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Everything posted by ivan

  1. there's a reason the corps has always taken pride in their label of "devil dogs"
  2. your reading comprehension is siiiiick! i said i like the odds, if it came to it...
  3. better put the snowtires on yer priuses bitches!
  4. scientists versus bible-thumpers? i like the odds - scientists can make nukes n' napalm, n' all the other guys can do is put on a magic show
  5. i'd never think of you as a pawn. more like a rook. yeah, definitely a rook. a WHITE rook. maybe the star-trek set kind that looks like a borg-cube?
  6. when you bring in gloria steinem n' the ghost of susan b anthony on full to make the judge's ruling on said slanders? the lap dog comes to the defense right on cue! if that's a defense, i'd be a shit lawyer i'm reckoning sarah silverman would have a far nastier and misogynistic retort, if'n you're just not thinking pat's putting his shoulder into it...
  7. if little debbie ever goes under i will have to kill
  8. when you bring in gloria steinem n' the ghost of susan b anthony on full to make the judge's ruling on said slanders?
  9. what exactly is the difference between a twit and a twat?
  10. "drinking with or like irish people"
  11. come to think of it, that WOULD be a simple explanation for my voting for a black man as president are you an america worshipper as well?
  12. but ron paul's gonna win!!! reckon change is best when it's a slow process - washington, should i502 get passed, hopefully will just be the first in a long line of states asserting their authority to make decisions on drugs, and ultimately to cause the feds to stay out of issues they're not empowered to deal w/ by article 1?
  13. some of the shit you say is so fucked up. but am i wrong? we're the best country on earth but our recent president had to settle for sloppy bj's in a b-room by some pudgy chick while the whole ming dynasty could literally drown in top-shelf muff if it wanted to? they had the great wall - we have a wall the average stumpy, chubby chicano can clamber over in 15 seconds? they have general tsoa's chicken, we have mcdonald's chicken nuggets?
  14. if the gunks are anything like seneca in w va, matt's right
  15. i'm sure fossil is fuckall for aid - index's yer best cragging bet near you pat - bit of a bitch in winter though, in my very limited experience suuuuuure would like to go up to squampton this spring w/ you though, though i'm not sure either of us could make it through the border
  16. never took the opportunity to hear this clownpuncher 'til i was on the way home from the gym this evening and heard his acceptance speech i'm going to have to punch the american flag in the face daily if i have to listen to said dickhead regularly for 4 years - "i'm gonna stop apologizing for 'merica, b/c we're the most fucking awesome country in the fucking history of fuckign everything!!!!!!!" really? i mean, really? chinese emperors back in the day had so many bitches they had to build a whole special city to hold them all, and made certain any man entering the city had his ballz chopped off before he could go in. that sounds a lot kewler than being a tightass mormon from fucking wherever the fuck he's from who's got a hard-on for walmarts, no?
  17. been reading a collection of jack london's work lately - holy shit, there's an old boy who knew somethign about drinking - between him and jack keroac, they must have had a liver the size of texas came across this quote the other night: "Men do not knowingly drink for the effect alcohol produces on the body. What they drink for is the brain-effect; and if it must come through the body, so much the worse for the body."
  18. buy full sets of both and leave the one you don't like w/ me
  19. goddammit!
  20. i'm pretty certain i can't read student essays and NOT need solace in a class of wine
  21. holy shit, the totems look just like aliens! anybody used'em? do they feel the same?
  22. clearly jesus wasn't a fan of such psuedo-science besides, who doesn't enjoy pissing?
  23. ha! "Similarly, the more educated people are in the US, the more likely they are to drink" it almost like smart folks see how forked the whole world is and must needs intoxicate themselves to forget?
  24. the aussies also being famous teetotalers?
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