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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I'm don't give a shit anymore j_b, and I'm done baggin on ya. Do what the fuck ya want with my blessing. You're an outstanding citizen. trask happy now erik you cockbiter?
  2. nice one j_b tool, another waste of bandwidth that nobody will read. can't you say what's on your little pea brain in a couple of sentences like everyone else?
  3. lighten up been downloading porn most of the morning 10 sec. beastiality clips damn!!!
  4. Preasure washer, with extended nosel?
  5. allthumbs

    are they real?

    Q: how do you have fun with 5# fat? A: put a nipple on it
  6. via PM please, and no crackpot shit or I'll hunt ya down and gut ya like a fish.
  7. allthumbs

    today I...

    I'm still waiting to shoot myself in the ass with my cocked and locked .45 while inside-the-waistband holstering.
  8. My friend that runs a cell tower operation is looking for tower builders/climbers. Here's what she emailed me: We just got a bunch of jobs in CA..know any tower climbers? We need about 20 people by Monday. If any of you are somewhat qualified and interested, PM me (trask) right away.
  9. My friend that runs a cell tower operation is looking for tower builders/climbers. Here's what she emailed me: We just got a bunch of jobs in CA..know any tower climbers? We need about 20 people by Monday. If any of you are somewhat qualified and interested, PM me (trask) right away.
  10. allthumbs

    are they real?

    nice boobs are cool saggy goat bags aren't but then getting up 8 times at nite to pee ain't a picnic either hardehardehar
  11. hoser's need to mind their own fucking business wimmin generally need to put a cork in it that's all for now
  12. she'll need to pluck her nipple hairs first
  13. A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt and legs that won't quit came to his table and asked if he was ready to order, "What would you like, sir?" He looks at the menu and then scans her beautiful frame top to bottom, then answers, "A quickie." The waitress turns and walks away in disgust. After she regains her composure she returns and asks again, "What would you like, sir?" Again the man thoroughly checks her out and again answers, "A quickie, please." This time her anger takes over, she reaches over and slaps him across the face with a resounding "SMACK!" and storms away. A man sitting at the next table leans over and whispers, "Um, I think it's pronounced 'quiche'."
  14. and here's catturd's balls ----> ..
  15. You're a moron. Some of us buy expensive shit because it makes us feel good, or we like the performance, or the rush, or any number of reasons. Don't drop that 'penis size' shit on me, sista...go buy some more patchouli oil.
  16. There you have it H2=Mom's soccer rig (make it yellow) bwahahaha
  17. allthumbs


    no way, Matt will fuck the goats and use the retainer for his own overbite
  18. No erik, but the difference between the two is phenominal...starting with 17" ground clearance on the Hummer as compared to 9" with the H2 SUV soccer rig.
  19. allthumbs


    I do. What's it worth to ya?
  20. The H2 is a fucking joke. No self-respecting man would own one. It's the real deal or nada.
  21. I only want to buy it once, therefore I tend to buy the absolute best I can afford. You won't see any Ferrari's in my stable though.
  22. I am ashamed of the Army for what they pulled during this stunt - and I am definitely ashamed of the administration since I am sure there was intense pressure on folks in the military to make this whole story something it is not. I am also ashamed of the way the media and the Army have treated SP4 Johnson - who apparently DID put up a fight - but because she is black and because she is no beauty queen (neither is Lynch in my opinion) - she gets ignored. It also now makes suspect anything the Army puts out, which is what really really pisses me off. So in order to try and make American people feel good about the war - they fabricated some bullshit and thought they would get away with it. Now they are sitting there with their hands in the cookie jar looking surprised - stupid is more the word. And how long will it take to regain the trust of the American people - better yet - how long will it take to regain my trust - a hell of a lot longer than I think it will take the rest of the country to forgive and forget. There are three kinds of people I have no use for - thieves, liars, and people who desert their friends when the chips are down and leave their friends with the load. I now think I know why Lynch was reluctant to meet with the Iraqi who "saved" her. The whole thing was probably a scam set up by the Army and she was embarrassed to be drug out and put on display with this guy.... Well, we now have something that I can relate to that is similar to Viet Nam - the lying. I am disgusted with our government and our military for allowing this kind of thing to happen. We need a few heroes that can display moral courage as well as physical courage - people who can say no and stand their ground without flinching.
  23. Woman sues restaurant over condom in soup A democratic hippie woman is suing a restaurant in California after finding a rolled-up condom in her soup. Laila Sultan was eating clam chowder at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant in Irvine, in February last year. She said after spitting out something rubbery that she'd bitten into, she spent 15 minutes vomiting in a restaurant toilet. The 48-year-old has since seen a psychiatrist and taken medication for depression and anxiety. Sultan and three friends are suing, claiming negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The restaurant sued its clam supplier, but a judge ruled against McCormick & Schmick's. At the forthcoming trial in January, the restaurant chain will argue neither the restaurant nor its staff was the source of the condom. The restaurant's lawyer Patrick Stark told the Los Angeles Times: "Either it came from (the four women) or it was thrown in as a practical joke by another patron at the restaurant." He also said the condom "was clearly unused." Sultan told the newspaper the women have tested negative for HIV.
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