosh darn syrians
  13. hopefully it's not bum wine that night-train's a mean ride...
  14. fuck elon, i'm voting the strait oly-ticket this elegant fall
  15. the worst thing is i have to sit around all day n' smoke weed n' drink wine n' wait
  16. oly just likes to make the funny off to yosemite in the mornign bois, sure hope this thread picks up some speed over the next month
  17. it's the royal "they?"
  18. The woman in the photo above is at minimal risk for being shot dead. The woman in the photo below is at much higher risk for being shot dead. In America, by police. she's more likely to be shot by space-rangers - this lady has more to fear from earthling-cops
  19. would the members of milli-vanilli get slack for claiming they were white? fuksakes, what color do you claim when you're Hawaiian and contain fairly equal parts Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, English, pacific islander, etc? Christ, who cares if'n it ends up meaning you look like this?
  20. I'm quite certain my ancestors humped everything that ever moved, and probably quite a few things that didn't
  21. if you don't like the guy in charge, don't you actually want him out golfing as much as possible? seem's straight out of a Thomas paine dictum, no?
  22. should everyone who claims to have a soul be punished when it's clear bullocks they don't?
  23. should india not protect those perceived as "untouchable," even though of course no one is born as such? i'm not sure what's the best way to protect those marked by a non-existent stigma - i do know the french take the approach you refer to, though i can't imagine any dog-fearing conservative could stomach imitating the surrender-monkeys isn't any white-boy who raps committing essentially the same offense?
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