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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Yes it was nice to see the sun finally. I'm so done with this monotonous grey over Wenatchee....
  2. Thanks! Heard you had a good run on the glacier Sunday.
  3. The cliff band was easily avoided on cilmber's left of it.
  4. Trip: Icicle Canyon: Cannon Mtn. - West Face Date: 2/6/2010 Trip Report: I took a photo of the W. Face of Cannon Mountain on a Cashmere tour last spring, and have been intrigued and impatient ever since. On the topo it represents about 5,000' of descent, down a cool looking headwall and open slopes for a couple thousand after that. I met Kyle Flick, Scott McCallister and Will Terrano at Bridge Creek C.G. at 5am, my official start time this year. About .6 miles up the Stuart Lake trail we did what my GPS told me and headed up Southeast to a bench at 5,000'. From there it was an obvious track up the avalanche chute, and headwall. There was a bit of wallowing, but overall the kickstepping up the face was good. We hit the summit by 1:45pm, high above the cloud layer. Will and I were pleasantly surprised to be blasted by gusty, since winter finally felt like winter for once this year. The skiing on the West Face was good in spots, chalky powder in others. Below the headwall, the chute turned into gliding, effortless powder that seemed to go on and on. We endured the last 800' of suckage to get to the trail, and for once, we were actually close to 8 Mile Road. Great tour on an amazing mountain. Cannon Mtn. has every aspect worthy of skiing. West Face of Cannon Mtn. Low Down Upper Part Coney Lake Basin Summit Ridge Cannon Scott, summit of Cannon Finally looking like winter Will shredding the W. Face Scott lower down
  5. Josh, I think with the new snow due tonight and tomorrow, the conditions should be decent. But down low it was still pretty bony.
  6. Trip: Mt. Cashmere Ski-around - Date: 1/9/2010 Trip Report: How about a little breather from the banner ice season to honor a little ski touring, eh? Mt. Cashmere style. Not a bad day out there. Long day but well worth it. I reached across the isle this time, and toured with a split-boarder. I'm an equal opportunity ski tourer. In short, we started up 8 Mile Rd., 8 Mile Trail, South Slopes of Cashmere, and descended Dr. Creek to Icicle Rd., then kick 'n glide back to the car. I tried to get quality shots of frozen Colchuck Lk., but was too distracted... But enough talking...Let's just look at der fotos, shall we? 5 Mile's own Alecapone. Tough as nails. The first split-boarder from Detroit. Below Cashmere's true summit. I love Grindstone Mtn! Long Rd. Out
  7. If one spent 5 minutes poking around the east banks, one would find that it's all ready set up for a tyrolean...
  8. Definitely no parking there anymore... Looking back at Arrowhead and Jim Hill from Rock Mtn a couple weekends ago, there looks to be a cool ridge traverse between the two peaks, if you're into that sort of thing.
  9. Thursday morning: 45-5500 5-6000 7-8000 Thursday afternoon and night: 2-3000 3-4000 4-6000 Friday: 1-3000 2-3000 2-3000 Saturday: 2-3000 2-3000 2-3000 If you do get up there, post some photos of the lake.
  10. Looking at the elevated freezing levels and the lack of precip over here, I would say there may be some gnarly crust skiing for this weekend.
  11. Noble effort Dane. I would be happy to donate gear, but the majority of it has been bootied at the base of Castle Rock or SCW. Come to think of it, most of the gear I'm using is bootied...
  12. Nice job guys. With Pete's custom made man-pris, how could they not send?
  13. Forecast is looking good. Snow Creek Wall if dry? General cragging? 8 Mile Buttress? Some fun stuff up there... Give me a PM, call (509-699-9810)! John
  14. Flail? Flail is funny but not appropriate for free solo artists His last name starts with B. For God sakes it's Dave fucking Bale.
  15. I've climbed Tarkus. Is that a totally different climb or does it share the last pitch?
  16. Well that would explain why it's starting to feel a bit greasy these days!
  17. Great TR Matt! It's so funny how Classic Crack figures in so prominently in a lot of people's climbing experience. I have scar tissue on the back of my hands still from trying to jam that crack into submission as a noob 8 years ago.
  18. Thanks Matt! I'm noit sure why the colors are so brilliant this year.
  19. Sorry! I didn't downsize that second photo enough. Annoying, I know...
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