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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. bring protection
  2. Off, my ex is/was an alcoholic of the worst kind...totally hit bottom. She's been happily clean and sober for 6 years now, found God and all that shit. But, she tries and tries to give up the smokes and can't.. She says that giving up cigarettes is much harder than giving up booze.
  3. Congratulations I hung em up two years ago and feel great. Hang in there girls!
  4. allthumbs


    Lookin forward to some OK Corral action...think there will be many libs around? I'm runnin low on targets.
  5. allthumbs


    Hey Greg, how many rounds of ammo are you bringing? Think a box will be enuf?
  6. allthumbs


    you show up and I'll guarantee my presence i already took a bath
  7. allthumbs


    you gangstas' should be on Leno
  8. RobBob, go wrestle your Jonson. That's just dumb.
  9. allthumbs


    fuck off krueger
  10. You sound like a geek. Tape holdin up on the glasses okay?
  11. allthumbs


    Somebody post a picture of GregW. I'm meetin him for a beer tomorrow and I don't know what the ugly fucker looks like.
  12. Hold on! My router is starting to smoke!
  13. I'll send my dog over to bite you in the ass. Naw, send Sierra over instead...(check with gappertimmy first though)
  14. fuk, my cover's blown
  15. Hey Cavebutthole...fuck you lick it byotch, you know you wanna
  16. I think you suck for asking.
  17. Here's a poll for ya
  18. Don't worry asseyes, I had you pegged as #1
  19. I'm curious. How many of you hippies threw bricks in Seattle at the WTO convention?
  20. that lady is a tramp
  21. it's called sweet justice SC you fucking pacifists irritate me
  22. nice guys finish last
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