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Everything posted by klar404

  1. ChucK! hell of a "party" fowl ! You should link to the site that you jacked that picture from! 'Cause itz the shiz! http://tinyurl.com/5gsk
  2. klar404

    A Crazy Link!

  3. If christians can climb 510 what could jesus do?
  4. uh, not to be a biatch jb but cougar, squak and tiger are andesite. Check it G. This picture shows my sorry fat ace climbing some of the narkiest problems in town. Hard to find.Bad landings and a wicked approach.Note my feet are off the ground regardless of what you see!
  5. klar404

    Don't Forget....

    http://www.doebbe.com/domo-kun/index.html a link
  6. klar404

    Don't Forget....

  7. chucK: third pitch of wasteland at cochise stronghold? You went up the chimney?we climbed around from the left.
  8. klar404

    A little quiz

  9. klar404

    A little quiz

    more "crazy people" at a peace rally.....
  10. klar404

    UW Rock

    ...... We need the coach to chime in with the purple tower route............
  11. And another on the overhang that you guys will most likely know. All for feet again no crack!Cut loose at the top!
  12. Here's a problem on the overhang I flail at. All rocks for feet and no crack.Reachy!Anyone know its name? Dcramer I took the liberty of making it black and white and doing the ole' unsharp mask for the web trick.
  13. hey! this is a great idea. I have no idea where you are taking it, though. Would you like others to post routes as well?If you do it might be nice to post the photo without your routes drawn in. I think it would look better, for instance, on the overhang if someone would like to add a route or two ( me or others) without obscuring your great work. Thanks again for the pictures.
  14. Yeah, I think its another tool to use climbing. Another section at index I lieback: the last 10 or so feet on the first part of the first pitch of japanesse gardens.
  15. Agreed about liebacking with you erik, 100%. Scary, hard to place pro, blah blah. But I do use it on ocassion. first 10 feet of toxic shock? B-line in cochise( which I know chucK has climbed) I don't like it, but I do use it sometimes. I DO pity the fool that liebacks the infamous section of godzilla, like I did ther first time 10 years ago!
  16. on battered sanmich: I've climbed it three times and have liebacked/jam a little on the bottom then after the ratty sling go into jam for 10 feet and then chimney the thing. One of my favorite pitches at Index. I was wondering if any of you guys had done rattletale? I lead it three years ago and the guy who followed liebacked THE whole lower section. And then claimed he would do the same on lead! Just wonderin' what you thought.
  17. klar404

    Mystery Photo

    hey mattp, is that the n face of castle? the veg looks wrong.... i dunno.
  18. there is other stuff at rattlesnake. You gotta sniff it out. Here is a picture of the "rock" in the lake http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=98&papass=&sort=1&thecat=503 and this is a shot of a buddy an I sniffing out some real gems! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/1289sweetwashington_-med.jpg bring your brush,bow saw and maybe some lighter fluid.
  19. Not to be a biatch, but Bibler has gone down hill, no? They have been bought out by blax diamond. Quality is SURE to go down. I got freaked out this weekend when I found out Moonstone got bought by London Fog!?!? I'm waiting for a gortex trench coat with a walking stick loop sewn into the side!
  20. sweet! I can spam your site with bad wig pictures!(going out to chucK, heh) I have one small quiblle, though. I uploaded some bouldering shots into the main climbing area by accident. When I go to change their location is gives me the " you ain't got no permission" speech. Is there anyway you guys can change that so we can move the pictures if we f up? It would save you guys from doing it. Thanks!
  21. so I was in the area and stoped in.Got some sweet pants for 20 bucks! The store actually closes on the 29th of this month. Some good deals to be had. I also learned that Moonstone is now owned by London Fog! This was on the tag for my pants: bwahahahahahaha!
  22. I gotta agree with bumbly gumby 'bout selection. Lost arrows and knifeblades have saved my bacon a few times. There is a lot of bacon! There is a good place to bang in pins far left of the climbing area at exit 38. We actually climbed some ice there 'bout 5 years ago and used knife blades for pro. WAY left of the climbing area though.
  23. POCKY!
  24. klar404

    The Dubya

    Hands down, that is the most priceless picture I've seen of the Dubya, Matt P!!! This is my lame yet still kinda funny response:
  25. klar404

    Mt. Persis

    I do have knowledge of everythig. Dammit!Thats crazy that that washout got fixed!!!And,shit, how? How is it gonna stand the winter?
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