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Everything posted by ivan

  1. jesus.
  2. if the natural ambiance fails them, perhaps performance enhancing drugs might do the trick? yuuuuup, sure looks like its sucks 2 me!
  3. sounds easy!
  4. where's the picnic table adn keg?!?
  5. sounds liek bullshit to me too - they might be put off by ozone, but that's b/c there's 3 billion people there any given day - beacon on even the best of days has 90% of its routes open and i've never seen or had an unpleasant encounter w/ anyone there (weeeelll, except the one time someone brought a ragingly angry pitbull to the base and let it run free while they were 3 pitches up and i had to crush it's skull w/ my portaledge to get past it ) if i had a teleporter i'd climb in l-worth a lot more than i do now, but if i'm gonna drive for granite it's gonna be to index or squampton or up to the stuart range and not to hang out in that zombie-apocalypse-waiting-to-be-burg
  6. i had a cop at a crag give me a huge fatty ticket once - didn't drive me off the crag though, just set me to keeping huge piles of artillery lying around all over the place
  7. monopoints!
  8. ivan

    The Last Oyster Haul?

    some people like oysters. kevbone prefers snails I AM SPARTACUS!!!
  9. ...says the man who saw the bloody carnage after i pile-drived my unhelmeted skull into a block atop of the savage la cunt mtn! just couldn't be bothered to carry my helmet for the brutal 1/2 mile approach
  10. fuck infinte bitching then, you gotta go do Da NosE!
  11. i'm confused, when's the last time beacon even came up? the only static of late's been over the fa-side, which most of the current crop of beacon-ites rarely even visit...
  12. strange - compared to previous off-seasons, seems this one has seen the all-time least amount of bitching - wha'eva....
  13. things seemed stranger at night after the surgery, but the effect or my awareness of it has dissappeared i was wearing contacts more than 10 years ago, before the disposable craze set in - i was supposed to take them out each night, but in the alpine i'd usually wear them for several days in a row and of course have all manners of shit running into my eyes to boot - for years i'd get this condition in summer, usually in the mornings, when light would make my eyes stream w/ tears and i'd have to pry them open w/ my fingers in order to drive to work - suuuuuuck! anyhow, i was legally blind if my vision was uncorrectable and couldn't function w/o glasses/contacts - now i never even have to think of it - maybe if i'd had groovier contacts i wouldn't have bothered, but as it is, i imagine long term i'll have spent less on the surgery than on years of contacts and glasses
  14. offset nuts ruled on city park, as i recall - i mighta used a cam once? i rarely carry non-offset nuts these days get a fifi - makes topstepping easier for me - to get stabilty in your top step, reach under the etriers/fifi w/ once hand and lean back as you move your foot up and use your other hand to stabilize yourself against hte wall - topstepping becomes harder the steeper the wall gets of course "borrow" a gri from a climbing wall - they'll never notice i've made no mods to mine and just use a normal 10.5 climbing line
  15. best thing i ever did - climbing n' sleeping in my contacts wrecked my eyes - it's been 10 years and i can't imagine what it was like having to wear glasses anymore
  16. dude, why worry? just go do the climb and if the god's decide to piss on you, just go do something else (if you wanted a bolted alpine kinda route, go to mazama and do something on the goat wall)
  17. you can make home-made ramen for less than 10 cents a pack?!?
  18. you might start working on speed and efficiency by doing laps on a bolt ladder
  19. you won't aid quickly till you've aided a lot, that's just the way it goes - on city park you basically just use 3 nuts and spend all your time leapfrogging them through the crack - don't know if you're aid-soling but probably the best way to practice and get faster (even if you do spend all your time cursing at the gri ) both gd and tc have bolteda nchors and are easy to bail from - they're practially 20 feet away from each other and not hard to go from one to the other, especially as you go higher up - tc is marginally harder as you have to do a small pendy, plus a mostly mandatory squeezy-pitch - both routes share the same shitty natural ledge atop p1 - gd has no ledges above that and tc has 1 decent 1 just another pitch up
  20. does it come preloaded w/ a chopped up hooker?
  21. i pretty much just drink sangria n' pure grain alcohol mixed w/ rain water these dayz...
  22. i thought we were living in an autonomous collective?
  23. i would gladly trade my mortgage for the amoutn of my mortgage so that i might actually pay my mortgage off
  24. will they cover how best to piss off the camp hosts? how to handle mammoth hangovers in the grey drizzle of morning coated in the stench of wood-smoke?
  25. sounds more like an ethical question to me w/ plenty of latitude to keep discussing it
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