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Everything posted by ivan

  1. dave done took some pix too lok at all the meat puppets! "down off the fog-banks, through the cloud-murk, god-cursed grendel came greedily loping" geoff at the hanging belay, me exiting on the horizon dood! nigga has a panaroma setting on his camera!
  2. ah, fickle fate - was supposed to go escort add-a-bolt-ben up the final pitch of abraxas today but instead the furies decided i had best return to the scene of the beacon-crime for a last serving of south-side love till the fornicating falcons get their fuck-on so...what to do on so damp a day? ah, yes, the village route - so hawt last winter but on the outs this year - it needed the last pitch put in - luckily, i soused out that kyle n' geoff were intending on doing it w/o me, so when ben called in sick (mercifuly reprieve that was, given the family fuck-up i committed last night in gettin home too late and the extreme likilihood of being stupid late a second night in a row) i was eager to head out w/ the Brothers Grouchy and steal me FA back! woke late out of the drug-stupor to find a 6 year old blonde where my wife should be - this led to an intersting q'n'a that resulted in wandering downstairs for an hour of scooby-doo n' eggs n' coffee n' stategery that ended in me at the camas park n' ride for the Big Rendezvous slimy n' damp at the B, but at least not poring rain - hoofed it up the trail to the fine strains of public enemy, surveying the recent shrapnel carnage sloughed off by the n face down to the ledge of the little'uns, leaving the last rap line fixed for the Return Trip the second pitch seals the deal - the first is c1, as is the second, but the lower one freed is probably the crux at 5.11/5.11+, the 2nd, off the anchor is 5.10+ but then quickly goes to 5.8/9 if only its dry - the requisite gear is all cleaned out now ends up at scramble off trail below the duck-blind - a slugn block and sketchy cam in another block, backed up to a tied off shrub and another loose block means all is kosher right? one tiny rap on larry's scary shrub and back to the good one and the little-crew, recently fled down the dutchman not that anyone's ever gonna go back and do it, but if you're of the pdx crowd and want to enjoy the B on a rainy day in winter, this is the route for you - the little people cower under their tarps doing fuck-knows-what - you n' your boy get in 2 pitches (so overhung theyr'e pretty much entirely dry), then ride the rap right back down to where you started - you might want to avoid geoff's added trick of lowering down on the other end of the fixed line from the hanging belay, chopping the rope in the process when you jug back up everybody likes purty pictures... emerging from the brith canal and video porn! [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  3. pull! how can you NOT hate something having that much fun being alive?
  4. where were you when i was there for 2 weeks alone this summer?
  5. jefferson davis lost
  6. why don't we move this to spray, so this thread can exist in peace w/ the hundreds of others that degenerate into who-is-this-jesus-fella-really? meatgrinder, eh? that was a few years ago - you are to be saluted for a far better memory!
  7. ivan


    rome had run its course - never gave cincy a chance, hardhearted prick that i am
  8. there must be at least 30 of these yw estimations to be had here
  9. ivan


    funny, i'm watching a fine episode of cocksucka right now "amateur night" i'm not thinking any of the denizens of deadwood would give a flying fucking 'bout this particuliar issue
  10. funny, i've never met a ferret-ownder who wasn't fuck-all psychotic i have a half-share in great big goddamn snake currently
  11. having spent much of my with them, much of that on the phone with fucking uhaul, yes indeed - maybe all-caps even
  12. in classic libtard fashion, THAT was when roosevelt began to give a shit
  13. would love to hear you say that to a Large Black Woman, preferably one w/ a baseball bat and on her period - kinda a gallagher affair (no pun intended tvash)
  14. 13--
  15. sorry dru - i was johnny on the spot w/ the ministry this afternoon - but the Almighty made it clear it was not to be, so it has been excised from the Holy Scrit sure is a fine looking route w/ a kewl story though
  16. ivan


    you can't downclimb it?
  17. sorry, not tryig to be rude, just rueful - pdx-area right now aiding climbing in the murk at smiff after driving through shit to get there seems about as much as a cynical brother can hope for - you can always muck around on hood in the soup, maybe even get above the parking lot!
  18. the thing is pat, i agree with you on the former but not the later - fucksakes, he knows at least as much about gov as me - i'm sure he could manage to ramble off the top of his head most of the amendments and the articles by subject, etc - ya know, demonstrate knowledge of the constitution in an academic sense what's frightening is the first part - your take on separaton of powers is crap, and it's evident in your presidents of choice - you favor folks like teddy roosevelt exactly b/c they did whatever the fuck they wanted, convinced of the justice of their calling, never really even seeming to question it in retrospect, so assured they were of the Almight's Blessing - it's fucking scary - perhaps the worst thing lincoln (who i think keenly felt the wrongness of his actions but had to justify them) did was actually fucking win the war, b/c it's convinced his less apt students they can all do that too, so long as god whispers to them obama bringing to atention w/ members of the other branches in a highly formal public setting his displeasure with their actions is checks n' powers in action - it is the very essence of the concept - for fucks sake, its not like (to my reasonably sure knowledge) that he's tapped thier phones, put mickeys in their drinks, kidnapped their ex-girlfriends, abducted them, sodomized them with plush-toys, etc. if you actually believed in the causes he's for, you'd be excorciated him for being a pussy and not being assertive enough!
  19. dude, they never ask - they SPRING that shit on you, man
  20. naw, that a'nt their home, more like thier sun porch -their boudiorre is but 30 paces off, past the privy they didn't seem shy about sharing last weekend
  21. ivan


    dude, irish ex-catholics only yield the floor when they're pulled off it by their heels, generally covered in their own vomit and piss n' fumbling w/ the words for "whiskey you're the devil"
  22. ivan


    wait - is he using an ELECTRIC camera in a fucking fuck fuckall wilderness zone?!?
  23. good for you - i climb like shit no matter what maybe if i gave j.c. 50$ though?
  24. hey now! i'v lived in 2 nascar towns - plenty of nascar folk are too far drunk to have any such political sensibilities!
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