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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Combination or relation or bridging misunderstandings etc.
  2. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Isha Yoga is the best combination of spirituality and energy theory I have seen.
  3. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    or a whiskey. Single Malt Scotch.
  4. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    What government would an anarchist replace government with? Rejection is not supplantation of one thing with another. It is discarding. Look up "Ubermensch".
  5. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Ah. Cool. We should have a beer sometime.
  6. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    I think you are confusing people "not listening" to you with people who just don't share your point of view. You see the Bible as a storybook. That's fine. Others see it as the Word of God. That's fine. It is great that you lay out your stance clearly and that you are comforatable with it. You are heard. But remember that this is your opinion and it may or may not accurately reflect the truth of the universe, the afterlife, the spiritual realm, etc. Actually, what I am describing is a hack-job summary of the body of academic research and development in the field of Religious Studies, more commonly referred to as Socio-cultural Anthropology. So call it my stance all you want. I stole it all from people like Joseph Campbell, Sir Edmund Leach, and a host of other professors I met and studied under. This is just to say, if you nothing about this topic and its depth of development (including many atheists), you are doomed to repeat history. Or as one famous atheist (Neitze) put it, "the eternal recurrance of the same." He declared "God is dead". "We must move beyond God." So what would he have replaced God with? A God-like man. Thereby proving his own postulate.
  7. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    probably as difficult as converting pope to clipping bolts actually, if it was one of the churches were by converting i'd be immediately privy to the stable of buxom 17 year-olds i'll be diving into the pew (so to speak) Ah well. I opened the dialogue. My work is done. But just so you know, churches are the best place to find single women.
  8. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    I would have thought Minx would have topped your list? Minx has too many old demons to excorcise.
  9. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Actually, I do not beleive it is my responsibility to convert anyone. It is my responsibility to inform but it is not my responsibility to convince. I AM supposed to lead by example as well but then, we all fall short on that one.
  10. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    naw, that would be fun as hell (pun belatedly intended) - could be in the same spirit as my frat's old "heaven n' hell" mixers - you bring the fruity-n-refreshing beverages and we bring the cinamon and brim-stone tasting shit Yeah. Right on. We can target Ivan as our first convert.
  11. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Nobody listens but I'll say it again. The Bible is an anthology of oral traditions. Oral traditions/mythologies are the storage area for a society's wisdom, knowledge, and worldview. Oral tradtions were steeped in allegory and were open to change as the times changed. When literacy was introduced, the Oral traditions were frozen in time and became obsolete. It would be like taking a picture of your self now and in 50 years saying, "That's what I look like." Fundamentalists took over the church in spite of Jesus' abhorance of codified religion (see the part where he throughs the pharisees out of the temple). Our generation and many preceding us are cursed with the presence of long standing fundamentalist traditions and social structures. But, as with all generations, we are tasked with "following our hearts" to discerne what is good and what is evil (or however you wat to express it). Revelations could easily be used to prove that space aliens invaded earth in the 1st century. Fear motivates. Those who wrote and cannonized Revelations were very afraid of losing power.
  12. Bug

    Tick Bite

    Bug, I definitely agree with your advice to Marc, but call BS on your cause of the "calcified cyst." Is this a self-diagnosis? Likely it's just a cyst. At least it makes for a good story. Here is what I do know. When I was a boyscout in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, I found a gorged tick on the back of my head. My father tried to remove it using the match technique. When he pulled it off, it had no head. For the rest of thte trip, I was repeatedly asked what the tick had to say about this, or that, or whatever. The lump grew over the course of a few days but hten receaded to a small pimple size lump. Over the years, it has continued to grow and is now 3 feet in diameter and has the shape of Ronald Reagan's head. Unfortunately, it keeps muttering, "I don't recall, I don't recall". How dare you question my honesty!
  13. Bug

    Fall'n Into Da Crater

    They's snowmobilin dumbass. Sorry. I just think its funny that nobody sees how stupid it is. Just ask em the same question. I pays mah taxes n I'ma gonna go wherever the sam hell I wahnt.
  14. Whenever my mom called my brothers and I "little monkeys", my dad got real mad because he said people might think we are black.
  15. Bug

    Tick Bite

    It posts here more than I do.
  16. I have been on it in two places and found it to be variable in it's dependability. Sometimes only a handhold came off. Other times it was human sized chunks. I dropped part way down from the top so the bottom might be better.
  17. Bug

    Tick Bite

    The circle around it is disturbing. If it is still there, see a doctor. I have had a tick head in the back of my scalp for about thirty years now. It is a small calcified cyst at this point. It is a pain in the butt when barbers bump it with their clippers but other than that, and the occassional odd comments it makes, there aren't any problems with it.
  18. We are all one big furry cat.
  19. The family that gangs together, bangs together.
  20. Nope. Just cut and pasted pertinent text. Google "avalanche slope" and the site I went to is the second or third down.
  21. I have a box of girl's clothes to give away. Size 8-10. I also have a pair of rear entry size 4 ski boots for sale. $10 You get one rubber ball for picking up either item.
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