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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Climber women

    Why is it that climber chicks wanna be sexy 10's but can't quite figure out the procedure?
  2. I'm drinking a stout and laughing at all of you especially you, SC
  3. Kind of an ugly fucker if you ask me. I guess if I was a chick I could put a bag over his head.
  4. Bout covers it.
  5. Someone has to take the country and world events serious. Go find another song.
  6. Another sound Democratic response to serious events. No wonder thinking men can't take you morons seriously. You fit right in with the Hollywood crowd though.
  7. That's true. Erik, his friend and his other friend Pony.....Keg
  8. nice outfit Darth, it fits
  9. You know we have this same argument weekly. When will you libs. finally let it go and admit you're licked...all over. Bwahahaha
  10. DFA, I wasn't whining about anything. Merely stating the obvious and setting morons straight. Jeez you guys are thick as bricks. Viva la Reps!
  11. Dru, fuck Korea. They're all about threats for economic gain. They may be insane, but they're not stupid. The last thing they want is nukes in Japan, and Bush will put them there if they don't shut their fucking pie holes. And dat's dat!
  12. DFA's answer personifies perfectly the Democrats' answer to Bush. They don't know what to say, so they say shit. Thank you DFA for making my point. Call me when you have a real Party with real ideas, to embrace.
  13. minx, go back and reread my statement. That's what I think Bush is about. And to the retard that bashed the idea of hydrogen powered cars in the future because it may take 16 years, I say, "so fucking what?" Better to take on the R&D now, put the program together and have a economically viable clean car available at the dealerships for All peoples of the world. THEN, we can quit worrying about black gold.
  14. I watched his speech. I also watched senate and congressionl reactions and the partisan snubbing he got from the Democrats. Interesting. Asshole Democraps. I think he understands more now than he ever did that our future and our fate as the wealthiest nation in the world is hinged on helping those who cannot help themselves. I was interested to note his willingness to work on the AIDS virus and other potential viruses in a preventive medicine stance. I also get fed up with the "this is only for oil" crowd. They need to get a frickin life.
  15. I feel the same way about sex.
  16. So it goes.
  17. The specialized magazines get to the point that they've discussed all the gear, all the climbs, all the hero's and heroine's, all the political issues and heated topics. We've all seen the same pictures a zillion times and other than the 'letters to the editor' section, there's not much new to talk or write about. It's called 'saturation', and it's running amuck in the climbing magazine business.
  18. she sux - no thanks
  19. Yeah, I watched the whole show. He DID look like a smug lizard now that you mentioned it. Now ya got me laughing again...knock that shit off.
  20. You telling me what to say, Spunker?
  21. I think America has one now...George Bush Best thing going since Teddy Roosevelt
  22. I disagree, Off. I believe the President spends hours with his speech writers and lays out HIS thoughts. They go to work with that.
  23. I blew coffee when I read this line. I can't stop laughing. I compose myself and then think of a lizard licking it's lips and start rolling all over again. Damn you, Rob
  24. "Tonight I didn't hear phrases, I heard the President's thoughts...and it was good stuff".
  25. Well SC, I may not agree, but at least you called it like you see it.
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