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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    caption please

    oh sure, if that's what 9/11 had looked like, we wouldn'ta had to invade iraq, right?
  2. which is harder to make yerself i wonder, ak-47 rounds 'r tasty, tasty RC Cola?
  3. ivan

    caption please

    gimme an "h!" gimme a "d!"
  4. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    please to weigh in on the thousand other conspircay theories listed here - is it not logical, mr bone, to deduce IF the vast universe of such theories across time have been debunked, THEN therefore 9/11 conspiracy theories are likely to be kooky?
  5. ivan

    caption please

    guess the double-down sandwich ain't as popular in the middle-east?
  6. ivan

    caption please

    is that brother in the center really gonna rape smurfette?!?
  7. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    all the more reason for rationality and logic, which is why i asked you if you thought AQ was behind the earlier attacks
  8. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    i reckon you can tell your friends whatever you want - irrationality is at the heart of history, and you'd be proud to play your part i'll warrant - in your case, i'm not certain how eastern europe was ever america's to "sell" nor how we could have imposed our will upon marshall stalin even had we been seriously inclined to do so perhaps we're straying from the original point? was it that irrational to, after 9/11, provide military support to the afghan northern alliance to evict the (unjust, as you say) governmetn of afghanistan, which had knowingly like OBL do his thing there? seems hard to argue against, but any military force, however nobly wielded, kills innocents.
  9. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    30,000 us soldiers died in afhganistan? more than a few folks pointed out the silliness of homeboy getting the prize - swedes?
  10. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    the fibonacci sequence? kittens? blow jobs on sundays?
  11. it's wierd that amerikkka could simulateounsly legalize weed and ban munchies...
  12. it's so rotten there you'd have to keep hammer'n'chisel'n till there was no beacon left out of the notch, on that final ridge pitch, i always go right instead of through the fresh broken part - my fear is one day the huge block you first have to stand on is goign to take off, taking my dumb ass w/ it as, even when i'm w/ somebody, i rarely stay roped for it...
  13. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    so...free thinking means throwing the practices and principles of the enlightenment out the window in favor of...of...what again? blanket distrust of absolutely anythign a man w/ a tie says?
  14. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    No. We are talking about 9/11 here. Keep on point please. IF al queda was in fact behind those other attacks (including, obviously the '96 WT bombing) THEN it's far more likely they'd have been in on 9/11, right? logic n' probability, yes?
  15. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    you are just a bag of shit! i am sure that people who were getting beheaded for listening to some music had much to say in the matters of that government. fucking get a clue fuckwad. it doesn't have to be "right" to be true - the people of a nation reap the folly of their fellow citizens - i'm pretty certain there's more than a few historical examples of this phenenomen?
  16. saw some fresh fragments at the base so reckon there's that mystery solved where'd they come down from?
  17. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    out of curiosity kev, do you also believe the kenya embassy bombing, uss cole attack, and '96 world trade bombing (not to mention the dozen or so other noteworthy actions commonly attributed to them) were also the work of some shadowy supergovernment?
  18. 9/13 - lonely lap today, not a soul on the rock or on the trail, just a big, big wind, a shallow river, and a bone-dry bird-sanctuary across the way - thought i saw ole'boy dave's car in the lot so i packed not 1 but 2 tall-boys of pbr in the hopes of balancing out the debt, but nary a sight of him along the way - so sad, i had to swig'em both down as i was afeared to leave one on the ledge as a sign there warned of wanton russian-fuck-types showing up to swill'em away...
  19. the only acceptable reason to riot is when the keg gets kicked
  20. ...does that mean a brother can't buy a 40 of olde english there no'mo?
  21. i do recall pulling a pin out in the same way from that bizarre anchor for bss
  22. i'll accept some bullet holes in beacon if'n it can help them birdies find greener pastures...
  23. ivan

    Yo Seagal

    all that stoning led to a lot of begatting too
  24. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    doesn't seem like the noun "protestor" quite fits at any rate when they arrive on the scene w/ ak's n' rpgs? course then, in libya lately, i didn't quite get how "activists" became "rebels" in all of 24 hours either
  25. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    sam bacile = sam furley?
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