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Everything posted by klar404

  1. I'm not sure what Chavez is up but 17 cents a gallon for gas is pretty screwed up for the enviroment. Here is a lovely video that makes the United Nations deal seem tame.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PC2RpDzYeo
  2. I can't be bothered to read all the drivel but here is a cover done by a great band suffering from a bad recording. http://www.ween.net/austinteacher.mp3 Hilarity over quality.
  3. Originally posted by Trask Don't bolt the coral!
  4. Great read and now I will always bring the shovel!I can't image how screwed you felt when your (cooking) pot was gone.
  5. Please make that picture a red x.Every time I've seen yakers they seem to be hanging around their cars. Eating. Oh, and they seem to live for the Dave Matthews Band.
  6. klar404

    Favorite Authors

    Richard Brautigan Revenge of the Lawn Italio Calvino Cosmicomics Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line Journey to the end of the Night Bruce Chatwin Patagonia Knut Hamsun Hunger Par Lagerkvist Barabbas George Orwell Down and out in Paris and London John Steinbeck East of Eden special note goes out to the best of craigslist....
  7. Is there any chance you got a look at the snow conditions over on Three o'clock? Would love to hear about that....
  8. klar404

    Mt Erie Guidebook

    Hey I'm going up there in the morning and woud love to know if they still have guides at the Erie store. If not I'll just do the usuall zig-zag springboard deal. Of course, I weigh 20 pounds heavier than the last time I did springboard... if the branch is still there after this weekend I'll post some pictures.
  9. Download Flash from Marcomedia/Adobe. Import video to stage. Select all frames. Click the edit multiple frames button. Rotate to hearts content. Nerd out.
  10. That might have been a bail sling that a buddy and I left four years ago. We didn't have a number four with us and the fall onto the slab made us shiver.Nice job! The hike up there isn't that bad in the winter...
  11. Climb: Chaval to Snowking loop-Chaval Snowking Date of Climb: 6/19/2005 Trip Report: I've always wanted to do a loop trip in the Chaval-Snowking area.Had three days and after looking at the forcast on Saturday moning at 4:00 am decided to go for this one. Dumped a bike at Enjar lakes trailhead and drove to the "trailhead" between Illabot and Jug lakes.There are many routes up Chaval but we choose to take the ridge route.It was raining and my buddy "invented" the Hefty Kilt! Hike up through some old growth to the base of Chaval in eight hours. Got up and did the scramble route from snow ramp straight to the summit.Here is a picture I took on the way down. Did the long traverse from Chaval gaining and droping elevation until we got the head of Buck creek.This is where you drop 2000' and then gain it again because the ridge is screwed.Go far right into the basin and don't do it the way we did! The basin is sweet! Animal tracks all over the place and you know you are in the middle of nowhere.Climbed up talus and passed over another ridge into the Illabot drainage. Traversed into the basin below Snowking and decided to camp after walking for 10+ hours Woke up and easily climbed Snowking from the south and then decided to head for home.downclimbed Snowking and then got on glacier and sauntered over to the pass above Enjar lake. The glacier was in great shape and we were able to drop down onto it from higher than normal.Got in some weeds and then got to the lake. I'm sure there is a route but we blew it. Got down to the trailhead at 3:00 pm and rode down two miles to the car. Its a great trip! We saw two people the entire time. Most of the travel is reasonable and the alpine setting is top notch. Its also nice only bringing one vehicle. Would not recomend the trip latter than July because of lack of snow. More pictures in my gallery. Gear Notes: used a rope and ice axe. Brought pickets for Chaval-no need this time of year. a mountain bike
  12. Spanker, I was there last Saturday.It was narnar. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=9982&size=big&sort=1&cat=509 http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/show...=509&page=1
  13. I would love to see someone backpacking for three weeks in the Cascades with a pad straped to their pack.
  14. Josh, are you running photoshop cs? If you are try using the adjustment shadow/highlight. I find it is a little less crude than using the automatic adjustment deally bobs. And remember, you can always use the fade adjustment to dial in what you want. Now that I have proven I am a nerd, here is your photo that I took into ps.Not that I know what the hell I'm doing.
  15. I've haven't talked to anyone who has climbed Red Mt. in the Spada reservoir.Pioneer ridge looks less traveled. Agnes is on my list for this summer if I can get the time off.
  16. That is rich.
  17. Pm me if you can describe the make/model/crag where you lost it. I left a camera on top of Snowking last summer and got it back so this is the ole' wheel of karma spinnin'.....
  18. Klenke, yeah when I said blob I ment another blob. We were goiing to climb frostbite but bailed when we saw the brush. I attached another file with an arrow showing the peak. Nice pics, by the way! If only they would log/ build a trail in that drainage. We thought of setting up a rap statioin off the peak I showed to get acces to the endless granite!
  19. Cool trip report! I've never been up that a way to climb dem mountains! a buddy and I climbed a northern route on the blob noted about ten years ago.Approach from Boulder lake. Three pitch five easy.Cool slabs in the drainage toward Peak 5335(guess on elevation)
  20. On hand sizes have you guys climbed "Introductory Offer" at the Bend? It spanked ever "solid" male 10 leader and then the woman with us cruised it! Check it out next time your at Tieton. And ladies, send the men up first and watch 'em squirm!
  21. Nice job DavidW! I haven't seen it yet.. but am looking forward to getting my hands on it. There will always be new rock to climb there if you can deal with the weeds!
  22. this would be a great queston to ask in the..... COMPUTER HARDWEAR FORUM!
  23. Here am I speaking Cartman " Its all a bunch of tree huggin' hippie crap!" Has anyone else read the story of Manning's debacle on Garfield? I believe it was from the publication "Ascent" 'round 90. But, heh, I'm sure that was a reprint from some other time/publication.
  24. Hey Klenke thanks for reminding me of Goblin! It really isn't that bad to boulder to the summit... Did you find the plastic bag/register? Its been 10 years. If you want a REAL wild round trip go to Quartz lake then cruise around and down to Goblin lake and then out Goblin creek.Watch out for bees and canyons!
  25. Test it! Buy a "pacsafe". Buy 3 or four cases of olde E 800. Install in the alley at 1rst and Cherry. Report back or install a webcam!
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