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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox


    Yes. Something to think about indeed.
  2. Alpinfox


  3. Alpinfox


    hey squidy! you are on quite a little run of spray thread revivals there. YOU GO BOY!!!
  4. You sir, are a bad ass. You have my respect and admiration.
  5. You like hot belay babes too!?!?
  6. Gri-Gri. It ain't great cuz you gotsta pull dah rope tru dah ting, but it works. I use it because I own one. Supposedly it can fail if something presses against the top and prevents cam from engaging. I've heard of ascenders coming undisreattached from da rope when some poor sucker was jugging. Thus the wisdom behind tying in periodically. I prefer to get a hot girl to be my belay slave. Any takers? Info on solo TR from Tradgirl.com
  7. RC.com general info about devil's tower
  8. Fred Beckey was almost arrested for peeing in front of a bunch of tourists there. Durrance route is supposedly pretty gross (urine & feces). A friend of mine did a 5.8/9 thing there that he really liked. I think it was called "Sunshine route" or something like that. Stem Stem Stem. Devil's Tower is Cool pictures and a TR Wish I knew more about it.
  9. Nice TR Mr.E. Fun in the sun, lots of , some , some , lots of , and a bit too much ! It was great to climb with lots of different folks I'd never climbed with before including Pandora, BadVoodoo, The Muffster, and some non-cc.comer friends from PDX. I'll check my pictures soon and see if I got any good ones. p.s. I think the thing we toproped on Karate Wall is actually called "Crossfire". pps. Photos from BadVoodoo
  10. I'm interested! I'll give you $32.14 for the muiras. I think that's what you paid for them right?
  11. I think he's got a pair of the lunchboxes...
  12. Could someone who knows rbw1966's phone number please pm me ASAP? I promise not to call him too often with my sexy deep breathing...
  13. DUDE! I think you have the scoop on shoes, now go buy a pair and post a trip report! CLIMB CLIMB CLIMB!!!
  14. Keep in mind, Chris Sharma can probably climb 5.13 in flip-flops. Any shoe with modern sticky rubber on it is going to get the job done for you. By the time your technique outgrows your shoe, you will probably have trashed the shoe anyway. Good luck.
  15. Number one priority for beginner rock shoes is COMFORT - you aren't going to be cranking on dime-edges, so you don't need your shoes super tight. After comfort, the next priority is to get shoes that match your lycra climbing tights. It's important to look good out there. Moccasyms don't have a lot of support - probably not a good all-day-in-the-mountains or beginner shoe. Go with something pretty stiff, comfortable, and board lasted. Boreal Aces are pretty popular and meet that criteria. Lots of good shoes out there, and frankly it doesn't matter that much what shoe you get as long as it is comfortable. Just CLIMB CLIMB CLIMB! p.s. I see on the sidebar that one of this website's sponsors is selling 5.10 Spires for $69. Probably not a bad choice if they fit you OK.
  16. A "uniformed" secret is a military secret... you know, like the US's policy of torturing Iraqi captives.
  17. Nice satan eyes there Gary. MUHAHAHAHA!!! ....and thanks for the shot of "coffee".
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