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Everything posted by chelle

  1. chelle

    Exchange Rate

    Just saw the exchange rate of Thai Bhat to the $ is 41.5 I think it was only 29 last year when I was there. I so wanna get on a plane but can't.
  2. chelle


    May cross your mind but you don't have to act on it. It's called integrity. I would hate to be limited to just climbing with women once I find Mr. Right. Would seriously limit my choice of CLIMBING partners.
  3. chelle


    The whole marriage issue is kinda complex to try to explain via a bulletin board. But here are my two cents on the issue. Success and failure and willingness to work it out and endure the rough spots is so reliant on the individuals involved. Their values and their own experiences and role models. Climbing like any strong passion will probably create some conflict in the relationship, particularly if the two people don't share the passion similarly. It's how conflict is dealt with that matters, not what the source of it is. Like Minx, I was young and dumb. I was arrogant and didn't believe the people who told me I didn't know myself well enough to commit to being with someone for the rest of my life. When it started to go south, I think I wanted to prove them wrong and made compromises I now regret to try to make it work. That just delayed the inevitable for several more years. It still didn't work, but I learned a lot and hope to not make the same mistakes again. Like Erik, I think marriage is great (although I'm not sure he was being serious) when it does work. When I have seen marriage work it is because both people had trust and respect for eachother, and for the relationship they share. They recognize that they were each individuals with their own hopes, dreams and desires. But they also recognize that they had a big stake in their chosen joint life. That there was a responsibility to make sure they were individually happy (need to be selfish sometimes) and to also do their best to contribute to the other person's life in a way that could make that person happy (need to be generous and compassionate - and let their partner be selfish sometimes). This covers both the day-to-day stuff and the big picture stuff. Climbers are dirtbags, but people who love other hobbies/lifestyles/sports can also be just as selfish, so don't write someone off because they climb. Most of the guys I know are pretty independent and haven't felt the need to make finding a companion a priority. There seems to be a complete lack of trust that anyone will "let" them be themselves and they'll have to give up too much for such little reward. Hell, I feel that way sometimes too, but try to keep the cynicism at bay. There are more rewards to relationships than regular sex without condoms. Sex is the easy part, relationships are hard. But I guess you have to be in a good one to understand the rewards for the effort.
  4. chelle

    Bad Accident

    Wow! What a story. Thanks for the link Darrin. MisterE and Whirlwind - you guys did the right thing not to put yourselves in danger by helping out without the right training. Keep talking about it if you need to and take care, traumas like this can be distracting and the souce of accidents themselves. I'm always a little dumbstruck that it takes something like these two stories to wake us up to how fragile life is and to remember not to take it for granted. I was just talking to a good friend the other day about whether it seemed like people still felt that way after 9/11 when the whole nation seemed to be focused on the importance of living everyday. Sadly we think no. Self absorption, the need to compete and run the rat race seems to be back in full force. I don't have any answers and I sometimes take people and my life for granted, and I sometimes feel foolish when I make sure to let the people I care about know how I feel. But that's dumb because I don't know what the future will bring and there are NO guarantees. Be careful out there folks and don't be afraid to let the people you care about know they are appreciated. Just my $0.02.
  5. Spent an awesome weekend climbing in Squamish and didn't worry about my stuff getting stolen because I stored it in the space at Vahalla Pure. Thanks a million Murray! You Also, spent Sunday night sleeping at the leisure center campground out on Logger's Lane. A police patrol drove through and there is a new sign that prohibits minors without a parent or guardian. The city has taken action.
  6. Soct-teryx - Tell your friend to call to activate his COBRA coverage immediately! He has up to 60 days from the time he was laid off to decide to take it and it is retroactive. So the accident will be covered as long as he starts his coverage. Even though COBRA is kinda expensive it will probably be a lot cheaper to pay the premiums for 6 months than to figure out how to pay for the hospital and surgeon bills. Hope it all works out for him.
  7. Documented? Did your friend have a spreadsheet and a chart or something? Weird.
  8. And only 50% of the adults actually envenomate. I guess they realize they can't eat you. Watch out for the young ones though...they have no control.
  9. chelle


    Okay Dan. Now we've got two intersections...central CA and the slugs. When were you there?
  10. check your pms.
  11. bchaps - you may be able to pick up a ledge in the valley cheap, but there is also a service that rents them for about $40/day I think. If you want to buy a used ledge, I got a great deal on a ledge & fly in excellent condition at the Wilderness Exchange in Berkeley. An A-5 double with fly for under $500. It could be worthwhile to call them to see if they have anything in the shop (they're a 2nd Ascent type store) and go by there if they do.
  12. TLG - I have 3 guidebooks to the area (although a couple are from 1995 so won't have all the routes). If there's a way to get one to you let me know. There are some great classics to climb. Traveler's Buttress, The Line, Bear's Reach, Haystack Crack, Psychadelic Tree...there are so many good lines there. There is free camping about 1/4 mile from the cliff. Go to the "town" of Strawberry on hwy 50. Take the road on the east side of the Strawberry lodge to the end. Park in a spot and walk around to see what campsites are available. All sites are walk-in, have a picnic table, BBQ, and a flat spot for your tent. And it is free! Erik's right about the scene. Just some locals and tourists at the bar in the lodge. But ask for a guy named Petch. He bartends there. He's a friend of a friend and has been a local for years. He can probably hook you up with route info and maybe partners.
  13. You should come out drinking tonight then Jon. And please bring your article. I need something to read now that school's out.
  14. Cool! This is what I was doing on sunday. Crossed my wrists and it actually worked to let me get that knee jam higher. But I guess I could've just lyebacked that crack and used Dru's favorite technique of no technique.
  15. ahh! Just some jargon to keep us confused. Bummer I wanted some other way to get up that stuff. Guess I'll just keep thrutching and grunting.
  16. chelle

    get paid...

    Just thinking ahead for when my time on the dole runs out...
  17. chelle

    786-JOE WA

    Erik has a right to be pissed off. People drive like shit. They think it is their right to drive as fast as they want and that everyone is in their way. Pathetic self absored viewpoint if you ask me. Last night I slowed my speed on I-5 heading into Everett when it goes from 70 to 60 mph. A semi, 2 SUVs and a f'ing BMW driver all sped by me and a few seconds later we all hit some produce that was spilled on the freeway. Everyone hit their brakes, the semi swerved and thankfully regained control. If I hadn't slowed down he would've swerved right into me. I was really pissed that they were all is such a hurry. Thankfully all we have is a buch of tomato bits all over our vehicles...
  18. I assume you're refering to the sportos...
  19. Yeah! What is this world coming to? But then given the spelling I thought it might be something legit I could take back to the wide crack I love so much. Did my first stacked hands yesterday and that shit worked great. Just looking for more tools to put in the kit. No worries Iain.
  20. Dr. Flash -Can you expand on this technique? Wouldn't want to miss out on something useful...
  21. I bet they were thinking the same thing.
  22. Once you step around the corner there's a nice ledge to traverse over to the ridge. You can't see it from the notch. Better luck next time.
  23. chelle

    get paid...

    Link doens't work...
  24. chelle

    aaawwwww shit!

    You can probably get a belay from someone in the climbing department.
  25. chelle


    She actually sings this with the accompaniment of a small banjo; it's sorta scary. Greg- you're violating that old rule that says, "what happens in the mountains stays in the mountains." The ukelele is only brought out on special occasions. Can't trust you with anything can I?
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