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Everything posted by avypoodle

  1. Agreed, cool to meet you guys!! We'll have to team up for something a bit more challenging sometime in the future. Possibly an outing to Marymoore or at least some shopping at REI.
  2. And you call yourself A Cascade Climber!?!?!?! Sheesh, some people.
  3. No Tooth TR Glen? I heard you were up there helping some Gapers get down the South Face.
  4. I did this route about 3? years ago in a long day without Mtn bikes. They would have been nice, although we got a ride out, most of the way, on the back of some kids Trans Am, apparantly his Uncle still has a Mine Share, and they got a copy of the key. The route was cool, although short. Nice tiny summit. The only piece of grear I really wanted was a #2 camalot. Didn't have it. Fun uncrowded route, although that was before Select 2. Its like the Tooth with a way more interesting approach\views.
  5. Later Will
  6. AlpineK and I have the same B-day So does JFK. I was also born on the 25th anniversary of the 1st ascent of Everest! unless Mallory did it.
  7. so you were that guy that was nailing Snake Dike... [ 05-09-2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  8. Dan said this: "Hell back in the day I even nailed a dyke in the bathroom at a dyke bar ( she really hates men now)" But what he meant was: "Hell back in the day I even blew a gay dude in the bathroom at a gay bar (he really loves men now" DAN LARSON REALLY DOES SUCK not that there is anyhting wrong with that [ 05-09-2002, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  9. I think this is more bullshit. Avatars, trolling, whatever. Everyone knows the internet is for people who can't function in real relationships anyway.
  10. Lynn Hill was pretty hot 25 years ago.
  11. What about being Tommy and getting the FA of Mt. Rodden? [ 05-06-2002, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  12. avypoodle


    why did the blonde's toes keep curling up during sex??? She forgot to take her pantyhose off. [ 05-06-2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  13. nevermind [ 04-30-2002, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  14. Cool, N. Fork Bridge Creek has some large animals too.
  15. avypoodle

    movie quotes

    *# Let me tell you what Like A Virgin is about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with big dick. The entire song is a metaphor for big dicks. *# No, it ain't..It's about a girl who's very vulnerable. She's been fucked over a few times and she meets a guy who's sensitive. *# Whow whoa whoa, timeout. Tell that fucking bullshit to the tourists. *#Toby? who the fuck is Toby? *# Like A Virgin is not about some sensitive girl who meets a nice fella. That's what True Blue is about. No argument about that. *# Which one is True Blue? *# True Blue was a big-ass hit for Madonna. I don't even follow that top-of-the-pops shit, and I've heard of True Blue. *#I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked is how's it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest Madonna fan. *# Personally I can do without her. *# I used to like her early stuff, Borderline...but once she got off with that -Papa, don't preach- phase, I tuned out. *# Hey, you guys are making me lose my train of thought here. I was saying something, what was it? *# Oh Toby's that little Chinese girl. What was her last name? *# What's that? *# Well, it's an old address book I found in a coat I haven't worn in a coon's age. What was that name? *# What the fuck was I talking about? *# You said True Blue was about a guy and sensitive girl who meets a nice guy but Like A Virgin was a metaphor for big dicks. *# OK, let me tell you what Like A Virgin is about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine. I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick! *# How many dicks is that? *# A lot.. *# Then one day, she meets this John Holmes motherfucker and it' like -whooaa baby- I mean this cad is like Charles Bronson in -The Great Escape- he's digging tunnels. Now she's getting serious dick action. She's feeling something she ain't felt since forever...Pain, pain. *# Chew? Toby Chew? *# It hurts..It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt her. Y'know her pussy should be Bubble-Yum by now. But when this cad fucks her, it hurts. It hurts just like it did the first time. You see the pain is reminding a fuck machine what it was once like to be a virgin. Hence, -Like A Virgin-. *# Wong... *# Give me that fucking thing. *# What the hell you think you're doing? Give me my book back. *# I'm sick of fucking hearing it Joe. I'll give it back to you when we leave. *# What do you mean -we leave-? Give me it back now! *# For the past fifteen minutes now, you've been drowning on about names. Toby..Toby? Toby? Toby Wong. Toby Wong? Toby Wong. Toby Chung? fucking Charlie Chan..I've got Madonna's big dick coming out of my left ear, and Toby the Jap, I don't know what, coming out of my right! *# Gice me thet book. *# Are you gonna put it away? *# I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want with it. *# Well, then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to keep it. *# Hey Joe..Want me to shoot this guy? *# Shit. *# You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize...
  16. I'm probabaly just an idiot, but I can't figure out how to get to the main page (climbers wall) without first going to an active topic. Is there a faster way to do this Tim?
  17. avypoodle

    Hey Pope!

    How's this for over bolted: from R and I online: The extension comes off of the Frigid Inseminator through a small roof to hard moves on good rock. It makes the route 30 feet with 9 bolts and two roofs of really hard climbing.” That makes a bolt every 3 and a third feet. I know it would suck to take a long fall with tools and such but I think this is a little silly.
  18. avypoodle

    so I get drunk

    Don't fall off the tractor.
  19. Not sure if it will be dry but Zig Zag is pretty mellow, and long for Erie. It starts in a 5.7 corner to a slab. Belay at chains or continue to ledge with huge tree. Next pitch has several variations that end on ledge with bright slings and a snag. You can traverse off left and up broken terrain to the top,rap, or climb a direct last pitch which goes at5.9. To approach park at the bottom pullout, then follow the new trail up and left. About 10 minutes into it, look for an ascending trail on your left and scramble/hike to the base. Approach should take about 15 mins total.
  20. avypoodle

    Muir on Saturday

    I am an idiot [ 04-17-2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: avypoodle ]
  21. You could see me slowly gain weight in front of a computer.
  22. an avypoodle camera? that would be REALLY boring
  23. Dude, I think you need to cut down on the Valium dosage. On second thought, how about some dexidrine\ephedrine, that shit would be entertaining.
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