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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Yup. Watch what happens if the Pakistani government looses control. Iran and the Pakistani opposition are directed by Religious fundamentalism. Clearly a good idea. They fear us. We fear them. We all fear the unknown.
  2. That's the ticket! You mean,.... He has cooties!?
  3. Dang. Just when KKK is getting coherent I have to work. Iran with nukes = disaster. Where is Israel's air force when you need them? I give them till Feb. Then the bombs will fall.
  4. Bug - if the UN is your acid test for a just war, how do you reconcile Kosovo? "Acid test" is an over statement. But having some effort to communiccate between governments as we did with Afganistan is better than no effort to do so or ignoring world condemnation as we did in Iraq.
  5. Allow me to paraphrase what you just said. Feel free to correct the parts that are not accurate. "I love nationalism and ignorance. They bread contempt and suspicion. From that we can justify any war. While in war we can dismantle civil liberties in the name of national security. Eventually we can completely eliminate the two party system and get down to business." Am I close?
  6. North Korea never attacked us. Anyway, Illegal War is a bullshit PC liberal term. Legal according to whose laws? An attacked country will never say the war is "legal", now will they? The war in Iraq is just as "legal" as any other war the US has started, or any other country for that matter. OK. So to boil it down, are you saying that we should invade anyone we want if they have something we want to take? Do you think there ARE any differences between the way we got into WWII and Iraq?
  7. what's a "legal war" you moron? and women and children die in every war, including those Clinton jumped on, and all your favorite pantheon of democratic heros participated in: LBJ and Vietnam, Truman and Korea, FDR and WWII. Do you have any reccolection of there being a United Nations and stuff like that? or are you too busy thinking up witty insults like "you moron"? Legal is clearly realative but let's see if I can spell it out for you so that even a sub-moron (witty eh?) can understand it. First, take what Chuck said, nice work Chuck, then add this. The world supported us in invading Afganistan to dismantle the camps that trained the people who attacked us. The world condemned us for invading Iraq. Are you cowering in the corner yet?
  8. Then during the Bush years, you know, when we were starting illegal wars n stuff, it was basically illegal to be a democrat. We exposed CIA operatives and called congress people "unpatriotic" if they did not vote to kill women and children. History will remember us.
  9. There used to be a clear difference. Back in the day,Reagan years, Republicans were right no matter what and Democrats were wrong no matter what.
  10. "I am looking to do an epic backcountry ski trip this winter,.."
  11. 7. You are in my mountain range.
  12. Republicans demand a study. Extensive research. Notable experts. Unless they are quoting Rush.
  13. The crest of the Bitterroot was fun a couple decades ago. We took 12 days. Had a couple free ski days (no pack). Go in Como lakes. Come out over Lolo Pk and down the Mormon ridge road. There may be some thin parts but the north exposures almost always have powder. And you WILL be alone.
  14. Follow the jet stream. There is no way to guess. If I had to guess, I would go north. Canadian Rockies.
  15. Way to get out early and bring back great pics for us office poges. Thanks.
  16. But to stay on topic, If you dig into anyone's life you will find some kind of dirt. If you remove anyone who has "SINNED" then you are garuanteeing that there are only liars in office.
  17. It doesn't get me that Republicans made a big deal of the fact that Clinton lied about having sex. It does get me that they don't care about Bush lying about WMD, and torture. Hypocrasy. Stupidity. These are few of their favorite things...
  18. Why do I have that Fr....n smiley face above my avatar? I hate smiley faces. I prefer smiley feces. I will share it with the smiley face instigator.
  19. Bug


    Some anthropologist I read about in college was interviewing a manwho had 4 wives.he interviewer asked the man how he liked having 4 wives. He asked the interviewer if he was married. "Yes". "How is that going?" "Oh pretty good I guess." "So there are some problems?" "Yes. A few." "Multiply that by four. How much free time do you have left now?"
  20. Bug


    I drove my 1960 Ford Falcon van to San Felipo Mexico one winter. We had fun except for the time I got stuck on the tide flats at an inopportune time. Luckily, I was not the first and was able to find boards and flat rocks in sufficient quantities to jack up the van, insert said objects, and pave the road ahead for as far as possible. At one point, the tide was washing our boards as we jack ed up the van in a new spot. We were finally able to make it out to solid sand and found a bottle of Tequila.
  21. Bug


    I've been monogomous twice.
  22. Nope. Not too much longer and they will be part of China.
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