Any of you notice that since we ratcheted up to Terror Alert Level Puce (or Magenta, or Plaid, or whatever the hell it is) the Political Elites in Washington get anti-aircraft missile batteries sprinkled around town and the suburbs, and Combat Air Patrols overhead, evidently on a 24/7 basis.
The Media Elites in New York at least get the CAP, according to the news stories. (Don't remember any mention of Stingers with respect to NYC.)
The rest of us are to be protected from threats with...
Duct tape.
And we have to buy it ourselves.
I'm a little disappointed by this. Of course we can't cover the whole country with in-the-air CAP, or mount enough AA missile launchers for the whole place. It would be nice, though, if more of the expensively-protected politicians would let us have a modest anti-missile defense program, and other such goodies.