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Everything posted by ivan

  1. 9/27 - my 20th day at beacon this season - 2 solo laps - not a soul on the southside nor more than 2 on the trail best times today: base to snag ledge: 2:00 to tree ledge: 4:40 to grassy ledges: 8:20 to uprising railing: 15:00 can't imagine me ever doing this better than 13:00 tops?
  2. more than a few recent thanksgivings have found me dangerously north of knackered at noon by jubel ales
  3. anyone know the average amount of elapsed time that goes by between ole'tvash channeling mark twain and then going dark for 6 months?
  4. i don't see how 2 ascenders is better for cleaning traverses - usually i'm just re-aiding those anyhow, so the gri as my attachment point is nice b/c it's always tight in case either of the aiders/daisies i'm on decides to part...
  5. 2 jugs for long jugs on fixed lines 1 jug/1 gri to pulley for cleaning a route (just feeeeels so much happier, and being tied in isn't so critical)
  6. one might argue that the words "reality" and any word for a religious group ought never be contained in the same sentence...
  7. the state level shit seems to be going well at least...
  8. i'd be more willing to gloat if it didn't seem likely that we'll just be getting 4 more years of republicans doing absolutely everythign they can not to cooperate...
  9. i was raised on "the transformers" so i'm good
  10. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    What this fellow is pointing out, right at you!, is that what he's got going is just a more blatant form of sport-climbing: permanently-established convenience fixtures that appeal to the masses who prefer presumed safety and a short learning-curve rather than the "leave little trace" ethic practiced by most other outdoor pursuits. Ain't it ironic how so many sport-climbers probably object on environmental or aesthetic grounds to via ferratas....something not all that dissimilar to what they themselves perpetuate? Yah...I'm pretty sure that's the point he's making, but he probably won't subscribe to cc.com because he's unwilling to be ruthlessly attacked for having a minority opinion on this site. also, it's all well and good, BUT WHO IS HE? name, rank and scooter license plate #, eh? you must respect the provenance concept, no?
  11. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    he looks awful fit for a brit - the shoes are a dead give-away though 'dawg, i'm curious - is your objection to all via ferratas, or just those put in in the past half century or so? my understanding is many via ferratas were really damn old, at least as far back as ww1, when they had legitimate reasons to exist (defense) beyond wankers recreation and when technical clmbing equipment was light-years behind today. the hiker's trail on beacon rock is essentially a via ferrata and is clearly a great good for the outdoors community, letting thousands of families a year get some decent excercise in a spectacular environment.
  12. i like it when the weather's solid shit all winter - then i got no shortage of solutions for being such a lame-ass - shit, if it's nice, i might actually have to DO somethign, see?
  13. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    when i reflect on this thread all i can hear is the beatles #9
  14. *bump* offering a 100$ cam in exchange for a 60$ one...
  15. 9/25 - on the rebound after a week of hacking snotsicles out of my lungs great asgolf-balls - 2 laps up the corner - steve n' sal n' tim n' his special lady friend sharing the route - laughs n' hijinx - bellows of beasts out on the beatific isle
  16. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    i'm sorry, but before that sumbitch clinton passed the ADA, space (and imaginativeness) was off-limits to retards and cripples
  17. ivan


    can i get that diagram in cornflower-blue?
  18. Occupy Space
  19. with all these dickheads playing grab-ass on the high seas, they'll never see them coming to Land a Blow for the Denizens of the Deep! there had to be at least a few homeboys on those boats have a good, healthy, gut-laugh in the midst of this farce, no?
  20. here's to any full-on fall ascent w' a headfull of
  21. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    the good doctor's lover in an all-too brief experimentation w/ greco-roman studies?
  22. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    a picture this cc.retard famous must have a curious provenance as well - could it be from the days when the good doctor dabbled on some sorta euro-darkside? who IS that man? what EXACTLY is he so fucking jazzed about?
  23. ivan

    Via ferrata ethics

    given the crazy close proximity of houses to what i assume is a substantial cliff face, ya gotta assume that even in the usa the location in question would be grid-bolted to hold some sorta anti-rockfall contraption in place, so....fucksake's, why NOT put a kewl little sidewalk up the side of it to boot? 'specially when you might need to scale the thing in a fuck-all hurry w/ a musket strapped to yer back to fend off the goddamn papists?
  24. ivan


    wtf do you do w/ a frozen coke?
  25. ivan

    RIP 9/11

    on an unrelated but related note, the constant "wounded warrior" ad-banner w/ the scorched soldier sure doesn't make me value the iraq war any more than i already didn't
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