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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I saw Greg the other day too. His story was different. He told me he was devoting his time to home maintenance and church. Said he saw the light or some shit like that.
  2. allthumbs

    i like this guy

    just another crackhead with more money than sense (get the pun?)
  3. allthumbs


    Yo didz morn I be shoostin' up da da da 7 eleben down in my's hood. Yeah and I's also jackeds I kick ass ride and dan burned it! HA HA HA I am also Chinese!
  4. better'n any of the worthless shit you morons have posted in the last week or so appears the angst and ribaldness has left the building. now it's just a few burnt out hippies, some fuckin nerdass engineers and scientists, and a dumb Canuck or two posting to spray. I'm about ready to ditch this place. "oh, oh, let's talk about tea and movies and kiss each other's asses" fuck off pussies
  5. Greg's are pretty small...think they'll keep that long?
  6. I'm cleaning up my act, loser.
  7. some skank tries that on me and I'll shoot her tits off
  8. spray sucks and you goddamn hippies suck too. may a giant snaffle poop on your parade.
  9. The little woman has his balls in storage.
  10. allthumbs

    Odd food?

    figures you'd eat balls
  11. the image was your twat
  12. allthumbs

    Odd food?

    givin up all yur secrets, eh muffin? hehehe
  13. E-cock, you are a devilishly appalling mauvais sujet and a loathsome, mucous-eating excrement stain on a Sumo Wrestler's underpants.
  14. I've tried tea a couple times but it tastes like ass and I figure only the Brits and pussys drink the shit.
  15. ...mostly under the table (slurp) I'd imagine
  16. stifle it distel, you mucus-eatin lobotomized psychiatric out-patient
  17. distel, you're a fugly shitstain do us a favor and don't post your picture
  18. minx, I'm practicing for the Trojan olympics and wondered if you'd like to be my partner for the cock lifting contest?
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