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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. muffy get 3 stars cause she's cute and talks dirty.
  2. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Any raghead against the U.S. is not my friend. That's it -- the sum total of my concern. footnote: You may recall a recent movie about the siege of Stalingrad which was entitled "Enemy at the Gates." In our present situation we find that the enemy is not at the gates, but rather well within them. These goblins who blew up the skyscrapers were well inside. It is time we went looking for them at their point of origin.
  3. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    oh get a clue j_b, it's a done deal for christ's sake
  4. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    yeah SC, i'm in malpractice insurance, i ain't eatin' macaroni
  5. forgeddaboutit they be chap. 11
  6. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Well guys, we can piss and moan about it till quittin' time, but guess what? It's a done deal...we're gonna kick some raghead ass. Get over it. See y'all at the polls. Bye bye!
  7. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    I think it'll get China's attention.
  8. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Matt, I dont' think the US is concerned so much about a direct attack on our soil from Iraq, but we just can't stand by and let these idiots be in the position to threaten any country wihtin striking distance. They're just too unstable. If you really think about it, the US, Russia, China, India, France, England and others that are allowed (put up with) to have nukes seem to have resonable heads of state. Do you consider Kaddafe, Sadamm, Kim, Castro and fuckers like them stable and reasonable? I don't.
  9. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Chuck, I listened to an interesting idea today on the news. If we can't pressure China to back Korea off from their threat, than the U. S. might threaten to make Japan nuclear. Think about them apples.
  10. 2 is the shiznitz doofus. I just downrated your ass...hahaha
  11. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    dfa, whydoncha suck the farts outta my ass
  12. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Well Matt, I guess by your logic the U.S. should sit back while third world countries around the world "go nuclear". Gee, what fun that'll be in a few years when communist dictators run amuck with nukes. I know I'll feel safer, won't you?
  13. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    that all you got dfa? you can do better than that.
  14. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    what would you know about girls, fag-stick?
  15. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Go play with your turban.
  16. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    SC and DFA are probably rag-head terrorists. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  17. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    dfa,You're just as bad as SC. Why don't you two get together for a corn hole session.
  18. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    You're a goddamn tool SC. It must suck soooo bad to be you. My condolences to your family; assuming you have any.
  19. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    So what else is new. 90% of you outdoor types are leftwingers. Nothing wrong with that. We're all entitled to our opinions regardless of how askew yours may be.
  20. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Yep, a Great White that'll kick your ass.
  21. allthumbs

    The Dubya

    Yep, all three. And more.
  22. Hell, DFA's so anti-drillin' his old lady got a 12 volt battery charger and a high performance dildo for Christmas.
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