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Everything posted by ivan

  1. that one that goes up to bluebird
  2. shelbyville has a monorail!
  3. who's the dog on the chain, princess, when you came to this thread no doubt b/c you had to follow tvash around like a love sick puppy?
  4. over 7 pitches, there are: 3 instances of 3 bolts being clipped in a row 4 instances of 2 bolts in a row depending on the climber, 4 or more hook moves that's over-protected?
  5. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    even if you're living in an autonomous collective, if your name is "mustafa" there's a good chance you'll ending up calling the shots by weeks end
  6. for me at least, it was never about valley dreams - jeebus, there's no way to train for that besides just going there, or road tripping to index - i climb at beacon b/c, uh, i like climbing at beacon - where else can i climb on a weekly basis w/o pissing off my wife, my kids, my boss, my accountant, etc? speaking of "natural lines" on that side doesn't mean much - there are no crack systems, nor is it a sheer rising wall - it's mostly about trying to stay out of the goddamn junky jumbled fucked up forest, connecting one bit of not-so-broken rock to another whilst also avoiding swimming through poison oak (can't bbelieve there's no one else up there!) yer ma always says, when life hands you lemon, make lemonade in your pants, and that's what this has been about - accepting the winter for what it is and looking for a way to spend weekends having fun at beacon anyway - doesn't make a bit of sense to me how that wouldn't be a common sense adaption, but then i am not from around here...
  7. if actually intersted, one and all, the route's probably no more than c1+ and doesnt' demand offsets (though a red/yellow alien for the final pitch sure is nice)
  8. if jim aint' happy w/ it the bitch'n will continue so might as well make certain he don't think it's ghey What is Jim's role in this route? he doesn't need to have a role to have an opinion, as you know if the original idea was in any way serious, to stop the bitching, i'll do my part and change a name - i just want everyone to agree
  9. if jim aint' happy w/ it the bitch'n will continue so might as well make certain he don't think it's ghey
  10. shit, that aint' bad!
  11. thanks - i'm forwarding this on to me ma b/c she's just never understood seriously andrew, i don't care about the name - lets change it, why not? someone else has to redraw the topo though
  12. ok, ok, ok - so mayhaps the whole thing gets a new name and the 3 people and their retarded housepets that actually care will be placated? setting aside the argument that using the group to sort out a name would be subsumed w/n the concept of "stone soup," what else we got? was thinking "the proud pink highway" would be pleasing "it don't matter what color your girl is, they're all pink inside" might be a bit long, but goddamn i've alwasy liked that there redd foxx line...
  13. hey, but it HAS been succesful in the original intent of changing the febuary beacon topic de jour away from the fornicating falcons pink lives in cali-rado and he know's i'm too cheap a bastard to fly all the way out there for a drink....plus, w/o rereading the current 6 pages, i think i've maintained a friendlish tone, no?
  14. not true, but feel free to go on thinking it
  15. you don't rate and will need to truly put your shoulder into being an asshole if you ever want to make the big list
  16. indeed, what asshole put this in spray instead of within the magic force field bubble that contains columbia river gorge craziness?
  17. hey, you just had a bday - shouldn't you be busy nursing a hangover this morning?
  18. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    which countries come to mind, and how was the transition instituted? turkey and indonesia come to mind
  19. ivan

    Fux Freakout

    turkey has managed to make islam and democracy work pretty well together despite the presence of crazy fundies in their population - egypt might be able to copy them, hopefully setting aside turkey's minor genocide
  20. unlike infinite bitching, there are very few bolt followed by bolt bits, there's pretty much always some gera that has to be placed in between, and the pins that are fixed could of course be pulled, but the idea was to not rape the shit out of the rock over the course of a dozen ascents, an idea i know you're in support of.
  21. i'll take your opinion far more seriously after you've done it, or at least rapped the line, joe.
  22. 21-ML-79178-ML- Thread moved by popular request, though I must say this sort of thing is part of why the Columbia River Ghetto Forum was forged in the first place...
  23. jeebus dood! wtf? had 3rd degree burns all over my hands after an hour of rage at my boy scout camp when i was 14 - scout master pissed me off, so i set his "leadership flag" on fire - he'd made it out of some synthetic cloth, and when it started to ignite the wooden frame aroudn it, in the middle of the woods, i freaked and tried bashing it down w/ my flashlight, only to have the whole melting, gobby mess collapse around my hand and start sizzling in - later, the comical and obvious handshadow burned into the flashlight was a family heirloom
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