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Everything posted by Heinouscling

  1. Sprague (a CC.com lurker) and I did the left side of The Rambles Saturday (Jan 12). The top pitch was most excellent and fun climbing (hard 3+ or easy 4 conditions). We were able to find a couple of different, but interesting, lines up it. We checked out The Marble Sunday and did the first pitch of IcyBC. There was some airy, chandeliery stuff in the middle which may have introduced a bit of WI4 climbing. The second pitch was basically a very unfrozen waterfall, but the third pitch looked fun. We then set up a TR on the Deeping wall. As Dale suggested, not recommended for leading due to the absense of protection for the first 35 feet or so. Of coarse, protection is all a matter of perspective, right? Ice conditions on the Deeping were about perfect. Great, plasticky, thin ice but probably a little thicker since Dale did it. Also, late Sunday (Jan 13) it was getting noticibly colder, especially in The Marble. I think the much "sought after" cold front may have arrived. CLIMB HARD!! -Heinous
  2. In all honesty, I'm thinking Mobile, Alabama. Put a little thought into it and you will understand how I came upon this choice.
  3. Until the beer flows at the Lillooet ice fest (probably most of it down Caveman's foul gullet).
  4. "A Tale Of Two Shitties" at Smith. Supposedly the climb consists of two shit filled crack running parallel to each other. -Heinous
  5. I was the uptight dude hanging with Sprague at Icy BC yesterday. I believe I saw you. You were the fella sort of glowering at the left side of the wall. You looked like you drank too much cheap beer the night before. Sprague and I were playing on Deeping wall on TR. The route felt very leadable except for the fact that there is really no gear for the first 30 or 40 feet. Hmmm, that adds a little bit of a psych dimension to it. The first pitch of Icy BC was fantastic (a little wet though). -Heinous
  6. Caveman, you fat bastard, we're headed to Lilloowet. Not sure what we will find but we're gonna give it a good go. We will be downing brews tomorrow evening. Maybe we will run into you. Now, CLIMB HARD!!!!! -Heinous
  7. Hey all you sorry bastards, I'm outta here! I'm off to find me some ice! See Yaaaa! -Heinous
  8. You got it Norm. Six months is about the time the bitching and whining kicks in hard. -Heinous
  9. Heinouscling


    It just amazes me how much response can be generated from a post consisting of one single character. Get a life dudes! -Heinous
  10. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: yeah, no foolin'... Almost as bad a bowling... Another one bites the dust... We have Stern here in the a.m. I listen to him on my way to work sometimes... puts me in the right frame of mind... [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ] Hmmm, IceGirl, you're starting to sound like my kind of woman. Climbs ice, listens to Stern, likes to grovel in the mud ... Now the question is, are you good looking and do you have big boobies? OK ALREADY! Before the feminist hoardes (led by Daisy) get on my ASS, I was just pulling IceGirl's chain. No harm done. Hey IceGirl, I'll drink a brew with you at the festival (provided I can fend off Caveman and Trask). -Heinous
  11. quote: Originally posted by Dru: What does Smoky McPot say???? "Dubage" sounds like something "Dubya" would do. I want no part of that. PS Greg, I mean Anuscling, maybe if you had a few tokes you wouldnt be so uptight and threatening-seeming to poor old daisy. Hmm, you may be right, Dru my man. Since you are Canadian, can I assume that you would easily be able to assist me in obtaining a toke? As for poor Daisy, I'm about as laid back as they come. You found that out when we almost got squashed in that auto accident. Hey, at least I'm able to admit that I get a fatty every once in awhile. Daisy seems to have a problem with me getting a fatty and it upsets her. Maybe Daisy does not have access to a fatty and she gets pissed because of it. I think she is the one in dire need of the dubage. By the way Dru, its HEINOUScling. HEINOUS. -Heinous
  12. She's moving to Cincinatti for this dude? Fucking A, thats almost as bad as taking up bowling. I would never move to the flat lands for a woman. No way man! Well, you might as well kiss that friend goodbye. She's a lost soul. Ha, I'm sitting here watching Mr. Methane on Stern. This guy is great. He's playing music out of his bung hole and it actually doesn't sound too bad. Ha! -Heinous
  13. Hey Caveman and Trask, fuck you man! Icegirl is mine! I was here first! Go find your own ice bunnies. Hey, I'm sitting here watching Stern. Mr. Methane is on the show again. Yeaaa! I love this guy. He's about to work magic with his A-hole. He's going to play the Canadian anthem with it.
  14. quote: Originally posted by trask: sorry dude, the bathroom humor carries me away now and then. I'm such a perv. I'm cool now. Trask, you sound like a man for Daisy. -Heinous
  15. So Dru. Is she your woman too? Can I have some? -Heinous
  16. I knew it. We have a bunch of heiny stuffers here. -Heinous
  17. You see, Daisy. You've done jumped right into the pit. Now you're just gonna have to bend over and take it. No worries. Your skin will thicken up soon enough. Six years in the military did it for me. -Heinous
  18. Heinouscling


    36 - 12 - 50 Daisy's measurements -Heinous
  19. quote: Originally posted by daisy: please keep your spunk to yourself and stop sending me emails. thank you. Either you have me confused for someone else or there is a Heinouscling imposter out there. I have never sent you an email nor do I have a desire to. -Heinous
  20. quote: Originally posted by michaeljosephnozel: Heinous: Funny thing is. . .it was probably the kid's 300th attempt. But when he finally gets it, he will be a 5.13c (or whatever) climber. Yea, but what about when he ripped his shirt off? Anymore of that and he will start giving climbers a bad name. -Heinous
  21. So I'm sitting here in my cube thinking about how I should be on ice or crags and not in my cube and I'm wondering how ingrained within the climbing culture is beer and dubage (aka pot). From what I've read and know, it would seem that beer, dubage, and climbing go back a long ways. I know that dubage was very much a part of the climbing culture back during the 60s, epecially in The Valley. Now, when I go climbing up in Canada, especially at places such as Skaha, there are always a few instances when I am climbing on some wall and a gaggle of Canadian climbers will come along. Inevitably, the thick cloud of dubage smoke will waft up around me and before I know it, my head is spinning, without me actually having taken even one toke. This does not seem to happen so often when I'm climbing down South. So, please excuse the generalization, but it would seem that the Canadian climbers are especially fond of the dubage. Is it just Canadian climbers that like the dubage or is dubage a rich part of Canadian culture in general? I know that BC weed is infamous for its quality which may help to explain the Canadian climber's extreme fondness for the dubage. The American climbers seem to really appreciate their beer even though good beer in America has only really recently become available to the American beer drinking masses. I myself prefer a good, dark beer. Sometimes in large quantities. This will probably be the case for me at the festival. I've heard that Caveman appreciates a good beer also. Comments? -Heinous
  22. quote: Originally posted by the shadow: Thank you, thank you both. Thank you for bringing to cc.com the stuff that makes it worth surfing! No prob Shadow Man. Glad to oblige you. Hey, someone has to add a little spunk to this site.Besides, I love getting women riled up. I have pictures in my mind of Daisy being all hot and bothered. Doh! See ya ... Time to go use my hand!
  23. quote: Originally posted by KeithKSchultz: Just a vague memory but........ Six or so pitches up a thunderstorm from the north arrives. Wind, lightning and pouring rain drove us into a nearby cave (maybe the gallery cave) which seemed more like a microwave oven with all the electrical action going by. This story reminds me of something that happened on El Cap about 20+ years ago. I don't remember the details, maybe someone can help me out, But a few climbers were hiding from lightning in a cave somewhere on the wall when a bolt came down the crack that formed the cave. One guy was jolted pretty hard and fell backwards off the wall while clipped only to the end of a 150' rope. He popped a few anchors and I think pulled another guy off. The survivor(s?) had to be rescued.Electricity travels in realativly straight lines and seeks the path of least resistence which is the path with the most positively charged ions such as metals or conductive gasses. A crack full of air is likely to be more conductive than granite especially with a little sodium mixed in. If you are going to hide from lightning in a cave, don't fart, belch or breath and you will probably be OK. OK. Great story, but how does the Mounties fit into this? -Heinous
  24. So I'm at the climbing gym the other day and this kid is on the wall working this 5.11 lead route. He seems to be having a real go of it. Hang dogging on the rope a lot. The whole time, he is yelling like a madman while pulling these seemingly hard moves. This reminded me of another incident last Summer that I had the misfortune of witnessing while climbing at Smith. I thought I might share it with you fine folks here on CC.com so that you may share your thoughts. So I was up in Cocaine Gully watching this kid work Vomit Launch. He also was having a real go of it. Nothing out of the ordinary really was occuring until..."they showed up". Who is "they"? You might be asking yourself. Ah, why the two, rather attractive, young gals wearing the wee, tiny little sports bras. Yes, I must admit, a fine sight indeed. But alas, the kid on the wall immediately noticed them also, while yet again, hanging on the rope. What does this young fella do. Why, he immediately rips off his shirt, bellows out a terrific howl and gets back to it on the wall. He pulls a few moves and then once again ends up on the rope. After looking down in order to ensure himself that the two fine gals are still witnessing his terrific efforts, he once again lets loose with a massive bellow of hot air and gets on the wall. He pulls a few moves and ends up again on the rope. He does not stop his girations there though. Immediately upon weighting the rope with his bulk, he starts kicking the wall and screaming "GOD DAMN IT!" "MOTHAF*CKA SON OF A BITCH" "ASSHOLE...MOTHAF*CKA". The women, having had enough of his antics, continue sauntering up the gully. As one of them passes me, she shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and mutters "What an idiot.". The young man, having then noticed that the gals are no longer staring up at him, then ceases his yelling and kicking. After having witnessed this, I had to ask myself "Why?". -Heinous
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