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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Get this Greg, a sniper from Canada has the longest kill of the Afghan war. When I was up in Edmonton last July visiting friends and sampling the suds and other goodies, the CFB there was getting ready to hold a parade welcoming home several hundred of their troops who had been in Afghanistan for a rather long time. My friend's cousins worked on the base and had several base papers telling all about how long they were over there and what they were doing. You would be surprised at how many Canucks are deployed in support of America. Believe it or not Canada has a kick ass military when you get past the boot licking scum in the government. They are really closer & better friends than the brits except for the bootlickers with the crap they spout.
  2. Canada has a history of being there when the bell rings - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien took Canada a step closer to war yesterday, raising the prospect of joining the U.S. and Britain in an attack on Iraq if there is evidence President Saddam Hussein has defied the United Nations. Chrétien's endorsement of George W. Bush's stand came the day after the president telephoned him to talk about the possibility of war in Iraq. Chrétien said the U.S. doesn't need to go back to the Security Council a second time for permission to attack — the resolution adopted in November gives a green light for military action if there is evidence that Iraq has failed to disarm or to reveal all its weapons programs. Yeah Dru
  3. WooHoo! 7 to go, I'm rollin a fatty!
  4. more spray, more spray, more spray
  5. Having one right now Mr. Talksalotashit
  6. Actually I'm stayin online tonight cause I only have 10 posts to hit 7000, then I implode.
  7. Yeah Swab, but look atcha now. One of us regular reprobates.
  8. I see a boatload of you fuckers reading everybody else's shit. Why don't y'all sign up and post. We'll only humiliate ya if ya say something stupid. We need more victims, er, I mean blood around here. Come on! Say somethin!
  9. Nudes Only Greg and I will pose nude after you girls post nude. See, we're willing to participate.
  10. This thread was a cheap ploy to get you gals to play with us.
  11. Fairweather
  12. allthumbs

    Mystery Photo

    Speaking of Whitehorse. Why is it so seldom climbed?
  13. It's allot like Chess. Strategies are devised and sacrafices are made. Checkmate!
  14. If I was down there I'd do just that. Have fun lucky dawg
  15. nice all-or-nothing attitude. why don't you quit your bitchin' and find a way to enjoy what you got. (klenke, just do a search for graemlins and you'll find plenty to put in your cage.) No shit. Go climbing, kayaking, canoing, backpacking, wine tasting, beach walking, whale watching, hang gliding, muff diving. There's all kinds of good shiz to do this winter. Quit whining!
  16. You will post a TR with pics though, right... I'll get some shots for ya, SnoSeal
  17. allthumbs


    Cumin' is one of my favorite activities. Look, I could only hold back these gems for so long. yeah we know Greg. now put a cork in it
  18. allthumbs


    This quote is too target rich, but I'll let it pass... Oops! My bad
  19. allthumbs


    minx is cumin?
  20. allthumbs


    The warden threw a party in the county jail The prisonband was there and they began to wail The joint was jumping and the place began to swing You should have heard those knocked out jailbirds sing Let's rock
  21. allthumbs


    I have my own corner table, if that's what you mean. I'm a benefactor.
  22. allthumbs


    Hungry for some manlove, Charlie?
  23. allthumbs


    So do I
  24. Well, shit, it WAS the end of the month for crissakes
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