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Everything posted by lI1|1!

  1. lI1|1!

    Ethical Question?

    this thread is irrefutable proof that cc.com is inhabited by some pretty fucked up people. i hope you're happy with yourselves.
  2. lI1|1!


    sounds like your advisor is going to be in some hot water
  3. takes too long
  4. let the guide you
  5. lI1|1!


  6. lI1|1!

    to the christians

    boy, people sure do spray a lot about religion. spray = religion ? religion = spray ? perhaps the internets will provide mankind with the metaphors it needs to understand some of our more illogical behaviors.
  7. lI1|1!

    to the christians

    Is God so great that He can create a birth control method that even his own Gametes* cannot circumvent? * notice i didn't say "sperm" because God might be a woman
  8. i got a couple chocolate kisses (dark) from a metro bus driver. seattle rocks.
  9. lI1|1!


    if black people are allowed to use the n-word, how come jane fonda can't use the c-word?
  10. a flute with no holes is no flute. a doughnut with no holes is a danish.
  11. 6 12 6
  12. sez: I WILL FIND YOU
  13. lI1|1!

    to the christians

    Who died and appointed you king? i think that was just a friendly "please disregard this idiot and don't assume his positions have anything to do with my own" kind of thing.
  14. lI1|1!


    so hawny, luv you long time.
  15. the s of summer
  16. lI1|1!

    to the christians

    this is a flash thought i had this morning (i'm slow). it's so obvious i'm sure someone else has said it before but i thought i should post it here so we can have our own flame war if necessary. to the christians: you know how you think it's crazy muslims deny women rights by making them wear veils, not letting them drive, and in general treating them like second class citizens? that's how i feel about your attempts to make abortion illegal. you know how you think it's crazy muslims punish the victims of rape or punish women who sit in the company of men they are not related to? that's how i feel about your opposition to gay marriage. you know how you think it's crazy muslims wage a holy war against all infidels and think isreal should be wiped off the map? that's how i feel about your attempts to teach intelligent design or creationism in schools. you know how you think there are probably a lot of muslims who just see islam as a source of personal inspiration and don't advocate violence or terrorism? that's how i feel about christians who don't feel the need to impose their beliefs on others. thanks and have a great day.
  17. lI1|1!


  19. ^^^ i heard dutch people like to call these guys LBJ monkeys ^^^
  20. lI1|1!


    multiple s
  21. mr goes to washington
  22. supporting obama from mongolia i totally clicked the link thinking about him and there he is. whoa.
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