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Everything posted by ivan

  1. dooood, isn't this cat on the verge of commiting a federal offense?
  2. Which talk show host did we blame 9/11 on? i can't recall - i thought it was b/c god hated fags, and we like fags, so god hates us?
  3. haven't heard anyone mention yet that maybe this incident is just the price of living in a world that demands human sacrifices w/ frightening regularity - across the world in the past week we've had soldiers, cops, governors, kids and now a congressman killed - you wanna be alive? great, it comes w/ certain drawbacks, hardly any of them new....
  4. worth mentioning that just 'cuz yer making hay of something doens't mean you're wrong - folks made a big deal out of 9/11 n' pearl harbor too n' the maine n' the lusitania too, maybe 1 of those actually deserved it
  5. cool indeed - man, that rock of dfp looks like aged elephant testicles
  6. is there any other reason to watch the news? or to study history? i can't hardly think of a real tragedy in our history that didn't get used for hay - can you?
  7. There you go - proof positive - thanks, Ivan! curious - did my op dissappear into the ether? makes it hard to do the SAT reading analysis w/ you - you seem to think i said bush said be killed, which is wrong, nor could i have agreed w/ someone doing that- woulda been more of a malcolm x "chicken's coming home to roast" sorta thing for me - don't know that much about the congresswoman in quesiton here, but it's probably safe to assume she didn't invent a war that killed thousands for no damn reason anyhow, i'm sure you'll believe what you want, but if the secret service is reading (hi fellas!) please note that kk fellow is just a daft-bastard what's lost amongst all the chatter is how normal, really, this incident is - seriously, 3 months from now, who the hell's even goign to remember this apart from all the other nastiness? as said, the environment is toxic enough that likely something similiarly shitty will have occurred in the interim to make us forget. this incident hasn't broken new ground either. all the classics are involved to some degree: bad economics, bad education, drugs, political vitrol, guns, immigration, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  8. well duh - they're evil, and mean spirited, and duplicitious, and dim-witted...but sweet jesus, there sure are a whole hell of a lot of them! far too many to wipe out at any rate, even if you happened to catch'em for the 2 milli-seconds a day they're not locked n' loaded
  9. i'm not excusing the right for damn sure, nor saying the left has for decades, or ultimately in the final balance, been equally to blame i'm just asking where it leaves you in terms of action to take? tvash saying a renewed dedication to prosecute those who incite violence is good - but, ardent supporter of free-speech that you are, pat, you know its not going to be easy to press that attack home - i wish it the best though, as it is realistically the best "win" to be had from the whole sad story. public awareness and condemnation? sure. fuck yeah. and i think it is happening. enhanced gun control? whatever. set the arguments pro and con aside a moment, b/c they don't matter. what's the reality? there's no way - it just can't happen - its a right cherished as much as southerners cherished slavery, and it couldn't be rolled back w/o the same kind of civil-war effort - i've made my reverting to the 18th century-version of the 2nd amendment argument, which i think's a damned good one, but i don't seriously see it having the least chance. seriously, how many fuckign horrible thigns have happened b/c of our devotion to the 2nd amendment? enough so that, if we EVER were going to change our thoughts as a nation, we would have done it a long, long time ago. as a nation, we just don't care that much, or at least we're willing to accept tragedies like these on a pretty regular basis as a price of that feedom. that said, i'm willign to pester 2/3 of the congress to pass my plan into reality, and 3/4 of the states to accept it...i just wouldn't bet a damn cent it'd ever actually happen. and even if it did happen, i'm far from convinced it would work. at any rate, who's the john brown on this issue going to be, and what could he/she conceivably even do to make it happen?
  10. No, my fair cousin; If we are mark'd to die, we are enow To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour. God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more. ... Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made, And crowns for convoy put into his purse; We would not die in that man's company That fears his fellowship to die with us. This day is call'd the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day.' Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day. Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words- Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester- Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red. This story shall the good man teach his son; And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
  11. more importantly, does the grant contain cash for a wild send-off party?
  12. agreed that the gov should prosecute those who incite others to violence, but i bet the court-room part of getting a conviction is far from easy farright/farleft, who gives a shit - when you're that far one way or the other you're dangerous - agreed that, had bush been shot (as much as he might have deserved it), the left's (justly deserved) vitriol would have been part of the blame game.
  13. i doubt that suprises anyone 10,000 posts...... I TOLD MY MOM I COULD DO IT!!!
  14. only a fool would have thought aclu-you would be for restricting speech i think the other things you mention there are exactly what you are and will be getting, and that even if they'd been happening a year ago something like this still woulda happened eventually
  15. i hope that's true, but i'm not holding my breath - like i said here, this incident ought to make any palin presidential bid stupid easy to derail remember the dude who tried to kill andrew jackson? yeah, he was fucking batshit too. its as american as apple pie. in his case, a double malfunction of his firearms saved jacksons life. it would be nice if the 2nd amendment didn't apply to post 18th century weapons technology
  16. "taxi driver" set off hinckley, who shot reagan - should the future films of scorsese have been banned? an anarchist killed mckinley - should anarchial teachigns have been banned?
  17. i doubt - isn't fox like hte most watched american news by #'s? do you know how many teenagers i teach each year who gleefully call for the death of folks they disagree w/? there's a big market for crazy. and titties. fox has'em both in spades. still, trying to do somethign is better than nothign at all i reckon - who'm i cheating of my hard-earned cash this week then?
  18. frozen water suuuuuuure is purty!
  19. just keep chop, chop, chopping there kev! now if only i can managed to get my ropes off the pipeline headwall by then...
  20. i doubt that suprises anyone
  21. i don't see how that moved the world a single milimeter towards reasonableness - not sayign though that boycotting things associated w/ hate-speech is stupid, just that its not really going to change the fact that right-wingers will still say crazy shit and crazy folks will act on it
  22. how else do plan on making them big old meanies stfu? they won't stop so long as they have air in their lungs... fuck ya'lls skiingn on virgin powder - aid climbing in the freezing damp!
  23. agreed, but if you want to really do something about the right's message, which has been in use since jesus was still shitting in his drawers, your only option is to adopt the same tone and advocate the same tactics, which gets you where exactly? otherwise, it's shrieking into the whirlwind.
  24. i found the "sit down and shut the fuck up" vaccine entirely ineffective
  25. again, point to time in american or for that matter world history when that genie ever was IN the bottle? our nature as half-hairy monkies is spelled out pretty handily in our history - we fling modern poo in political form, and some of us then go crazy and eat the poo, and the babies, and pull down the forest on top of ourselves now that's fine philosophy for 726 in the a.m.
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