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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs


    Not true..I have a set of nuts and a probe.
  2. allthumbs


  3. allthumbs


    eat me, cunt licker
  4. allthumbs


    sure, I need a new grease rag for changing the oil in my car
  5. allthumbs


    Fuck you, woman...who cares about your inconsequential resume?
  6. allthumbs


  7. allthumbs


    two words - lesbian chatline
  8. Great post, scrambler
  9. Well, that's up to the mods to decide what goes where. I'm striving to keep my shit in spray (fucked up with the possum thread though...got in the climbers forum by accident).
  10. Dwayner should absolutely be allowed to post here. But, much like me, if he's spewing bullshit spray, it should be in spray. He's no elite fucker...just another voice. Oh, and cracked is so "out there" that no one pays him any heed anymore. He's like a pile of dogshit you step in...can't wait to get a hose to clean it off.
  11. allthumbs

    life ...

  12. In these trying and less than secure times, exactly how do we evaluate the threat level of a given location? Obviously, it is fairly easy to identify potential “high threat” areas. Baghdad, right now, would certainly qualify. A family farm on the frontier in South Africa certainly meets the criteria, just as a typical inner-city slum in a big US city would. This part is easy. The confusion comes in identifying these supposedly safe, secure “low threat” environments. For instance, you may be reading this in your home, assuming you are completely secure, in a classic “low threat environment”. At that very moment, however, three masked, armed intruders are gathering at your front door, preparing to kick it in and conduct a home invasion. Likely? No. The point is, if it were happening you would not know until the actual moment the attack begins. Thus, the actual reality of the moment and your perception of the moment are drastically different. I suggest this happens more often than you realize. As you go through your daily routine, you are at times in close proximity to those who would cheerfully do you or your loved ones harm, the circumstances just did not, for whatever reason, result in violence, that time. My suggestion, then, is that when we are not in a “high threat environment”, we consider ourselves to be in an “unknown threat environment”, rather than in a “low threat environment”. The resulting shift in mindset will go a long way toward helping you detect, avoid, deter, or win any potential confrontation. Assuming one is in a “low threat” area leads to the relaxation, lack of alertness, and hesitation that often leads to injury or death. Instead, admit that you don’t know what the exact threat level is most of the time, and remain alert, outwardly focused, adequately armed, and so forth. The best example of the “low threat” mindset is that of leaving your primary sidearm at home and dropping a .25 or .32 in your pocket, because you’re going to a “low threat” area. Before you do that, consider these little truths: 1. If you get engaged in a confrontation at all, you will be 100% engaged, not 50%, or 60%, but all the way. 2. Your adversary (or adversaries) will not be any easier to hit, or to incapacitate in a “low threat” location than in any other. 3. If you get killed in a “low threat” area, you will be 100% dead. Understand that violent crime is not location specific. Career criminals, gang members, drunks, the mentally ill—all have complete mobility in modern society. If you can be there, so can they. Watch your six!
  13. AWESOME!!! Got any pictures?
  14. Indeed , disasters are so cool when it's the other guy.
  15. I'm sensing a lot of whiners here. I hope they make it harder yet to cross the Canadian and Mexican borders. It's too fucking easy now and times have changed.
  16. allthumbs


    "Ha! Again I laugh at you, drunkard climber man. Besides you know there is no beer left, only goat piss."
  17. NFL moves Monday night game San Diego City officials have determined, under the circumstances (fires), that Qualcomm Stadium will not be available for the October 27, 2003 Monday Night Football game between the Chargers and the Miami Dolphins.
  18. Mark Steyn, in his usual inimitable fashion, has written a column directed to exposing some of the duplicity from the Saudis. His examples are many and chilling. They include suspicious access by a SA Cabinet minister to the 9/11 perps the night of 9/10, SA funded Wahhabi mullahs training or selecting our Islamic chaplains, SA funded Wahhabi mosques next door to you, SA funded ex-ambassadors and State department flunkies such as Joseph C. Wilson IV (the NYT forgot to tell us this fact), and much more. http://www.suntimes.com/output/stey...dt-steyn19.html It has been my observation here that more than a few of W's vehement critics cry that we have attacked the wrong Arabs and insist that SA is the right one. Let's say for the purpose of discussion that W is not so stupid or corrupt as to let this slide, and part of his strategy is as I postulated before, to move our base of operations next door, secure an alternate world oil supply, and then move on SA when that oil supply is secured. If that is the strategy, then what should we do when the Iraqi oil is loosed on the world? Should we merely apply pressure on the Wahhabi rulers of SA to change their ways? Should we militarily attack them, the seat of Moslem traditions, and take over the country? Should we seek to depose the Saud family and replace it with other indigenous rulers? I would suggest that the last example is a non-starter as the replacements would all be Wahhabi, and probably more militant than their predecessors. The first is a poor choice as the Saud family has already shown its stripe, and to leave them in charge still leaves the Wahhabi true believer problem intact. Therefore, by process of elimination we are left with invasion and forcible imposition of new standards in control with the certain risk of Moslem mayhem. Of course, another choice is to do nothing with the hope they will change on their own or go away. Fat chance. Any other suggestions?
  19. Most of the "facts" purported here on the subject "Mother" Teresa have received minuscule or no coverage from the press over the decades of laudatory reports. Is this how the press shapes our minds - more with omission than with commission? I wonder how "shaped" I am - probably completely. She was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan. Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? The primitive hospice in Calcutta was as run down when she died as it always had been—she preferred California clinics when she got sick herself—and her order always refused to publish any audit... ...Many more people are poor and sick because of the life of MT: Even more will be poor and sick if her example is followed. She was a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud, and a church that officially protects those who violate the innocent has given us another clear sign of where it truly stands on moral and ethical questions. http://slate.msn.com/id/2090083/#Her
  20. Classic
  21. Erik, I thought you were outta here for six days or so. Wazzup? When's my damn lawn gonna quit growing?
  22. allthumbs

    life ...

    I lied.
  23. allthumbs

    life ...

    Even I can't complain.
  24. Heading to the gun range this morning. Running 300 rounds through my Gold Combat to keep my edge. Sorry E-Cock, I don't do fags, but if you want to check out my cock while you spank the monkey just look at Johnny Wad's...we're like twins.
  25. was being a pest for weeks and eating the neighbor's cat food. neighbor managed to wing it 2 nites ago with a .22 and when I got home from doin some shit last nite i saw the fucker slinking outta the garage and i pulled my .45 and wasted the varmint neat and clean. last time it was a racoon in his cat food. his wife always says to call trask for pest control. she's got nice tits too. have a nice wkend.
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