for me at least, it was never about valley dreams - jeebus, there's no way to train for that besides just going there, or road tripping to index - i climb at beacon b/c, uh, i like climbing at beacon - where else can i climb on a weekly basis w/o pissing off my wife, my kids, my boss, my accountant, etc?
speaking of "natural lines" on that side doesn't mean much - there are no crack systems, nor is it a sheer rising wall - it's mostly about trying to stay out of the goddamn junky jumbled fucked up forest, connecting one bit of not-so-broken rock to another whilst also avoiding swimming through poison oak (can't bbelieve there's no one else up there!)
yer ma always says, when life hands you lemon, make lemonade in your pants, and that's what this has been about - accepting the winter for what it is and looking for a way to spend weekends having fun at beacon anyway - doesn't make a bit of sense to me how that wouldn't be a common sense adaption, but then i am not from around here...