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Everything posted by ivan

  1. Damn Ivan. Looks like you initiated the bitchfest. Sadly, the only way to make it stop is to quit responding online. Just stop. You already offered to climb it with Pink, either you go out together and do it or this goes for 20 more fucking stupid assed pages. (I'm excluding Timetravelers posts from that statement) fuck all you whiners and bitchers. i make it a pt never to disagree w/ me elders, so i'll wrap it up now there bill feel free to fence over fornicating falcons forthwith fawkers!
  2. 26 lead bolts and 12 pins for 7 rope lengths, all put in on lead and spaced as far as possible joe n' andrew, you should be happy to know yer increasingly shrill banter's making me owe kenny 2$
  3. 2 of the pix in my op are of that pitch - there's some crap in there too for sure (as the recent holocaust scene at the base from natural rockfall woudl attest)
  4. Really. In one pitch? This I'll have to see. that pitch cant be more than 100 feet. i know for a fact that the first pitch is right around 100 feet. good thing ivan didn't go to feathered friends to buy his pins shit, it's stone soup cuz i didn't have to buy practically any of the shit that went into it 200 feet from base to p2 anchor top is spot on - if you went up to the trees proper atop the ledge thoguh more like 230 feet total
  5. Really. In one pitch? This I'll have to see. now's the time of year to do it afterall what pics can be taken have been put up here - think the only way to make real sense of it is to be both standing out there and doing the thing - shit, if you led it originally all on clean gear than i'd like to follow you up it! bedtime for me - ya'll get the truth figured out and let me know in the morning
  6. that's what makes me not think we were climbing hte same line - there's no tree on my p2 - there IS a big old tree on the far left side of the "parking lot ledge" that does have a big old sling on it, and that features a much easier (though maybe winding into out-of-bounds territory?) ground regardless, as i've said a buncha times, i'd really like to climb the whole damn thign w/ you so i can see first hadn what/where your memories are - sorry too that jim et al didn't dig on my route name, but the poitn of a name is to describe a thing, and the sizeable # of folks who donated time and gear to get the whole climb done warranted the appellation if you did my p2, then yeah, you shoulda added some fixed gear (there are 5 pins and 4 bolts now) not to make your mark, but to make the thing remotely sane, as even w/ what's there the possiblity of taking a dangerous fall is signficant - there were also several dangerous blocks that shoulda been pitched and that when present made free climbing all the more dangerous barney's bullet is a kewl name - maybe someday i'll even climb it!
  7. why do i get the feeling you wouldn't have picked me for your kickball team in middle school? its instructive to tell those too sheltered to have heard, or too retarded to remember, that the children's story "stone soup" was one of a whole community together by their individual contributions putting together a thing worth enjoying - might go over the heads of some though call the individual pitches whatever you want, the whole thing together is stone soup. fwiw its worth pink, i doubt your barney's bullet tracks the same line as p2 of stone soup - i don't care one way or the other mind you, clearly folks had climbed on that chunk of stone before either of us - the current second pitch of stone soup though required nailing and a couple bolts to make remotely sane - a path of least resistance lies both to the right and left of the current line and leads to the same place regardless, hooking does help on the current p2, so be sur eto have one along
  8. man - don't know how i missed this 5.7 billion hole in the budget for the next 2 years - 200 M$ would be a healthy bite out of that turd-sandwich...
  9. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    word. best thing we can do is stay out of it unless they ask for help, and even then we need to be way, way in the background. i've never met nor hung out w/ any egyptians i can remember - anybody got personal stories? they don't seem as prone to fanaticism - the whole ability to make peace w/ a mortal enemy after decades of war seems a good sign of national intelligence
  10. elizabeth was starting to look a little ragged after the armada afterall
  11. dunno 'bout you, but that image kinda makes me want to go the bathroom!
  12. "don't blame me, i voted for jeff davis" is better
  13. where he'd no doubt regal the guests w/ a brief lecture on the Evils of Socialized Medicine!
  14. reagan? rings a bell... wasn't he an actor who slept w/ monkies or something?
  15. "hardened boogers" - what sticks to anything better than that?
  16. in the superbowl between our crazies and your crazies, the smart money is on your team beating the holy-hell out of ours
  17. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    Terror including bombing of peaceful crowds is a tactic that has been used throughout time, including today by judeo-christians. You should consider reading some history. the 66th anniverary of the dresden bombing is next week
  18. dooood, the shit i kicked off on p1 this time could easily have killed a honkey - overall though, i ended up much less paranoid about killing folks this time around - think i've grown to value human life a good bit less since then was reminscing w/ ben at the topout - i recall you were the only one w/ smokes that trip, and no doubt growing tired of my slowness on the last pitch, you handed over a butt when i got up to the belay than raged off up the hill, leaving me sputtering to keep up
  19. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    The "egyptians" will do fine? you're (for fw) generalization might be construed as patronizing. the fact that egyptians have been managing to piece together a cvilization for 30 times the age of our humble nation does inspire a cautious brand of optimism in the eventual outcome of the current bruhaha that said, it's not like there's a great tradition of enlightened democracy along the nile, so i suspect whatever the current madness cooks up, it'll settle soon enough back into the old pattern of autocracy...
  20. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    not my point, and, as you say, apples and oranges hindus burn their wives on their husbands funeral pyres shintoists make fine kamikazes catholics like altar boys and their sweet attire and muslims would like to kill fugazi!
  21. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    Not actually what I've been arguing at all - which is that not all religious beliefs are identical, these differences can and do have a profound influence on people's ethical, political, and cultural outlook, which translates into significant differences in how people behave under a given set of social conditions. I'm sure it wouldn't be impossible to construct a set of social conditions in which Quakers believe that it's their religious duty to use the deliberate slaughter of as many civilians as possible as part of a holy war to defend Christianity that's both sanctioned and inspired by the Bible these days - just that it would be rather more difficult to do so than it would for say, Wahhabis. i guess i'm left w/ the question of: so what? even if islam is a more violent religion than all its other stupid cousins, so what? what good comes from making that (perhaps just) accusation? the principle of religious freedom can't and shouldn't be challenged on such grounds, so what practical thing does this realization lead to?
  22. lee-rooooooooooy!!!
  23. siege tactics is a great climb - if i had to free climb it, it would not be a siege that i would win
  24. regretably, once done bitchign about birds, we have little left but to be stupid speaking of tending to kids, miker's dropping his boy off at kindergarten 2morrow than gonna solo stone soup - he gets the honor of being first to see the recent ledge-o-lanche right off p2 right up close, and all while still playing the part of the goddamn pater familias!
  25. ivan

    Fux Freakout

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