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Everything posted by ivan

  1. Yes, which seems to imply that policy reforms (besides more policing of the border) are needed to address the weapon supply aspect of the problem. my point is that any attempt to deal w/ the drug problem short of some form of legalization is inane - gun policy, border policy, enforcement policy - silly, silly, silly - the total ban creates an immense and absolutely irresistible economic vacuom that all the money and cops and gun-bans in the world won't be able to prevent from being filled, but will, in the attempt, produce endless corpses and corrupt/despotic governments
  2. Aren't we also responsible for the weapons trade that enables these gangs to outgun the police? uh, isn't that pretty much what she said?
  3. for zepellin, i prefer "boogie w/ stu"
  4. dude - tvash is ex-cia-green-beret-navy-seal material, dontcha know? i'd be a fool to take him on! anyhow, i do tr's when i go to the liquor store, so he'd have no chance if'n i was feeling like i had something to defend that said, pat, dude, we gonna climb this weekend? maybe we can split the tr and have 52 1/2 each?
  5. absolute must listen to for you then tvash - cops is funnier than shit, w/ the properly bent-out philosophy of life you so cheerfully maintain - bill hicks, another dead hero! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qNLJIIXj3U
  6. no, if we legalize drugs we'll need him to stimulate the economy!
  7. i knew i didn't like this obama-feller!
  8. if i had a penny for everytime i drove a woman to climbing walls...
  9. the only good marmot...
  10. she might be a stupid bitch, but she has a BILLION dollars and you don't (ha, ha!) for some reason i don't feel so threatened by her - maybe it's b/c i know i could take her?
  11. so what, if anything, can be done to achieve a critical mass and stop this insanity? reagan's drug war is soon to enter its 3rd decade. why isn't there more international pressure? why don't the mexican and columbian governments in particuliar scream out against it?
  12. joe liebermann thinks it'll get better if we just spend more on border guards
  13. i can't review this whole thread, but did nekkid-hotel-room-climbing-girlfriend ever make an appearance?
  14. so did this thread fix that slow folks getting on outer space problem?
  15. nice to see us accepting the responsibility, now why don't we do something about it? the last thing giant criminal drug-cartels want is the for their lucrative trade-item to be legalized - if we really want to destroy them and end the murder of cops and civilian bystanders and the corruption of local, state and national governments in damn near every country in the western hemisphere, why on earth would we NOT want to do just that? legalizing all drugs certainly won't suddenly make the world a perfect place, it won't be a hippy-paradise, and surely there will be problems w/ addiction and under-age use, but how could they be worse than now? and certainly the other problems mentioned above will be improved, not to mention an increase in tax reciepts on the sale and the elimination of a very costly enforcement/incarceration system? if this idea can't gain traction in these economic conditions, when could it?
  16. the less a man makes declarative statements the less apt he is to look a fool in hindsight... ...but then i've always been a fool i got 5 weeks free n' clear from the fam this summer and many, many ambitions, and not all of them in war-shington
  17. nice - this sure is the philosophy i'm counting on this summer! i figure so long as the smokes don't run out...
  18. ivan

    Why me?

    that was y-day dawg - this is kev's unbirthday today, so feel free to be rude as phuck!
  19. i've climbed the north face in april, i'd think may and certainly june (yikes!) would be pushing it but it's the temps that matter (and wind, as i found on my january trip) - don't go anywhere near those fucking gullies when the conditions are sending down shrapnel - you'll run like a little bitch, just liek me (unless you're deeply retarded ) i'm assuming you're looking at doing the n face gullies - if jus the cooper spur, then no worries and that can be done w/ little problem so long as its not too melted out (but usually into july)
  20. ivan

    Special Olympics Joke

    and speaking of opinions, its a sign of ya'lls clear retardedness that you have posted this classic chestnut already (or that i'm retarded and somehow didn't see it)
  21. ivan

    Why me?

    who the hell are you?
  22. ivan

    Why me?

    i heard you can smoke smarties?
  23. ivan

    spanish or chinese?

    where are the short-rounds of yesteryear?
  24. ivan

    spanish or chinese?

    not that i've been to any of those places, but i can't imagine they're any worse than tibet or the tien shen?
  25. ivan

    Why me?

    whaaaa? tvash totally hates white people! besides, i pick pieces of people like tvash outta my stool (that and whole chunks of bacon) that just sounds like you've had to much bacon wrapped tvash up the poop chute. i was lying - i gave up bacon for lent - after easter though i'm planning on giving up jesus for bacon though - i wonder if jesus would have tasted like bacon?
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