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Everything posted by ivan

  1. so, after seeing the verbal smackdown of your nefarious interlocutor, what revisions, if any, do you have for the above?
  2. that dude? sure...no need to censure him, he does a fine job it would appear of losing his credibility all by himself - there have been no shortage of fools over the years who have strutted n' fretted their hour upon the cc.com stage only to wander off into obscurity - why does this homeboy deserve special treatment?
  3. holy shit, speaking of gods, they dared to fuck w/ maud'dib?!?
  4. x2 - fuck's sake, that's what its there for what is this, high school? "they don't grow up ma'am, they just get tubby" can you just name your White Whale now so we can decide wether he truly is a doche-bag or not? the high-school solution, afterall, isn't to ask the teacher (moderator) to save you, but to team up and taunt the shit out of the enemy until she develops an eating-disorder
  5. "drop zone aka da farside" works just fine, and amusingly increases the palpable sense of the absurd, having 2 names for so tiny a crag thanks to ya'll who did work out there though - i enjoy it the 1 or 2 times a year i stop by.
  6. ivan

    i *heart* boobies

    i expect the supreme court to do what it always does to such interesting cases - make it boring as shit!
  7. ivan

    i *heart* boobies

    it's only your lack of creativity that's holding us back here bill perhaps you could use a "perfect woman" mug?
  8. ivan

    i *heart* boobies

    the people want to know, where is tvash on this issue!?! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40197408/ns/us_news-life/
  9. free fir cum? take your nails next time and try fresh squeeze next door - it's more exciting!
  10. ivan


    so...uh...what time is it?
  11. if it was the farside it's be only 1 route, and a fat kid, or a wiener-dog or a cow would be doing it
  12. what did you aid steve?
  13. ivan

    uss mt hood

    i can't NOT want to play solitaire after frau goebells offs her whole clan, then sits down for a hand more love for thin red line - what does it mean? the split second image of a baby bird dying on the ground amidst the first big battle scene is probably the best. its wierd that a man can give a shit about seeing a person die, but no, not a ittle-bitty birdie!
  14. ivan

    uss mt hood

    then make it so, beyotch! on (not so) sober reflection, i'm changing my best ww2 movie - clearly raiders of the lost ark deserves the nod?
  15. nice - i'm suitably shamed - just seemed like there was no prayer of it being anything but shitty, shitty - meant to go do pipelineheadwall and above today... ah well, glad someone was using it! wanna come w/ next rainy day and go on above it?
  16. holy sh it did you go out today steve? i sat inside and glowered out at the rain all day
  17. nice socks is that some russian version of spin the bottle in the last shot?
  18. dood, that's my coil i'm letting down there!
  19. the olson topo map shows it as "cloud nine", ending up at those 2 wierd home made L-hangers near young warriors
  20. must be festivus everyday on teh intrewebs as "the airing of the grievances" is scarcely interupted
  21. one of my first clibms, back in '99...someday when the unnamed glacier on forbidden melts all the way out i gotta go see if i can find my sweeeeet red helmet!
  22. ivan

    uss mt hood

    my pop somewhere about 1941
  23. ivan

    uss mt hood

    i'm sure the two of you would get along famously, patrique, the russian and irish people being, after all, famously alike in their affection for booze, cruel sport and livestock you're about due for a return to the bacon-wand - come do something grandiose on the south side this time and maybe i can even arrange an introduction?
  24. ivan

    uss mt hood

    they have been soaking themselves in Nature's Own Preservative practically from their mother's tit afterall!
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