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Everything posted by ivan

  1. didn't happen if there are no pictures
  2. Dude, the spork is, like, the greatest invention of all time. Thanks. sucks as a fork and's dangerous as a spoon - invariably made of plastic or some other inferior substance- plus it doesn't fit in w/ anything else in the silverware drawer - i stand by my analogy
  3. going donw the spur really isn't bad, it's just freaky b/c there's all that exposure - go down face in to the slope and bring a 2nd tool and you can scamper, scamper - i love the gradual easing off of the angle and exposure as you near tie in rock, the way the tension just melts away
  4. Umm, you realize watching TV is a choice don't you? indeed. dooooood, wether you watch commercials or not is pretty much THE litmus test of wether or not you're a retard.
  5. how's it out there in co? heard a giant storm was coming your way. faqh'n'a, i've seen the clear blue sky, sun n' venus maybe 3 times in the past 2 months? at this rate, the ropes i left hangign above the arena of dome are gonna be there till july!
  6. a brother can still dreeeeeeeeam, can't he? fucking hell, if only i could afford a plane ticket south - waaaay south.
  7. luckily i was fat 'fore i met my wife
  8. wish wolverines had eatent he makers of the new red dawn - how in the fuck aren't they going to fuck that little piece of nostalgia in the ass? and they remade true fucking grit? wtf, wasn't that the ONLY movie john wayne won an oscar for?!?
  9. uh, don't commercials pay for this website? hate to agree w/ fw (for if you are the dull knife jb, he has to be the spork), but to tax is to limit, and i don't see how the lawyer-folk will navigate around that 1st amendment issue i seem to recall seeing 2000 year old ads on the walls of pompeii - they're part of life - you want non-commercial tv? get hbo? or listen to npr or watch pbs? shit, even there you'll still get ads, though in a far more tolerable form at least!
  10. You can get away from commercials if you can pay, but I doubt many kids watch that kind of programming. whatever - tvash might be living in a mansion but i ain't - if i'm watching tv w/ commericials i mute'em when they come on and read or spray hate-speech if its radio i change the channel. basic cable has on-demand which you can fastforward through the ads w/. it's baffling to me, but there's plenty of folks who LIKE commericials - jeebus, them thar ladies magazines are 99.8% ads! who am i to tell them their interests are stupid? at any rate, i don't see you having much luck trying to limit that form of speech. the most vexing thing about commercials these days are fucking movie theaters - holy shit they're out of control! 10 clams for a ticket and there's almost literally no part of the expereince that isn't bleeding w/ ads - used to be you'd get to a movie early to make sure you didn't miss the start - now you're a fucking retard if you don't aim to arrive at your seat 10 minutes after the show is supposed to start so you don't lose your mind to all the blaring ads!
  11. so ice climbers AND drunks are on god's list of favorites to protect?
  12. You don't watch the Super Bowl? that's probably the 3 - seems like since i've had kids i haven't caught too much of that big game - plus i always grade papers on sundays
  13. commercials make me insane - i see maybe 3 a year, and i certainly watch plenty of shit - it's not that hard to filter out, ya know?
  14. when in doubt, the 9th amendment is your friend!
  15. dooood, don't you get it? like, obama almost made john roberts cry n' stuff! all bush did was fry some dumb ass a-rabs who have the audacity to be sitting on top of boss' oil!
  16. trial n' error is the way of the world - figure out where the pain threshold is for the relationship, then adjust accordingly - some chicks are quite cool about how much space/time alone you require in order to be sane - if over time you can't get past an issue, it's time to consider packing it all up - once homes/kids/careers get intermingled the pain factor of a breakup approaches mandatory-alcoholism scale
  17. learned plenty about common law and i like it, as its more flexible -obviously there's drawbacks - england's system is faster and easier, but of course has the occasional drawback of quickly becoming oppressive - plus they all kinda sound like queers i can't pretend to understand the minutae of the hc-debate - my limited understanding is that controlling costs requires big pools, that everybody needs to be in, espeically healthy people, in order to get reasonable protection for the sick - if everyone is covered though, and you can't deny folks care, in theory everyone can wait until actually sick to get coverage, which fucks the whole system in the ass? if the finger-guy was going to have the money to pay for an injury 10 days from now, but waiting till then to pay causes others not to be able to be covered, but having the finger dude pay today for the injury then would allow that magic to happen, then surely that's reasonable. the spirit of the rules is what i care about, and the "promote the general welfare" bit of the preamble and the "right to life" part of the declaration are just fine. the elastic clause and the commerce clause in tandem work too.
  18. ivan

    name change

    merely scratching the surface of the there particuliar enigma
  19. I think that they realized that they couldn't predict the future, but one of the central purposes, if not the central purpose, of the document was to enumerate what the Federal government had the power to do and what it didn't. If I'm not mistaken, when the champions of the individual mandate were looking for the constitutional basis for the power to force people to buy health insurance have concluded that they'd found it in the commerce clause. I'm not convinced that it does, and I think that's the basis on which the constitutionality of the law is being challenged. Just to flesh out your argument a bit more - what about the case of the guy who has enough money to self insure? no doubt you've read locke, steeped in the classics as your are - i for one disagree w/ the notion of "natural rights" - there is no creator, we are all savages in the end, and we have no rights beyond our ability to kill the monkeys around us w/ sharp sticks - so there is, in the grand sense, no right to healthcare anymore than a right to life in general of course my grand philosophy is irrelvant - out of necessity socities must have rules in order to survive, and writing them down and sticking to the spirit, if not the letter, of them is important - i don't get real excited about what exactly the founders intended - they were a starting pt to generally stick to, but i have no slavish devotion to them at any rate, the commerce clause was clearly used by proponents of the PPACt b/c historically that clause has been useful in expanding the role of the government - philosophically i have no problem w/ a big government, as this conservative argument taht it should be just small enough to fit into our bedrooms seems uber-stupid to me - the consitutional basis for the law is important, but in the end its usually just a goddamn lawyers wank-fest game in that regard - i have no problem w/ the man being heavily involved in the healthcare arena so long as the end result isn't unpleasant for me personally don't understand your question re: the "guy cuts his finger off" scenario
  20. FAHQ'N'A! jesus, that was the BEST part of that goddamn speech - its nice to see members of a profession based almost entirely on acting fake occasionaly show a true spark of humanity
  21. to use the word "really" implies the authors actually thought about the idea at all - pretty certain universal healthcare wasn't on the radar back in the 1780s healthcare is necessary in order to exist - sure, a man theoritically can say "i'm never going to the doctor so i'm not paying a damn cent for healthcare," but as soon as he's lopped a finger off w/ a chain-saw he'll still end up in the ER, and the ER is required by the government to give him service, right?
  22. little old ladies climbed that side in knickers w/ alpenstocks 100+ years ago
  23. for it's worth, i'd recommend the n side for your mission - much cooler, majestic side of the mtn - the elliot has great big gapers you could throw yourself in if you were so inclined, plus you can do a high camp up at tie in rock if you were so inclined - you would most likely won't be able to drive all the way to cloud cap, but it's an easy hike.
  24. irony is wasted on your conservatives
  25. reading too much in any genre makes a bore of a man everything i need to know about HardKore alpinism i can learn right here terray's conquistadors is my fav of the bunch...
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