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Everything posted by ivan

  1. but larry dude, all i get are the 3 channels that don't show nothing else then! seriously larry, when were your halycon days? when didn't the rich man run everything? when was our republic really so golden? we're the 3rd mall from the sun and we're getting about what we've paid for. how many leaders awarded w/ the accolade of "good" over the years would you reckon a shitty speaker?
  2. the time i had rat problems in my garden i foudn it amusing to spend hours on the back-porch w/ jug of wine and a pellet rifle pre-aimed on the kill zone seemed to only take them a week to get the message...
  3. actually i meant i was going to smith all this coming weekend if the 31st has decent weather i'd dig on trying to arrange some crazy train on the corner w/ the all of us though!
  4. If by "good dr. flash amazing" you mean me...I was in high school and my first round of college. I was not out putting up epic routes at Beacon or Hamilton or anyplace else. Didn't start climbing until a couple years ago. I've got some photos of me from the 90's if anyone's interested in seeing them. I did get scared and pulled on a bolt hanger on a 5.8 this weekend in the Callahans though. Does that make me a bad person too? i was actually refering to this gentleman - the good dr and his amazing sport-climbing antics were a beacon of hope and promise in the foul years of the george w administration - like the ospary, some said he was a feckless fancy of some fools imagination as well, but those people were all gay, and by that i mean retarded
  5. were this true pamela anderson woulda killed the whole world already
  6. word. you give into pink though it'll just make'em pinker n' stonger
  7. maybe if boehner will fess up on his tanning regime first?
  8. both would be nice in practice i find them mutually exclusive... luckily i can generally afford a couple annual pilgrimages to lands of big stone
  9. stiiiiiil, no pictures kinda mean it didn't happen
  10. spending the whooooole weekend out there next week in honor of the end of the first half of the school year - probablly be frigid n' sunless, in honor of me
  11. real or no-real, bird, welcome aboard - i'm hoping you're real as i've said, and to tie in w/ you someday - gonna be around anytime in the next few weeks? would dig on seeing what you have to do aroudn here on to show you what the bacon-wand has to offer after the closure sets in - would like to do a new route on the n side this winter and have precious few fools to help out w/
  12. almost exactly a year after the first complete ascent, mike and i had a go at hibernal hijinx - the forecast was for sweet conditions both days, so we figured to play w/ the kids on saturday and hope the rock would be dry sunday - we were wrong in pretty much all ways - saturday was beautiful, but today was greay and cool, the rock supporating and shitty nonetheless, we stuck to something like a plan - bouldered around on the clean slabs below the dutchman to warm up, then scrounged our way up the corner despite a Fundemental Dankness w/o incident fortunately - the slab pitch was as wet as i've ever seen it - the sun put in a few appearances - at least it was calm - plenty of fresh hand-grenade-sized chunks of clean stone scattered all about once on LOLP we were bummed to have not crossed paths w/ any of The Brethern, who appeared to have had fear put in their hearts by the overcast and the damp - settled for starting up the 1st pitch of the hibernal hijinx, which though plenty overhanging conspired to drip, goading the ertswhile climber to greater speed the 2nd pitch mike got to do, and it went as i suspected it would after the last time, mostly free after a short clean aid-part - on second, i jugged the rope for 10 feet, then free-climbed the rest at probably nothing more than 5.6, though in the moss and wet it can't help but feel heady denalidave and tim put in a brief appearnce, rapping in to climb uprising - once done we rapped back to ground to find a forlorn opdycke, jilted and dejected after his folks pulled a no-show - a few laughs and a good bit of walking about the base, chatting about ancient chinese history and Dark Planets, and then back to the square world to prepare for the big week to come
  13. All fixed :[] the record should show i opted out of the ideal day to climb this weekend in favor of a nice long walk w/ the famb-i-wy the ass-end of a good weather system at beacon a week before the cloussure was still pretty solid though...
  14. what was the good dr flash amazing doing back in the 90s?
  15. luckily, if you are seriously wounded in the woods w/ me i generally will have either a) enough smokes to tide you over 'till the chopper appears or b) suitable strength to smash your skull in w/ a large rock and End the Pain
  16. i though working w/ software was a fluffer's whole goddamn raison d'etre?
  17. i'm sick as hell at the moment, joe, and feeling super weak, but mike and i should be out there 'round 830 - probably do the corner, then maybe the village route above lolp? if it's dry enough maybe warriors or right gull or the like?
  18. wait, i thought YOU were ospray pink! dammit, back to the drawing board... achh, whoever he is, i want to climb w/ him. i need to steal some el cap magic...
  19. betelgeuse, betelgeuse, betelgeuse!
  20. sometime early next week - gotta work all the mornings, but have done and enjoyed in the past an evening to early morning climb w/ time left to get back to work by 7 the day after - luethold or s side is easiest...
  21. ivan

    Alaskan Winter Ale

    mixing cheap burgundy and fosters (its australian for budweiser!!!) and a 101+ temp at the moment
  22. fucking crazy talk, that is.
  23. true 'dat - though likely it woulda come w/ even more poison oak scars on yer nutsack i look forward to fucking w/ it in summer - i'd climb other places then beacon more often if'n the good lord helped me win the lottery
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