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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    uss mt hood

    6 dvds?!? jesus christ, can you children of tolstoy do anything that's SHORT? ww2? don't you mean The Great Patriotic War?
  2. ivan

    uss mt hood

    enemy at the gates was kinda lame imho, but the movie took the title from the authoritative book on stalingrad, and is well worht the read best book i think i've read on ww2 is "the forgotten soldier" an english translation of a frenchman, guy sajer's, service in the wehrmacht - depressing as phuck.
  3. dude, this is the internet on a friday, what more answer do you need than that?!? now if this kid won't hurry up w/ this damn test already!
  4. ivan


    This calls for a full-length TR... it was from this trip... http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=480655 didn't really get enough coverage truthfully, perhaps b/c we were all barely able to remember a bit of it, or perhaps b/c nooksack tower just overwhlemed the whole thing...
  5. ivan


    better yet was mike layton practically challenging homeslice to murder our drunk asses
  6. i prefer to think it was the weight and sagacity of my single vote
  7. ivan

    uss mt hood

    yeah, and unlike the opening scene, apparently most folks had no fucking clue what he was saying when he'd make his big public speeches my grandpa tried to arrest patton as part of the big louisiana war game right before ww2 started - patton drove through his opfor position, but then berated him and called him a cock-sucker or some such and drove off in his staff car
  8. history is made!
  9. ivan

    uss mt hood

    can remember literally trembling during htat scene, watching it in the theatre w/ the full sound-effects you know patton didn't sound anythign like george c scott in real life, right?
  10. ivan

    uss mt hood

    not the dirty dozen!?! patton looks pretty damned dated after shaving ryan's privates, and TRL, while a cool movie, is so completly baffling and surreal that it doesn't so much seem a movie about ww2 as a work of high art/philosophy on life itself
  11. still seem to be plenty of them selling salmon n' taking the white man's chips away
  12. ivan


    the worst hangover i ever had in my life was in bellingham - bout sums up the place for me (that and an angry, angry crack dealer)
  13. i like drop zone, if for no other reason than it was very damn descriptive my own appelation, before i knew of the others, of "the bone zone" i like best though
  14. and that's why the indians are crying
  15. ivan

    Dino Rossi

    would sound like sarah palin if'n you hadn't used that fancy pedantic word
  16. ivan

    Dino Rossi

    i wish it were so simple - didn't i meet you at smith once jay? recall you being plenty funny and friendly - at any rate, he's a far more civil bloke and likely as not smarter than me (a simple feat, i know) and no less informed - its damned impossible for me to understand how folks so similiar to myself can have such different views on important subjects...ah, but this misses the pt of being funny... Yes - we've met more than once although my three year sentence on the EC and my subsequent diversion into WW kayaking has unfortunately precluded any further social engagements. For the record - I think you are a cool dude, obviously very smart, and would be glad to have the opportunity to have any hypothetical future children taught in your classroom. Unfortunately for me, Diderot, D'Alembert, Turgot, Rousseau, D'Holbach, etc lead directly to Burke, Locke, Hume, Gibbon, Smith, etc - and once I veered off into Menger, Mises, and Hayek I was pretty much doomed to pariah status in progressive enclaves. This after alienating a good many social conservatives with the whole agnostic evolutionist schtick. I'm also good for alienating your average naturopath/homeopath/vaccine-denier so I'm pretty much a hit at every social function in Seattle. Typical evening on the town for me re-created in beat-poem form below: [video:youtube] i seem to recall a driving rain-storm at skull hollow, w/ the whole party practially standing in the fire, drowning in smoke can we at least blame your alleged insanity on being beaten by a nun in her undies or something?
  17. ivan

    uss mt hood

    if it wasn't in das boot i don't know it course, das boot is pretty much a ragingly anti-nazi movie i don't see how a man can be pro-veteran and not be anti-war, and thus anti-conservative - the "soldiers are political, we just serve each other" thing is of course noble and cool, but in the end, for the whole world to wash its hand of individual connection and involvement in national conflicts is uber-retard...
  18. ivan

    Voting Poll

    i miss voting for that woman
  19. ivan

    uss mt hood

    something about the navy - that connection to a ship (the barkey)the ultimate symbol of corporate identity and labor - the all or nothing thing - did you know 3 out of 4 german submariners died in ww2?
  20. ivan


    oh that's fine, you can feed your balls to the dog if you want...
  21. ivan

    uss mt hood

    pat's dad is a vet dood, and he's hardly anti-military, just anti-dipshit...
  22. ivan


    sure didn't seem to work on me
  23. ivan

    uss mt hood

    holy shit, here's an example of choosing a real, real bad name and havign it come back to bite you! 66 years ago today, and all 359 men still inexplicably listed as "missing"? bang!
  24. ivan

    Dino Rossi

    despite yer taste for trendy, yuppie'marts n' the amble milf-ites that infest them?
  25. ivan


    Marmite's for pom twats who's first sexual experience was with a drainpipe don't know if that's an irvine welsh quote but sure as fuck sounds like somethign that puff would say
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