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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. or in bed
  2. Fuckin A -- I'm a legend in my own mind
  3. I could care less. They kick it for me.
  4. "muffy, gimme all yur lovin, all yur hugs and kisses too....."
  5. SC, sounds like you know alot about poop.
  6. Butthole Surfers rock dude!
  7. Damn straight- and... "gimme some sympathy for the devil, whydoncha"
  8. The Beatles were fags. Their music Lawrence Welkish. Eat balls.
  9. allthumbs


    Sorry dude, I play my skin flute.
  10. I keep getting my Fox Nasty Weather Advisories. More of the same...40-60mph SE winds for tonight and tomorrow. I'm sure glad they found the skiiers.
  11. In this troubled age in which we live, we should note that a cell phone has several times been mistaken for a hand grenade, with lethal consequences. If you must use one of those things, keep it in your pocket until you are in a serene setting!
  12. Sweet
  13. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Don't start that shit again. Dan's a good guy.
  14. It has been said that if you are not a socialist by twenty, you have no heart; and if you are still a socialist at thirty, you have no head. Guru say: If you are not a curmudgeon by eighty, you have not been paying attention.
  15. douche'
  16. Go clean up and I'll explain it to ya.
  17. you gettin' flustered SC? Feel the buzz around your balls? Bwahahaha
  18. Terror is an emotion. Terrorism is a policy. Neither is a target nor an enemy. Let us then nominate something we can shoot at.
  19. I am a sexy beast
  20. why do you ask? are you looking to take advantage of me?
  21. why, you wanna watch?
  22. ah yes, the other double-speak tool
  23. Is that what it is? I though it was a thin turd across your forehead.
  24. Thanks DFA. Now go pluck some of those top of the nose hairs.
  25. Oh, well why didn't he just say so in the first place? Does everything have to be Greek?
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