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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Great time Geoff. Thanks for sticking around! Your equestrian pants need some coat hangers though.
  2. Trip: Tumwater Alpine - Recurve Dihedral Date: 10/10/2009 Trip Report: Geoff Cecil and I climbed the Recurve Dihedral today. Nursing a sick hangover from an excessive Oktoberfest, I was over an hour late meeting a very patient Geoff. We scrapped plans to climb snow creek wall, and spontaneously decided to jump on the Recurve. The approach is very nice up a dry creekbed, on mostly solid rock. The climbing is what you would expect: Dirt, loose blocks, some gardening, and some fun moves here and there. We climbed it in 7 pitches, and descended by downclimbing and rapping a ridge trending northeast from the top. The temps were damn cold, but we had a great time, climbing a formation that many climbers gawk at from road. The Recurve River crossing, trying not to step on massive spawning salmon. Approaching the Recurve The climbing: Lots 'o moss The top of the Recurve How many of you can say you can do this while choking a smoke? Geoff channeling his Ron Kauk The Descent gully Deproach Parting Shot, Colchuck Lake
  3. This one's getting framed and going up in my cubicle! Porter may want a copy too.
  4. Yes, please, use someone else's rope....
  5. Bump! Offer still pout there! And the weather is lookimg pretty stellar for this weekend!
  6. Gorgeous day in the hills Saturday! Porter was spraying so much about Asgard, I had to hit it.
  7. I had a great time Friday night! Thanks Porter for taking the time to set this up, schmoozing the hosts, making prurient comparisons of people's brats.
  8. climbed Serpentine Arete Saturday, and walked around Witche's Tit, a scrambled class 3 rock down (North) to the trail, safely back to Asgard Pass. I started down about the same time two guys were setting up their first rap, and I was back at the pass as they were still picking their way down. You don't need to go all the way to L. Annapurna at all. In fact, not even close to it.
  9. Trundling on one of Washington's busiest crags ia bad idea at any time.
  10. Hah! Naw, just an averag day's climbing for a below average climbe like me!
  11. Still looking to do three routes on sno creek wall this saturday, weather permitting! Outer Space, Iconoclast and MJD. So if this sounds like a good day to you, PM me, text or call: 509-699-9810, carrier pigeon, smoke signal, telegraph. However you want to arrange it! Thanks, John
  12. I assume you're going to climb one of the rock routes. To avoid the hard snow/ice on the backside of Dragontail, you can hike due east around the backside of the Witch's Tower formations, then scramble easily down (north) to the main Enchantments trail back to Asgaard Pass.
  13. Looking for a team to let me tag along for the first two pitches of the lower ridge of Stuart. After that I will be out of your hair! Shoot me a PM if you can, or call: 509-699-9810. Thanks! John
  14. Dude I'm no badass. I'm a solid 5.9 climber! Being a solid 5.9 free-soloist in the alpine (while enchaining big, committing peaks) is NOT the same as being a solid 5.9 climber. Admit it: You are a bad-ass, whether you like it or not! I'm a hack. I shake and rattle my way up most 5.10's.
  15. Dude I'm no badass. I'm a solid 5.9 climber! I agree with Pete. I don't know you but I read your TRs and you've apparently come a long way from this.... Aiding CBR Soloing OS is one thing, soloing it after a full-on beat-down day like that....ANOTHER! My hats off to you but fess up, where's the motivation coming from!? Thanks! I'm not quite sure what motivates me. Never really looked into it. It's enough for me to just get out and do it on routes well within my ability and are fun.
  16. Yeah, that orange alien on the Remorse start on Snow Creek Wall is enduring testament to our learning curve.
  17. Thanks. Yeah, I'll pay for it on Monday morning when I have a ton of calls to return.
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