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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Nice Dan!! Will and I had much softer snow on pur descent. That opening slope gets your attention quickly!
  2. It's only a first descent if he posts a turn by turn narrative complete with photos, on at least three different forums, minimum!
  3. Photo from Chmnyboy of us coming down the north face. It adds a little scale to the scene.
  4. South in Leavenworth. Without rival. You'll never go back to Gustav's.
  5. Doug, that sucks! But no worries. The Reid Headwall will always be there for ya! Did you find any goods up there Sunday?
  6. I am a bit bummed about missing the 2nd couloir but not bummed about the 4 raps to get through it!
  7. Dude! It was great skiing TC's with you. I was definitely in elite company. Thanks for posting the pics and clip!
  8. I'm too wussy to drop in blind, especially on a route like TC's. Just seems more committing. I don't know if it takes bigger cajones to drop a route like that blind. I just think being able to climb a classic and then ski one makes for one great day in the mountains. And besides, I call "bullshit". You dropped in blind on Colchuck and that's got some commitment to it :-) Oh yeah, forgot about that one...
  9. Thanks! The Stuart range sure holds a lot of fun for such a compact area.
  10. I'm too wussy to drop in blind, especially on a route like TC's. Just seems more committing.
  11. Holy crap, nice res on your camera! That's too funny. Thanks for busting trail!
  12. Kyle was our mixed climbing rope gun! He will lead sketchy, runout mixed pitches, but finds steep skiing insane. Weird.
  13. Thanks! Yes, walking was definitely faster and saner yesterday. We were extra cautious and in no hurry to set a speed descent of TC's. Sure, email them to me: touring29@gmail.com
  14. Trip: Dragontail Peak TC Ski - Triple Couloirs: Option #3 Date: 3/21/2010 Trip Report: I've had my eye on the N. Face of Dragontail all season as it relates to Triple Couloirs. Not wanting to commit to the three 60m raps down the un-ice runnels between the 2nd and Hidden couloirs, I discovered the following option for the ascent and descent. The north face of Dragontail, a decent looking, steep snowfield capped with a short rock headwall. Unfortunately, on Saturday Kyle Flick, Will Terrano and I weren't the only ones with TC on our agenda. By 8:00am, we joined the conga line up the Hidden Couloir, having been bested by no fewer than 8 other climbers. But whatever, it's not like waiting in line on Outer Space. We passed when we needed to, and everyone was cordial and having a great time. Besides, it was nice to draft for once this season. We climbed to the top of the Hidden Couloir, and broke out onto the North Face. At the headwall, Kyle had to sack up and earn his keep by leading the small rock headwall, a 20 meter pitch protected by one in-situ piton in the first 10'. After that, it was insecure mixed of snow over slab. Kyle was able to get solid sticks in the duff (great lead Kyle!), and the party below us (Geoff Georges and Jeessica Todd) told us later they were able to get a solid ice-screw in the turf. With this out of the way, we sprinted to the top, surprised to find ourselves on the summit after 4 hours, 20 minutes of work. This variation was fast. Kyle turned and beat it down the backside, as Will and I discussed our strategy for the descent. At this time, Dan Helmstadtler popped up on the summit with intentions to ski TC's as well. He was approaching it Teleross style, by hiking up the backside, and planned to do the raps. Will and I convinced him to join us for the Option #3 variation, replacing the three raps with one short one. He was in. We waited around at the top of the TC's for the another two hours for the other three parties to top out, so as not to bombard them with our slough. Incredibly enough, there were yet another two climber/skiers intending to ski the TC's too, but later bailed down the backside. The 3rd couloir was incredible skiing, with the powder compact but soft, and the pitch steep but not extremely so. It inspired confidence all the way down to our North Face topout. From here, we set up our 40m rap onto the north face with a couple pins and a couple cams (booty!). They were my "bail cams" anyway, so no big deal. If you're a dirtbag and need the gear, it's there for ya! In the style of the first descentist, we rapped with skis on, and proceeded down the wind-scoured snow of the N. Face to the top of the Hidden Couloir. The Hidden starts off steep and remains so, all the way to the exit. We all made tentative turns as it was quite icy from the get-go. There is one section that constricts to the length of my skis, and a self-beloay with axe was handy to sideslip this short, steep section of snow over rock. From there, it was more steepness over hardpacked crud. However, we were able to find small pockets of softer stuff. A few hop turns and we were below the entrance cliff to TC's. I finally got this ski off my chest, having thought about it all season. It was strange to see others with the same intent on the same day, conincidentally. Kyle Flick at the entrance. Will at the top of the hidden couloir. Will working his way up the North Face. Kyle leading the short mixed section, looking for that turf! Will at the top of the N. Face. Summit scramble. Climbers 1 & 2 descending. Dan descending the 3rd Couloir. Dan rapping onto the N. Face. Will's turn. Dan tearing up the N. Face. Dan getting ready to drop into the Hidden. Will descending the variable snow of the Hidden. Exiting the stress...
  15. Faded Levis denim jacket with a Copenhagen ring burned into the left 'breastal' pocket, I would have claimed it immediately.
  16. Anyone wanna jump on some polished granite at Castle Rock tomorrow? And for that matter, every Monday and Wednesday? I coild get there by 5:30pm. Anyone? Sol? Jens? Care to slum it with a gumbie?
  17. I called the Leavenworth Ranger Station and asked. They said no decision has been made yet. All bets are off though if they return I'm sure.
  18. If it's yours, describe it and I'll send it back to ya!
  19. If you get to Leavenworth on Wednesday, I can meet you at CR after work. Still plenty of daylight to get in some quality pitches.
  20. Don't know where you got your mis-information about closure of SCW in April, since there has not been any decision made as yet.
  21. There are only a few bare patches within the first mile of the still-gated roadhead (no pun intended). After that, there's consistent snow all the way to the TH. Even more than last year I'd say. It's a ways from melting off.STFUAHikeYourFourMiles.
  22. From the Beckey description I'm pretty sure it's Spineless Prow.
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