things seemed stranger at night after the surgery, but the effect or my awareness of it has dissappeared
i was wearing contacts more than 10 years ago, before the disposable craze set in - i was supposed to take them out each night, but in the alpine i'd usually wear them for several days in a row and of course have all manners of shit running into my eyes to boot - for years i'd get this condition in summer, usually in the mornings, when light would make my eyes stream w/ tears and i'd have to pry them open w/ my fingers in order to drive to work - suuuuuuck!
anyhow, i was legally blind if my vision was uncorrectable and couldn't function w/o glasses/contacts - now i never even have to think of it - maybe if i'd had groovier contacts i wouldn't have bothered, but as it is, i imagine long term i'll have spent less on the surgery than on years of contacts and glasses