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Everything posted by G-spotter

  2. Well, if you poison then, no Korean BBQ, for one thing.
  3. http://craftworld.us/article/hand-knit-dishcloth-flame-wars
  4. AFAIK that's the FWA of the NE ridge. Despite the north face comment in the title, this is very similar in line to the original (1960) summer route up the NE ridge.
  5. People had babies and stuff.
  6. it's all melting now but it sure was nice.
  7. G-spotter


    I heard that OJ Simpson liked the Bronco.
  8. It got climbed yesterday, lots of open water, party supposedly did a mixed start up the wide crack right of the base to get on the ice, and not sure if they topped out or not.
  9. A foot of new snow today?
  10. You can get more than 45 degrees each side of vert on a playground swing, so why not on a pendulum? You can't get to 180 degrees (fully horizontal on each side) unless you have solid steel bars instead of chains. Or a rope in this case. Layton, you think switching out the rope for an inflexible rod would be useful for penjis? http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=692253 Some useful links in there
  11. There's a fine line between dirtbag and homeless and you crossed it. Nothing to be proud of.
  12. G-spotter


    Police state, balls and clubs go together.
  13. The ergonomics of naked man's computer desk are ALL WRONG!
  14. i didn't think anybody here was saying they had? The idea we haven't evolved quickly enough to eat our present diet is paleo dogma. It is also just plain wrong.
  15. 1) Make yourself a pair of rockin' Daisy Duke cutoffs. Or go punk as fuck and cut the arms off a jean jacket to make a kutte. 2) Take one of the sleeves/legs and close off one end with a broccoli rubber band. Instant point-proof crampon bag.
  16. Wait till you try it before you say you like it. I saw someone trying to Tyrol across the cable, hanging from the cable, take over an hour to get one person across. We canoed 3 across in 10 minutes.
  17. The steel one is under $100. http://www.petzl.com/en/pro/verticality/pulleys/transport-pulleys/tandem-speed
  18. Also there is some serious stretch in the cables, so if you do end up losing balance you can fall over to horizontal (front down) and then bounce back to horizontal (back down) while still clipped to the cable. And getting stung by wasps. People have swum across the river with their thermarest blown up as a raft too. Rather than taking a steel biner you can use a short length of 1/4" or 3/16" steel chain and just clip the end links into your alum biner. Also more friction this way which is good for the uphill leg of the cable. Or go over in style, ride the power. http://www.petzl.com/en/pro/verticality/pulleys/transport-pulleys/tandem
  19. Stacked days and nights that have been hitting +8/+9 C have been killing Lillooet this year, even Marble Canyon is a falling apart slush pile.
  20. Latest from facebook post from friend of a friend said: Deeping Wall was "very wet and delaminating almost a foot at the top, and sections very thin." Icy BC "had holes up the left side". They broke thru into flowing water on Oregon Jack half way up, water spewing out, bailed from 30m. Also, from other information (DriveBC webcam at Allison Pass), it was raining in Manning Park today at the elevation of Nepopekum Falls. So, I frankly would not head to Marble this weekend. It's more like late Spring than the middle of winter up there. People are desperate for ice and getting on stuff they normally wouldn't touch, and it's gonna kill someone sooner or later when that shit falls down. Your best bet for ice around the PNW is to go high in the mountains somewhere with a stable snowpack or where it's already avalanched. Rain on snow makes for melt and with the clear weather coming we get some melt-freeze. If its high enough for snow but low enough not to have snowpack weak layers you might do alright. But you know like Jesse pointed out it's also gonna be an ideal weekend for sunny winter rock climbing!
  21. You can get a couple geese and start plucking.
  22. i heard he had a skeleton in his closet. did it get outed?
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