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Everything posted by ivan

  1. the ecological equivalent of abbott and costello?
  2. goddamit, still the fawk'n AAC!!!
  3. tatyana, sweet sweet tatyana, you to me, tatyana, whisper the secret for how to make fuck the best to you please and thank you
  4. "the world" segment i heard (which yeah, featured the author of the sciam article), made more or less exactly that point life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life...
  5. somebody was listening to jew-pee-arrrrr yesterday! suicide bomber ants in malayasia - hot shit!!! i liked the researcher: "yeah, ants fight a lot like people - the leaders just kinda stay towards the back and let all the workers sort shit out before finally wading in to finish off the enemy"
  6. and, according to a wikipedia, about 11 million camel-toed hotties w/ fuck-all for fucking hangups hanging out on la playa? from an austrailian fashion-week shoot:
  7. you like, put some time n' shit into that! i'd only disagree w/ the "We now have a significant segment of the society that has openly replaced compassion with contempt for those less fortunate." - as you know i don't think most things ever change, and that's certainly one of them. our nation has historically been bigoted and abusive towards catholics, indians, jews, chinamen, immigrants, mexicans, the poor, slaves, etc. certainly the ease with which the plight of modern life can be captured and portrayed for all to see is a change, but the underlying apathy and hostility towards "the others" is as american as stickign yer dick in an apple pie
  8. fuckers have poison heel-spurs, i wouldn't go calling'em pussies since even smart cats leave'em alone
  9. huh? on msnbc's website, which i imagine is corporate enough forya, i saw plenty of flag-draped dipshits being given plenty of noose to hang themselves, and plenty of political cartoons portraying them as buffons too - here's one i used as a warm up for a class a few weeks back:
  10. who needs a safety net when ya gotta whole wild continent of crocs, bunnies n' kangroos to consume?
  11. do greece and italy at least print their bonds on nice, soft, absorbent, charmin-worthy paper?
  12. OMFG! I can't even begin to picture that! Seriously, though, ivan, I agree with your points. The OWS movement needs to clean up its PR image before the "silent 99%" will sit up and take notice. Right now, all they see are crackheads, stoners, and college-educated hippy wierdo freaks whining about their exhorbitant student loans and no job for their liberal arts degree. teaching's like acting - ya gotta wear a costume to get into character god i love test days, my day to thank all of you who haven't been fucking paying a bit of attention for weeks now
  13. nobody is putting anybody up front at all b/c there is no leadership and no front - in the absence of either it's pretty easy for anyone, corporate or otherwise, to characterize you as they want.
  14. and my friend walking down the street in pdx?
  15. The media has gone out of its way to show the weird. It's well documented. as they have w/ the teapartiers, 60's era hippies, feminists, abolitionists, etc. for-profit media exists both to entertain and edify. such is life. so, why do you fall for it? what have i said that makes you think i've "fallen for it" - i think i have a pretty good idea of what the movement's about, who comprises it, etc, but if being realistic about tactics and strategy is "falling for it," then i guess i have.
  16. again, strategy conversation - is putting homeless folks, however representative or symbolic of the movement, up front the best stragegy to win popular support, which is as key in a republic as in a dictatorship in terms of effecting change? like or not, the average joe doesn't give a fuck about homeless folks. they do care about affordable healthcare, living wages, economically damaging free trade deals, corporate domination of the congress, etc., etc., but they won't listen to a word of it if the spokesman looks like a crackhead. sorry. i don't know who on earth would label me conservative, but i still wear a tie to fucking work
  17. The media has gone out of its way to show the weird. It's well documented. as they have w/ the teapartiers, 60's era hippies, feminists, abolitionists, etc. for-profit media exists both to entertain and edify. such is life.
  18. Exactly. Sleeping where they can't be ignored is fundamental to their gaining a voice. not being high as a kite at all hours is another?
  19. don't blind yourself, it just gets in the way of accomplishing what you want - the media has shown both the serious and the seedy element, and there IS a substantial seedy element - really now, was it the corporate media that made my very liberal portland friend make his observation to me about all the scary homeless types in pdx?
  20. is it the place of the cops to negotiate demands for nation and international political and economic reform? The police is used to break the movement so the 1% and their politicians won't have to negotiate. The movement will eventually find its political expression. It's not a matter of if but when. There are more discrete demands than they know what to do with. OWS represents the 99%, the overwhelming majority of which wants universal health care, jobs, raises in the minimum wage, etc .. is it "breaking the movement" to restrict the camping requirement? it doesn't seem so to me. sure, the movement will ultimately find its political expression, but everybody knows what it it will be (and is less than enthusiastic about it for good reason): the 2-party republican democracy we've been kicking down the road for 2 centuries now. yeah, it sucks, but really, wtf else is going to do it? americans, the likes of de toqueville and james fulbright have pointed out, are a profoundly UNrevolutionary people. not that anyone wants to consult me for strategy, but i think the occupy folks would do best to take just a couple of those issues (at least for each discrete city-based occupy movements) and hammer on them. shit, even the bolsheviks kept it simple, right? land, bread, peace. so...health-care, living wage, home?
  21. i'm pretty certain in our modern poltical environment that the bonus army would have met a much more satisfactory ending - even the media you're quick to castigate fell all over itself to trumpet the near-killing of scott olson in oakland shit, the occupy folks would do well to follow the bonus army's lead: 1. put your best foot forward (veterans and the like, folks who have been working hard, playing by the rules, and are just down on their luck, not tweakers who don't give a shit about politics beyond getting high and sitting aroudn the mission (yeah, i KNOW that's just a fraction of the occupy-movement, but the occupy tactic has attracted those folks to their make-shift camps like flies to shit and is thus making it easy to generalize the whole movement as such)) 2. go to where the powers that be do business (the national capital, if your goal is a national one) 3. insist on a specific demand (the bonus army wanted it's goddamn bonus! it was simple to say, simple to understand, not particuarily hard to do, and easy to know if it had in fact been done) anyone want to offer their theory on how the bonus army would go down today?
  22. is it the place of the cops to negotiate demands for national and international political and economic reform? is it possible to negotitate with 99% of 300 million people when they put forth no group to conduct that diplomacy? is it possible to compromise with a group that doesn't have a list of discrete demands?
  23. gotta love the random crazy shit - a few years back meth-tweakers sawed through the line running from my gas cap to the gas tank of my car, yet didn't appear to remove any fuel or any other damn thing, save my 3rd wedding ring which i'd left in the ashtray w/ my change
  24. yeah, i disagree on the "demonizing" bit - i've seen plenty of sympathetic or at least balanced reporting on them, and as i've said, i'm hardly an enemy of increasing the economic and political power of wee folks like meself one of my best friends works right where the portland occupation's been happenign - he's about as damn screaming-liberal as they come, but he expressed his disgust to me a few weeks back at the general feel of the folks who were representing the movement there, and not b/c he disagrees w/ the general message. sounds like it was a large # of portland homeless and crazy types smokign tons of weed at all hours and basically hanging out and being sketchy. at the basic level of strategy, it seems the movement needs to go back to the drawing board, if that's the face it's going to put forward.
  25. might not for the emunclaw-set, but it'll be fine 4 me sadly, having not written down lovely tatyana's # from ad-banner, i am cursed to wait in sadness for it to reappear
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