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Everything posted by ivan

  1. goddammit - i'dve lost on jeopardy! i'dve been more of a believer if i coulda seen the wideness of right gull above...plus that ledge seems much flatter n' phatter in real life
  2. i left my magnifying class at home not enough clues in the zoomed in pic for me - thought it was bluebird at first but that's wrong
  3. i'm too ADD to slowly play out the summits that fit that i actually have pix for, so here's them as a glut rare winter ascent of a cool i90 climb on descent of perhaps my fav peak in the n cascades completly lost on the descent of a right-tricky bastard - decent enough landmark back there though not technically appropriate and way too goddamn easy anyhow great summit n' route even if the getting back down part was epic
  4. that would have been too easy guess again...
  5. yes call it a redressing of an historical evil - how many millenia did the rich fuck the poor in the ass for their own benefit?
  6. cats don't like rules obscurish summit in a familiar area?
  7. sorry steve - that sucks way more than someone replacing a fucking ancient bolt!
  8. must make the gumyb hordes on moscow and superslab doa double take
  9. havne't climbed anything on that wall since i started aiding - i've done paper tiger, superslab, amphetamine grip, and moscow - where'zit in realtion to any of those - shit, maybe i'll even buy the guidebook somedya?
  10. is that on the red wall at smiff or am i totally making that up?
  11. looks liek a ho-hum rte - access is a pain it looks like and the top part, which is accessed by a number of other cool routes, looks to be the best part anyhow...
  12. why you want shade already ben? holy shit i want some gloriously hot goddamn sun (for at least a couple days anyway...)
  13. i've never done a trip in december when the snow wasn't nightmare bottomless powder and even having snowshoes couldn't dissuade me from thoughts of suicide
  14. i concur - cleaning off a route so a new generation can determine for itself if it's classic is hardly worthy of scorn - have you always been a grumpy old man?
  15. but is that true for the infernal red devil squid?!?
  16. "watchu' say to me, dawg?!?"
  17. i assume these critters don't make tasty eating themselves? thought the sushi-negroes dug on squid?
  18. Josh - Make a packing list of what you think you will need for each trip. Pack said equipment and check it off the list as you pack it. When you get home remove all things from the list that you did not use or realize you just don't need. As you gain expereince you will find that you really do not need much for the average weekend out. Forgetting a basic like a sleeping pad is just bad form, sometimes it happens but two times in a year seems just forgetful/neglectful. The list idea helps you think through the process and it really will help pair down the unnecessary crap that alot of people take with them. The less extraneous stuff you have = the lighter your load = the easier your load is to handle = the more yo can get done = MORE FUN and LESS SUFFERING. another approach to packing - store all your climbing shit were you can see it, like on a peg board, wire shelves, etc - before you leave look at all the shit you're leaving behind and ask yerself, "hey, did i actually want that sleeping pad?" i usually feel nervous when setting off for a trip that i might have forgotten shit, so i also as i sit down in the car try to imagine myself doing all of the things i'll be doing on the trip - eating, shitting, camping, cooking, climbing, getting drunk, etc. - and then mentally confirming i threw in the required gear for each of those activities
  19. another lesson for you, given your shivering sleep night 2: take a pocket stove, tiny pot and a nalgene bottle - fill nalgene bottle w/ boiling hot water and throw in sleeping bag - remove all soaked clothes and get in bag forgetting a sleep pad in winter is daft to the extreme of course as you realized - there were plenty of fresh green tree boughs to chop n' deposit below you were you so inclined there's nothing wrong w/ putting an ice axe through a dog's cerebellum if'n your not on his property
  20. me too! my path to enlightenment currently involves solely hanging out w/ chain-smokers
  21. b/c of jesus kev, b/c of baby jesus
  22. you'd be suprised - folks'll pay alot for a good piece of prime-rib like me
  23. i was hoping this woulda featured "manimal" milton sucking down a bongload or two
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