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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. He said the only reason they used the Metolius rap hangers is because they were the lightest. Using rap rings or any other fully metal, no tat solution to rebuild it is fine.
  2. Nesakwatch Spires?
  3. Tomyhoi north face?
  4. And then what about the FWAs of Yak Crack and Yak Check, NE Ridge of Needle, etc?
  5. Where are winter routes from CAG on Silvertip, Rideout, Sumallo, Payne, Pierce, Brice, Thar, Outram?
  6. The list is not exaustive is it? If this list is the same one (didn't check) from the appendix to John Scurlock's book then there is quite a bit missing. Yes it's the list from Snow & Spire. But I've updated it since the book was published. Also, the list on line covers the entire range while the one in the book has only the North Cascades. The list is as exhaustive as I could make it based on Beckey's guides and a few other sources. (See notes at the bottom of the page.) If you know of routes that I've omitted, let me know and I'll update the list on the web. It's missing so much stuff I don't know where to start, Lowell. I see at least a half dozen routes just from the red CAG you don't even have in there.
  7. If this list is the same one (didn't check) from the appendix to John Scurlock's book then there is quite a bit missing.
  8. Any route that can be skied without rappels is not worthy of technical climbing - discuss.
  9. underrated, or undersized?
  10. Nah. Just stubborn. I like that it's your namesake climb! There's a route called Tan Snaffle?
  11. G-spotter

    9/11 explained

    You know what they called the Arabs in Spain? Moors. What is fat Michael's last name? MOORE. Michael Moore is alQaida
  12. There is that big granite roof in Renton.
  13. G-spotter

    9/11 explained

    "Kevbone" and "scopolamine" both end in "ne". This cannot be a coincidence.
  14. I know! The last time I was in there there were all these chain-smoking coho playing the slots when they should have been spawning and dying.
  15. G-spotter


    Beckey had binders full of women long before Rmoney did
  16. That's why it's important to learn how to belay using the holes in the lobe of a #4 Camalot... personally i prefer the #7 tricam for this application
  17. Sunrise is when Ethan Hawke gets to bang Julie Delpy
  18. It should be easier then because the bad rock will be hidden under snow.
  19. I wouldn't mind bagging the first alpine-style traverse of that CNN viewership graph
  20. Shit look at me post four posts in a row. I'm out-tvashing tvash
  21. Speaking of which http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/28/republican-cnn-attack-animal-peanuts-racist_n_1838249.html
  22. Remember when Chuck D said hiphop was the black CNN?
  23. CNN: unbiased and unloved. http://www.economist.com/node/21563298
  24. pedobear
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