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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    Nupe, I am aware of the problem in other sports as well....just not as obvious and out-of-control as basketball. Look, I don't want to argue with you about this shit. I love most sports and played many from peewees on up. I just don't like the big money game. Professional sports on the whole are in the shitter in my opinion. We got nobody to blame but ourselves for supporting and encouraging the fuckers either. And not trying to pull the race card here, but I say, "where all da white boyZ be at?" At least have a 50/50 split of black and white for gawd sakes.
  2. Well GregW tells me his monkey is quite amorous and demands a strong hand. Figured you probably had the same problem with yours.
  3. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    looks like Cavey and Adamson having fun at ropeup
  4. "I wanna, wanna be a calendar gurl"
  5. No, I'm referring to the poor beast you spank on a regular basis.
  6. allthumbs

    CC.Com Book Club

    Portnoy's Complaint, Phillip Roth U.S.A., John Dos Passos
  7. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    I rest my case....I'm not supporting that shit. You do whatever.
  8. oh look Dru! your monkey just hauled ass out the back door.
  9. Hey Dru, this is my weekend with the kids....what's your excuse?
  10. Yeah, whatever. Come on up and polish my knob.
  11. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    Give me a break. Tell ya what, soon as these black basketball players finish 4 years of college, quit beating up their women, take responsibility for their bastard babies and learn how to speak the English language, I'll possibly reconsider my stance on basketball.
  12. Well, you're just another cloven heffer then. You shouldn't have any problem hooking a low-life miserable mush-mellon down there in Anarchyville to kiss your fat ass and jump at your drunken beckon call. Us real men up here won't put up with that shit.
  13. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    basketball is for pussys
  14. allthumbs

    Sweet 16

    Sorry, can't get into basketball. Football and baseball here. Course most of the hippies around here like soccer, 'hokey' and big bricks of cheese.
  15. Catbird, really man, you need a life .... press
  16. Anna, you and I think alike. Hang in there and enjoy yourself, you'll have plenty of time to hook up with some lazy ass slob of a husband who puts you on the back burner. Trust me on this. If you're ever up my way, stop by for a beer.
  17. Screw the Geneva Convention. If Saddam wants to ignore it I say we play hardball and nuke his ass.
  18. Is that we're dancing around trying to fight a politically correct war and spare all of the civilian casualties. Won't continue for long though.... You're absolutely right VB. We stay the course we're on and we're gonna take an ass-whoopin'. Time to go in there and level the damn place and finish off that shitheal Saddam.
  19. Iain, you stool, why would you possibly think I'd be interested in the turd twister? Scat's not my thing man, I'm more into hot chicks and nice boats. Did you confuse me with one of your Portland homies?
  20. allthumbs

    Wailing Wall

    Thanks for the update, Marlin Perkins.
  21. but the question is, would they have you?
  22. Take notes Flash, maybe you'll get the point that men are made for women, not farm animals.
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