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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    giving thanks

    honky - don't be dissin' my ho's, P&T
  2. "Lets go for the top, we'll get back before it gets dark".
  3. allthumbs

    I say ...

    ... there's only two elite NFL coaches currently active - Parcells & Vermeil. Sure, there are a few great coaches out there, but I'm talking the elite.
  4. allthumbs

    Have a great day!

    j_b you suck you learn it from yo mama?
  5. No reason for that, I know where every crevasse is.
  6. allthumbs

    giving thanks

    cream filled doughnuts
  7. allthumbs

    giving thanks

    GF's long fingernails for back scratch
  8. allthumbs

    giving thanks

    electro pocket pussy
  9. "Was that 'on belay' or 'off belay"?
  10. My only motive for the post was the irony I saw in the 'assault weapon as a hunting arm' correlation. Laughable
  11. I agree with Gary, although the phone has nothing to do with it. I miss the days when you could pop a fucker for the hell of it without threat of a lawsuit.
  12. You know, I'm not a fan of Bush at all. I'd very much like to embrace a new, forward thinking, level headed President ... Dem or Rep makes no difference to me. But until the Dems offer a candidate with a clue, I'll entertain myself with the high jinx of the Dem Party hopefuls.
  13. A new career awaits Democratic presidential candidates: Offering advice to hunters. Tuesday, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean explained his support for extending the assault weapons ban next year because “deer hunters don't need to have assault weapons.” Gen. Wesley Clark says: “I like to hunt. I have grown up with guns all my life, but people who like assault weapons should join the United States Army, we have them.” Sen. John Kerry offered, “I never contemplated hunting deer or anything else with an AK-47.” Bwahahaha
  14. Blow me Catturd, you petty, grudge-festering personification of mental Lilliputianism.
  15. allthumbs

    Too many E's

    I'm bound up tighter n' a bull's ass in flytime .... who's gotta a grenade?
  16. Most of us regulars have and continue to contribute now and then. Only seems fair, considering the copious amount of bullshit the owners put up with.
  17. Most of the women I hire don't carry phones.
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